Re: Hasta los del PSOE opinan que el narcisista debe dejar gobernar al PP
Mike Johnson debería leerle también la cartilla al Adicto al Falcon y Marlaska sobre la invasión ilegal de nuestras fronteras y el coladero en que se ha convertido el aeropuerto de Madrid Barajas para la inmigración ilegal, por culpa de la ineptitud y de la total incompetencia del Ministerio del Interior.
Johnson says he does not believe Senate talks would 'stop the border catastrophe'
Johnson says he does not believe Senate talks would 'stop the border catastrophe'
Mike Johnson reiterated his attack on the Senate’s immigration policy deal, saying that, though its exact provisions have not been released yet, he does not think it would cut down on migrant arrivals to the degree he demands.
“Last Friday, President Biden came out in support of the Senate’s deal, which we haven’t seen yet. There is no text yet. But from what we’ve heard, this so-called deal … does not include … these transformational policy changes that are needed to actually stop the border catastrophe,” the House speaker said.
He specifically took issue with reports that, under the deal’s proposed terms, the border would be closed once crossings exceeded 5,000 people in a given day:
Apparently, we’re concocting some sort of deal to allow the president to shut down the border after 5,000 people break the law. Why is it 5,000? If you add that up, that’d be a million more illegals into our country every year before we take remedial measures. It’s madness. We shouldn’t be asking what kind of enforcement authority kicks in at 5,000 illegal crossings a day. The number should be zero.
“Anything higher than zero is surrendering our border, surrendering our sovereignty and our security,” Johnson said.