
Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

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Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo
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Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo
847 / 2.295

Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo


Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

Parece que hay rumores sobre nuevos inversores interesados en NOVAVAX y que próximamente saldrá la noticia junto con los resultados presumiblemente tan positivos de nuestra vacuna que podrán orientarnos hacia los 200$.  Os adjunto el texto:

Found Novavax connection between COVAX GLOBAL and Novavax and FUJIFILM/Diosynth!!! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ I told you that COVAX was securing manufacturing for its’ vaccine candidates all over the world. I know COVAX funding will be announced soon. 

Mark my words - COVAX set up the manufacturing contract/Relationship between Novavax and FUJIFILM. 

Fujifilm to invest almost $1 billion in Danish biologics plant
by Michael McCoy
Fujifilm will spend about $930 million to expand the biologic drug facility in Hillerød, Denmark, that it acquired last year from Biogen. The Japanese firm says the project will double the plant’s active pharmaceutical ingredient capacity, making it one of the few large-scale biologic operations in the contract manufacturing business. Potential customers for the new capacity include the COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator, an initiative launched by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome, and Mastercard. The accelerator recently reserved future production capacity at the plant.

Otros más positivos cometan su teoría:


I would expect that since PFE today claimed that it is  going to combine Phase 2 and Phase 3 and seek licensing by October (not so coincidentally before voting begins for the election) that NVAX can and will announce the same next week. 

Trump is pushing for this and he seems pretty chummy with Stan lately even traipsing to Fuji on Monday to promote NVAX. 

We all know that NVAX Phase 1 results will blow away the competition. NVAX has already received the funds to do this. 

This coupled with new additional positive news next week about the accelerated time line  licensing of NanoFlu lead me to believe we are looking at as much as a 50% NVAX stock price gain by the end of next week. 

But, alas, unfortunately, I don't know what the hell I am talking about. I predicted this morning that NVAX would close today at between $145-$146 and that prediction was way off. A 50% NVAX increase equates to a price next week of about $225.

Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo



Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

Buenas a todos.
Alguien me puede decir que ha pasado aquí? Compre hace 2 o 3 años antes de resultados como puro casino y la última vez que la mire hace meses tenía perdidas del 95% aproximadamente. Ya la había dado por perdida hace mucho y ahora he visto que prácticamente he recuperado lo que metí, cuando o desde cuándo ha sido el subidón?


Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

Muy facil,,,,,, te lees unos meses atras y arreglaooo.

Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

Novavax ha registrado 47 nombres comerciales que parecen relacionados con su vacuna del Covid19....

Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

Joder, que buena pinta tiene esto. 
Aunque,  me recuerda al pasado, de crack, me da que ahora, sí que nos va a dar un alegrón.
( de momento hasta gano después de perder en su día tela)
Ganas llegue la próxima semana. Suerte a todos . 

Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

Por potencial se sigue insistiendo sobre la combinación de Nano Flu con la vacuna del COVID. Hoy la sesión con poco volumen y que puede darnos guerra durante estos días, pinta muy bien!

When thinking in terms of total potential, there are many, many things NVAX has going for them.

Getting one shot vs 2 or 3 boosters is one aspect for this pandemic and reoccurring virus. If we combine 4 strains of Flu vaccine with Covid then we really have a winner and control a very significant product market share. It may or may not happen short term, I certainly don’t know, but it has been mentioned.

Also considering we have a room temperature stable vaccine so we can essential get the vaccine everywhere, along with a high production capacity , the data is the only thing holding us back. We have been trademarking and getting ourselves in position to meet global needs as best as possibly for short and long term. We have production and connections throughout much of the world. It’s a work of art really at how this smaller company has done so much in so little time. 

We have shown matrix m is a difference maker in making smaller doses to assist in reducing side effects and increasing potency. It can also serve as a sales maker in itself and might prove extremely In the future. 

The bottom line as I see it is as long as our data continues as expected the sky is the limit. We saw how Nanoflu outshined the competition so I do expect us to do the same here. Initially any vaccine can sell somewhat but we want the best vaccine with best flu combo. That’s what will make us the top company.  

Don’t let the price fluctuations daily ever get you down. The market will get us where we need to be, even if that is after we show sales. Put the money you feel comfortable with this risk reward and let it ride until the Market Capital gets where it should be

Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

La combinación es muy complicada. Lo comentó redplate en IV hace un tiempo. Yo no le daría ninguna importancia a ese tema al menos a medio plazo. Otra cosa es si funcionara el RSV, pero sería para dentro de bastantes años.

Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

A ver si sueltan las noticias ya!. De momento con poco movimiento buena subida.. a ver si esta vez a suerte de verdad y recibimos unas muY buenas News .good Luck a todos 

Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

Estaría bien subir poco a poco durante la semana, y news, y resultados hacia final para rematar 😂😂😜😜

Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

Mal asunto, empieza mal AH