
Fagerhult ab

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Fagerhult ab
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Re: Fagerhult ab

Mercado de la industria LED: situación actual y perspectivas

Mario Prieto, Secretario General de la Asociación Española de la Industria Led (ANILED) ha compartido con smartLIGHTING su visión de la situación del mercado LED a tan solo unos días de la decisión de Europa de posponer dos años la transición total a la tecnologia de iluminación LED para 2018.

El momento que se está viviendo en el sector de la iluminación es considerado como revolucionario con la introducción de la tecnología LED, hasta el punto de que a los padres de esta tecnología se les ha otorgado el nobel de la física 2014. La actual industria se caracteriza por depender cada vez más de los avances tecnológicos en el campo de la electrónica, la informática, las comunicaciones, y otros campos del saber, poniendo de relieve la importancia indiscutible del cambio tecnológico como premisa para explicar las particularidades de la industria actual.

Esta transformación del sector es la que ha ocurrido o está ocurriendo en otros sectores donde la tecnología se ha desarrollado fuertemente, como por ejemplo la telefonía, internet o el vehículo. A lo largo de la historia las innovaciones tecnológicas han provocado cambios cualitativos de gran envergadura en la estructura socioeconómica de los países. Muy diferente ha sido el mundo después de la Revolución Industrial del siglo XVIII en Inglaterra, gracias a la permanente innovación tecnológica; al punto que ésta última se constituye en condición indispensable para el progreso económico y social.

Asia Pacífico en fuerte crecimiento


El mercado Asiático domina el mercado de la iluminación de estado sólido y el de la iluminación eficiente. Partiendo del año 2009 con unos 13 mil millones de dólares para, según un estudio de MarketsandMarkets, llegar a contar con el 46,3% del mercado global de iluminación de estado sólido y otras fuentes de iluminación eficiente en el año 2010.

En el asunto de la decisión de la Comisión Europea (CE) de aplazar hasta el año 2018 la retirada progresiva de las bombillas halógenas, lo que realmente ha ganado esta partida es el “lobby” de la industria más convencional.  La verdadera razón es dar tiempo a las empresas de la iluminación convencional a adaptarse a la producción de iluminación con tecnología LED cuando no han acabado de rentabilizar las inversiones que han realizado para la fabricación de iluminación de bajo consumo, halogenuros, etc. Hay unos costes de estructura que no pueden eliminarse de un plumazo. Y esto es entendible.  Y aunque desde la posición de ANILED se defienda la mayor y más rápida penetración e implementación de la tecnología LED hay que entender y ser consecuente con una industria líder que va cargada de un peso importante y que necesita tiempo para adecuarse a las nuevas reglas del juego en el que han entrado otros actores muy potentes.


Re: Fagerhult ab

Fagerhult decides to keep Organic Response IoT tech in house (UPDATED)
Published on:June 6, 2017
By Mark Halper
Contributing Editor, LEDs Magazine, and Business/Energy/Technology Journalist
The Swedish vendor will no longer provide the prized IoT gear to rivals such as Feilo Sylvania and GE. It will develop it for its own brands only.

Fagerhult Group, the Swedish lighting company that recently acquired key Internet of Things (IoT) assets from Australia's struggling Organic Response, has decided to keep the technology in house and will not provide it to competitors such as Feilo Sylvania and General Electric, LEDs Magazine has learned.

Interested in articles & announcements on IoT and lighting?

The decision ends two months of speculation on whether Fagerhult would continue to supply others with hardware and software from what it has renamed OR Technologies Pty. Ltd, based in Melbourne.

“The strategy is to keep the OR technology in the group and not offer it through the OEM channel,” Fagerhult chief financial officer Michael Woods confirmed for LEDs via email this morning. “We look forward to the group opportunities this will bring across our many brands.”

Habo, Sweden-based Fagerhult operates at least 11 different lighting brands. Several of them, including Fagerhult, Australia's Eagle, and the UK's Whitecroft, use the OR technology.

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All Organic Response roads now lead to Fagerhult headquarters (pictured), as the company will keep the newly renamed OR technology in house and will not provide it on an OEM basis. (Photo credit: Creative Commons.)

Organic Response was a startup that was highly regarded for technology that turns luminaires into IoT devices. Users deploy its sensors and other wares both to improve lighting control and to use lights to gather data on building use. For example, it can collect information on occupancy, which facilities managers use to decide how to reassign space. Or retailers can use it to engage in-store customers with discounts and information.

But as a pioneer in IoT lighting, Organic Response ultimately ran into financial difficulties and entered financial administration last February, before Fagerhult acquired many of its assets in early April.

While Organic Response had an impressive roster of customers using its technology for lighting control, it seemed to have a dearth of end users who were deploying it for data collection, which is where the potential business bonanza lies. Fagerhult is expected to pursue such opportunities, and to develop new generations of OR technology.

As LEDs reported in April, Fagerhult is in the process of restarting production of OR gear through contract manufacturer Flex. “All is proceeding to plan on all fronts — setup, production, marketing, and group engagement,” Wood said today.

Another problem that Organic Response faced was that competitors started to enter the market.

