

23K respuestas
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Share: la caña puesta desde hace una semana por debajo de 16€ :-P

yunior007: me he quedado en Stand By. Ni idea a qué se refiero con eso de 5G



GOWEX - La Vida WiFi ha añadido 2 fotos nuevas.
22 min · Editado ·
Así es como se han presentado las nueva redes de ‪#‎Newcastle‬ y ‪#‎Gateshead‬. De izquierda a derecha: Mark Keenan de @Real_Wireless, Philip Brown, CEO de GOWEX en UK e Irlanda, @Nick_Forbes, Alcalde de @NewcastleCC, y Mick Henry, Alcalde de @GMBCouncil ‪#‎UK‬ ‪#‎ReinoUnido‬ ‪#‎WiFi‬ ‪#‎Gratis‬ ‪#‎innovación‬ ‪#‎tecnología‬ ‪#‎GOWEX

a investigar quien es ese Mark Keenan de @Real_Wireless que sale en la foto , los otros son los alcaldes de las 2 ciudades y el CEO de Gowex



Newcastle and Gateshead set to get hot, hot, hot with free Wi-Fi
May 28, 2014

NEWCASTLE and Gateshead are set to become two of the hottest spots in the UK after striking a deal to install free Wi-Fi in scores of public areas.

After a rigorous selection procedure the Wi-Fi hotspots will be provided by GOWEX, which has already successfully created wireless ‘smart cities’ including San Francisco, New York, Miami, Dubai and Paris.

Residents and visitors registering with GOWEX for the service will be able to connect to free Wi-Fi on both sides of the river, at any time of the day or night.

Leader of Newcastle City Council Cllr Nick Forbes said: “As superfast broadband rolls out across Newcastle, it will make a big difference to businesses and residents who sign up for it.

“But these days, it’s important for people to have access to broadband while they’re on the move too – this investment will put Newcastle and Gateshead in the forefront of UK areas for public Wi-Fi availability.

“People will be able to connect to the Wi-Fi hotspots around city and town centre, high streets and public buildings – free of charge.

“It means they can check their emails, compare prices, select restaurants, book tickets and access public information on the move.”

Cllr Malcolm Graham, Gateshead Council’s Cabinet Member for Employment and Skills added: “This is a fantastic boost for businesses, visitors and residents.

“Being able to connect quickly and easily to the internet is now such an integral part of business and personal life.

“This scheme offering free Wi-Fi in key public areas confirms our commitment to being at the forefront of the digital revolution.”

GOWEX has a track record in providing public Wi-Fi networks in cities around the world.

People will be able to tune in to the hot spots all day and night for free. The bandwidth speed will be fast enough for the vast majority of functions.

Under the contract, GOWEX will be installing a large number of connection hotspots, beginning this summer and finishing by the start of 2015.

Cllr Forbes said: “We insisted that local labour was used for this project, and we’re pleased to say GOWEX is paying for the work – and maintenance – to be carried out by council staff in Gateshead and by our current streetlight contractors in Newcastle.

“We’re pleased with this arrangement, because it means our installation is being done by local workers who know the area, and have the knowledge, equipment and training to do the work to a high standard.”

The councils were assisted in making their choice of GOWEX by consultants Real Wireless.

Mark Keenan, Director at Real Wireless, said: “As councils look at how to provide improved wireless they need to seek trusted, independent advice to understand the challenges and the proposed solutions to ensure the best return for their money.

“Real Wireless worked alongside Newcastle Council first to understand the challenge and then to assess the potential bids.”

GOWEX’s Chief Executive for North Europe, Philip Brown, visited the North East to celebrate the contract at a ceremony held at the Millennium Bridge.

Jenaro Garcia, the company’s Chief Executive, said: “We are extremely proud that the City of Newcastle and Gateshead have trusted GOWEX to offer to all their citizens and visitors the best free Wi-Fi service in order to transform them in Wireless Smart Cities.

“These contracts create a platform for GOWEX growth in the United Kingdom, as well as in the rest of the world.”

As a further benefit, people who sign up to access the GOWEX-provided Wi-Fi in Newcastle and Gateshead will be able to connect free in other cities around the world where the company operates.

The project – which received Government funding from Broadband Delivery UK (BDUK) - is part of the Go Digital Newcastle initiative, which is bringing superfast broadband to 97 per cent of the city by summer 2015.

