

23K respuestas
34 suscriptores
1.917 / 2.900


Que no, que el informe es teledirigido por 4 y esos 4 siguen actuando impunes mientras GOW y los organismos están en silencio. Aplausos



deberiamos tranquilizarnos todos, no veis que esto es lo que buscan? yo ni loco malvendo las acciones.que se las compren a otro. pero eso si, jenaro o reacciona o para cuando lo haga esto estara a 7...
mira que darle tanta importancia a un puto blog de mierda de batman. alucino.



Os suena de algún fondo que lleve gowex?



creo que han suspendido la cotizacion a 8,63 euros



Pero está clarísimo de que todo es una maniobra malintencionada.
Y aqui todos acusando a la empresa de que si tal de que si cual...venga hombre, venga...tranquilizaos y dejar hacer...
No se puede ir por ahi como un pollo sin cabeza...



Suiento mi ausencia en el foro pero estoy hasta arriba de curro

Me acaba de llegar esto de N+1 por si os tranquiliza

Company News
Gowex (EUR 10.71, BUY, TP EUR 23.40): Shares down 46%, our views
• Shares down 46%. Gowex shares dropped by 46% yesterday to EUR10.71p.s. The fall is due to a research report published by Gotham City Research LLC in which it basically says that it is a fraud and that the shares are worth zero. The main “statements” from the report are the following: a) It says that the number of hotspots network that Gowex is managing is only c.5k, vs, the 100K it says management claims .b) Gowex wireless revenues are 10% of what it reports, c) 90% of the telecom revenues are originated from undisclosed related parties, d) that gowex is lying when it comes to disclosing the revenue from some of its cities (NYC for example), e) that the CEO could have already sold most of its 62% stake without properly disclosing it.
• Our views on the “accusations”: Many of the accusations contained in the report seem superficial, contradictory and not accurate, for example: a) Regarding the hotspots managed, we have never heard management claim to run 100K (our estimate being 65K), and the report seems to consider only part of the cities where Gowex is present and not all, b) the calculations regarding Gowex´s revenue are based on those 5K spots and industry sources which are not disclosed, c) regarding the telecom revenues the related parties business refers to 2007&08, when accounting criteria were different to today, d) on the subject of NYC revenue, we have never been told by the company that the contract generated the EUR7.5m the report claims, e) the CEO told us yesterday that he owns 62% of the shares and has not sold them
• Credibility has been badly damaged, Gowex needs to react: Gowex corporate governance, accounting and transparency/ information disclosure standards are well below average. This means means that a lot of damage to credibility has been done and that the company has to make a big effort to restore it and the sooner the better We met with Gowex CEO and main shareholder yesterday who stated that the accusations are false and that the company is preparing a response which is expected to be published today.
• The risk is on the downside. For the time being we leave our estimates, recommendation and TP unchanged, but subject to receiving further information from the company. In any case it is clear that the controversy generated by the report is damaging Gowex´s reputation is likely to hurt growth prospects. Wether it is a bit or a lot depends on how the company is able to refute the “accusations”, but the risk to our numbers is clearly on the downside.



Está en subasta nuevamente



eso está muy bien, pero no vale para una empresa que ayer valía 1400 millones. estoy seguro que otras empresas habrían puesto a trabajar a todo el mundo y hoy a las 8:00 tenían comunicado.