Meanwhile, one of Organic Response's highest-profile IoT customers, Feilo Sylvania, is expected as soon as next week to disclose new smart lighting initiatives as it adjusts to life after Organic Response. Fagerhult had arranged for interim supplies to customers such as Feilo, an arrangement that will now end — if it hasn't already — at some date that the parties did not publicly reveal.

“We have identified a number of solutions in the market which now offer the same benefits, and as a matter of fact do much more than the Organic Response solution,” said Bastiaan de Groot, Feilo's global director of strategy and new business development. “We have already started to migrate our customers to these new solutions and will publicly announce our new solutions next week.”

De Groot noted that Organic had been ahead of its time but that rivals have caught up. “Our customers are delighted that we can already offer them solutions with features that were previously more than 12 months away on our roadmap,” he said. “This is why we do not believe in making a solution proprietary. In the current market you will be out-innovated; we therefore have a strict open-innovation policy which allows us to offer our customers the best smart lighting technology in the market, regardless of whether we invented it ourselves or not.”

Feilo was one of the few vendors that was already using OR’s IoT technology for property management. It struck a deal last year with Dutch standards body NEN to install lighting that would help NEN better allocate offices, conference rooms and the like at NEN's Delft headquarters.

In addition to Feilo and GE's Current unit, other Organic Response customers have included Australian operations of Zumtobel and Thorn, as well as Holland's Koopman Interlight.

MARK HALPER is a contributing editor for LEDs Magazine, and an energy, technology, and business journalist ([email protected]).

*Updated 10:35am June 6, 2017 for announcement timing and quotes.


Re: Fagerhult ab

A punto de ponerse en subida libre de nuevo


Re: Fagerhult ab

Buen momento tras corrección


Re: Fagerhult ab

Record los nuevos resultados del segundo trimestre



Fagerhult: Interim Report January - June 2017



05:52 ET



HABO, Sweden, Aug 17, 2017 /PRNewswire/ --

  • Order intake was MSEK 2,700.4 (2,349.5), which is an overall growth of 14.9% adjusted to 1.3% for acquisitions (MSEK 296.8) and currency effects (MSEK 24.6) 
  • Net sales were MSEK 2,544.7 (2,172.6), which is an overall growth of 17.1% adjusted to 3.8% for acquisitions (MSEK 266.2) and currency effects (MSEK 23.3) 
  • Operating profit was MSEK 313.3 (238.9), representing a 31.1% increase with an operating margin of 12.3 (11.0)%
  • Earnings after tax were MSEK 216.5 (173.9), an increase of 24.5%
  • Earnings per share were SEK 1.90 (1.53) 
  • Cash flow from operating activities was MSEK 188.5 (39.0) 
  • During the quarter the 3:1 share split was completed in accordance with the resolution taken at the Annual General Meeting 

Comments from CEO Johan Hjertonsson:

  • The Group delivered a strong first half year with record second quarter results for order intake, net sales and operating profit.
  • For the six months, market activity in our main markets was positive and mixed in some other regions.
  • Order intake and net sales were ahead of the record setting first half year of 2016, operating profits increased 31% and a 12.3% operating margin was achieved in each quarter.
  • Earnings per share at SEK 1.90 is 24.2% ahead of the SEK 1.53 from the previous year.
  • The LED share of net sales continues to develop on a positive trend and the opportunity available to the Group from the low level of the installed LED base is significant.
  • We have good visibility for the third quarter with the order backlog at a high level.
  • As it integrates into the Group, we are pleased with the progress of WE-EF and the potential upside from the synergies are better than previously anticipated.
  • Following the acquisition of the Organic Response IP in April, I am pleased once again to service our customers with this unique lighting control solution through the Group's brands.
  • Our attention now turns to the second half year where we enter the period with strong forward momentum combined with a strong order backlog.

Disclosures may be submitted by

Johan Hjertonsson 
tel: +46-36-10-85-00 
mobile: +46-70-229-77-93 
e-mail:  [email protected]

Michael Wood


Re: Fagerhult ab

El mercado de LED mundial crece a un ritmo de un 18%, impulsado por la demanda de iluminación de bajo consumo

El mercado mundial de diodos emisores de luz (LED) está aumentando a una tasa de crecimiento anual compuesto de más del 18% durante 2017-2021, pasando de 18,51bn de dólares en 2016 a 24,67bn de dólares en 2012, según la firma de estudios de mercado Technavio.