Go Digital Newcastle is a government scheme delivered by Newcastle City Council and is designed to boost the local economy. Small and medium businesses can apply for free vouchers worth up to £3,000 towards the cost of getting their businesses connected to superfast broadband.

Businesses can also access a programme of free business support to show them how to make the most of their speedy connections. Specialist advisers will give practical advice and help, including details on how businesses can get a grant of up to £2,000 for related equipment and consultancy projects.

The Government’s Super Connected Cities Programme, covers the Broadband Connection Voucher scheme, Wi-Fi in the city and the Cloud Innovation Centre.

Communications Minister Ed Vaizey said: “With demand for Wi-Fi skyrocketing, this is tremendous news for Newcastle, one of our 22 Super-Connected cities.

“The funding that Government has made available to Newcastle will see free Wi-Fi spots pop up in public areas across the city, allowing everyone access to broadband while on the move, and is all part of the remarkable transformation of connectivity currently underway.”



Great news! But, why the share break down in such a way?



La Playa de Palma cuenta con 5 kilómetros de red Wi-Fi gratuita

Directorio: Ayuntamiento Palma Álvaro Gijón Turismo


El teniente de alcalde de Turismo y gerente del Consorcio de la Playa de Palma, Álvaro Gijón, ha presentado este martes la red Wi-Fi de la Playa de Palma que abarca 5 kilómetros de la primera línea, con 29 puntos de acceso y una capacidad de gestión de más de 100.000 conexiones diarias en temporada alta.

Este proyecto, pionero en toda Europa, destaca por su sencillez de conexión, beneficia a una gran población turística y no ha supuesto coste alguno para el Ayuntamiento de Palma debido a la colaboración público privada en la gestión y promoción publicitaria de la red, según ha destacado Gijón.

El objetivo a la hora de instalar esta red Wi-Fi en la Playa de Palma "es que el turista pueda realizar en su lugar de destino lo mismo que hace en su lugar de origen, compartiendo sus momentos de ocio con familiares y amigos de forma gratuita", ha dicho Gijón, quien ha hecho especial hincapié en la sencillez de conexión a la red Wi-Fi, ya que el usuario lo puede hacer accediendo a su facebook y conectando con la página de Pabisa o bien directamente a través de cualquiera de las redes Wi-Fi disponibles".


Serrano destaca el "extraordinario potencial turístico" del Parque Natural Bahía de Cádiz
La Junta impulsa el proyecto Odyssea Luso Andalus para la promoción turística de la costa
Bendodo defiende el turismo "por encima de todo" y que su postura sobre las prospecciones es la misma
La instalación de la red en la Playa de Palma, ha dicho Gijón "no ha supuesto coste alguno para el Ayuntamiento de Palma, pues la empresa encargada de su instalación, Mallorca Wifi, pretende recuperar la inversión mediante contratos de publicidad".

"Otra de las ventajas es que mediante la conexión a la red se puede monitorizar lo que hace el turista en un momento determinado, información que nos ayudará a ejecutar actuaciones en otras áreas como seguridad ciudadana pues se podrán localizar puntos de población en determinados momentos del día", ha subrayado.

El regidor ha apuntado que el turista también podrá recibir otras informaciones "como mensajes para visitar centros de interés turístico de la ciudad o actividades culturales y de ocio que se desarrollen en Palma".

Por otro lado, Gijón ha indicado que en el periodo de pruebas de la red ha detectado casi un millón de dispositivos y 44.000 Wi-Fi únicos. De este global, el 64 por ciento de los usuarios conectados lo hacen diariamente, con más de 3.500 usuarios únicos conectados al día y 1,5 terabytes de tráfico de servicios".

Por último, ha destacado que, con toda probabilidad, la red se ampliará el próximo año a la segunda línea de la Playa de Palma y añadió que "estamos estudiando instalar la red Wi-Fi en diferentes zonas de la ciudad, ya que tan sólo existe en algunos lugares como bibliotecas o plazas públicas".



wowwww, the forum is getting international!!!
Sailrun, the are some investors playing short against the company. We just need to gain some more trading volume. It is just a matter of time for the price to climb, gowex is doing great amd getting better results every 6 month.

Man, u better start learning spanish if you wanna follow the forum hehe ;). And if you are active enough open a forum in an english site, we need the company to get well known worldwide, in order to get more particular investors.




Diego, I wouldn´t say some short investors. Near three million. Why? Are they silly? I speak spanish quite well. Cheers