Re: Fagerhult ab

Resultados positivos

•Order intake was MSEK 3,939.3 (3,438.2), which is an overall growth of 14.6% adjusted to 1.4% for acquisitions (MSEK 448.0) and currency effects (MSEK 5.0)
•Net sales were MSEK 3,850.4 (3,317.0), which is an overall growth of 16.1% adjusted to 3.0% for acquisitions (MSEK 430.6) and currency effects (MSEK 4.9)
•Operating profit was MSEK 505.5 (404.3), representing a 25.0% increase with an operating margin of 13.1 (12.2)%
•Earnings after tax were MSEK 352.8 (298.3), an increase of 18.3%
•Earnings per share were SEK 3.09 (2.62), an increase of 17.9%
•Cash flow from operating activities was MSEK 405.1 (137.0), an increase of 195.7%
•During the quarter the Group completed the acquisition of the balance 49% of the shares in LED Linear UK, previously owning 51% and also acquired a 20% minority holding in the Danish outdoor specialist lighting controls business Seneco AS
Comments from CEO Johan Hjertonsson:

•We are pleased that the Group continues to deliver strong results, especially when compared to the record results from 2016. The third quarter of 2017 has set new records for net sales and operating profit, which increased in the quarter 16.2% from Q3 2016 to MSEK 192.2 (165.4).
•Significantly, the 12 month rolling net sales for the first time in the Group's history now exceeds 5 BSEK.
•Market activity in most of our main markets was and remains positive, however it continues to be mixed in some smaller regions. The Group is well positioned to progress into the fourth quarter and 2018 as the order backlog is at a good level.
•The overall activity for order intake and net sales continue to be at a high level in many regions, showing organic growth from last year and resuming the positive trend from a slightly negative second quarter. The UK & Ireland business area, which has a significant share of net sales in Indoor Lighting continues to encounter currency headwinds with a year to date negative MSEK 55 (6%) impact on net sales.
•To support the development of organic growth, in September we are pleased to have opened our central Paris office and showroom facility, we now move to the second large city, Barcelona.
•The level of the global LED luminaire installed basis is suggested to be at between 5-10% and with a LED share of net sales at over 90%, the Group is very well positioned to capitalise on this forward looking opportunity.
•Finally, we welcome the LED Linear UK team to the Group and we look forward to working together and collaborating in the UK & Ireland on the many existing opportunities.
•Order intake was MSEK 3,939.3 (3,438.2), which is an overall growth of 14.6% adjusted to 1.4% for acquisitions (MSEK 448.0) and currency effects (MSEK 5.0)
•Net sales were MSEK 3,850.4 (3,317.0), which is an overall growth of 16.1% adjusted to 3.0% for acquisitions (MSEK 430.6) and currency effects (MSEK 4.9)
•Operating profit was MSEK 505.5 (404.3), representing a 25.0% increase with an operating margin of 13.1 (12.2)%
•Earnings after tax were MSEK 352.8 (298.3), an increase of 18.3%
•Earnings per share were SEK 3.09 (2.62), an increase of 17.9%
•Cash flow from operating activities was MSEK 405.1 (137.0), an increase of 195.7%
•During the quarter the Group completed the acquisition of the balance 49% of the shares in LED Linear UK, previously owning 51% and also acquired a 20% minority holding in the Danish outdoor specialist lighting controls business Seneco AS
Comments from CEO Johan Hjertonsson:

•We are pleased that the Group continues to deliver strong results, especially when compared to the record results from 2016. The third quarter of 2017 has set new records for net sales and operating profit, which increased in the quarter 16.2% from Q3 2016 to MSEK 192.2 (165.4).
•Significantly, the 12 month rolling net sales for the first time in the Group's history now exceeds 5 BSEK.
•Market activity in most of our main markets was and remains positive, however it continues to be mixed in some smaller regions. The Group is well positioned to progress into the fourth quarter and 2018 as the order backlog is at a good level.
•The overall activity for order intake and net sales continue to be at a high level in many regions, showing organic growth from last year and resuming the positive trend from a slightly negative second quarter. The UK & Ireland business area, which has a significant share of net sales in Indoor Lighting continues to encounter currency headwinds with a year to date negative MSEK 55 (6%) impact on net sales.
•To support the development of organic growth, in September we are pleased to have opened our central Paris office and showroom facility, we now move to the second large city, Barcelona.
•The level of the global LED luminaire installed basis is suggested to be at between 5-10% and with a LED share of net sales at over 90%, the Group is very well positioned to capitalise on this forward looking opportunity.
•Finally, we welcome the LED Linear UK team to the Group and we look forward to working together and collaborating in the UK & Ireland on the many existing opportunities.


Re: Fagerhult ab

Muy buenos resultados


Fagerhult - Year-End Report 2017



06:17 ET



HABO, Sweden, Feb, 26, 2018 /PRNewswire/ --

  • Order intake was MSEK 5,238.4 (4,653.0), which is an overall growth of 12.6% adjusted to 0.9% for acquisitions (MSEK 576.6) and currency effects (MSEK -35.2) 
  • Net sales were MSEK 5,170.3 (4,490.7), which is an overall growth of 15.1% adjusted to 2.6% for acquisitions (MSEK 581.5) and currency effects (MSEK -20.9) 
  • Operating profit was MSEK 677.9 (524.2), representing a 29.3% increase with an operating margin of 13.1 (11.7)%
  • Earnings after tax were MSEK 494.4 (380.9), an increase of 29.8%
  • Earnings per share were SEK 4.32 (3.35), an increase of 29.0% 
  • Cash flow from operating activities was MSEK 681.1 (387.8), an increase of 75.6% 
  • A dividend of SEK 2.00 (1.50) per share will be proposed