
Fagerhult ab

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Fagerhult ab
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Buenos resultados

Year-End Report 2016
2017-02-21 11:00

Fagerhult, Year-End Report 2016
Press release

Year-End Report 2016

The order intake was MSEK 4,653.0 (4,113.4), which is an increase of 9.4% after adjusting for currency effects of MSEK -156.5 and acquisitions of MSEK 308.8
Net sales were MSEK 4,490.7 (3,909.4), which is an increase of 10.3% after adjusting for currency effects of MSEK -149.9 and acquisitions of MSEK 328.6
The operating profit was MSEK 524.2 (396.0) representing a 32.4% increase with an operating margin of 11.7 (10.1)%
The operating profit in the fourth quarter was negatively affected by MSEK 21.4 due to one-off non-comparable items relating to M&A transactions
Earnings after tax were MSEK 380.9 (288.6), an increase of 32.0%
Earnings per share were SEK 10.04 (7.62)
Cash flow from operating activities was MSEK 387.8 (443.5)
A dividend of SEK 4.50 (3.50) per share and a 3:1 stock split will be proposed
Fagerhult has signed an agreement to acquire the specialist outdoor lighting company WE-EF in Germany and the acquisition is expected to complete in the first quarter of 2017
Comments from CEO Johan Hjertonsson;

We are pleased with the full year results for order intake, net sales and operating profit. All three set new records ahead of the previous records from last year.
The order intake at MSEK 4,653.0 firmly establishes a new milestone for the business with each of the quarterly order intake in excess of 1 BSEK. The last quarter, at MSEK 1,215 was a strong performance for Q4 and an all-time high.
Order intake continues to be above the market growth rates we see, certainly in our larger markets and therefore we continue to grow our overall market shares.
The organic net sales increase of 10.3%, resulted in the total net sales of almost 4.5 BSEK, a great achievement with the increase coming from all business and product areas.
Double digit like-for-like net sales growth was achieved in the Northern Europe, UK & Ireland and Africa, Asia & the Pacific business areas.
The operating profit increased quarter on quarter compared to 2015, resulting in MSEK 524.2 for the year, some MSEK 128, 32% up on last year.
The fourth quarter was a strong quarter in every aspect, particularly the operating cash flow which recovered well and overcame the weak start to the year.
Earnings per share at SEK 10.04 showed a 32% increase over the 7.62 for last year.
We look forward to 2017, the Fagerhult Group is in good shape, has positive forward momentum and will continue on its strategic journey, with WE-EF acquisition being an important step in that journey.
Company information

Fagerhult is one of Europe’s leading lighting groups with approximately 2,700 employees and operations in more than 20 countries. We create modern products and exciting, energy-efficient and environmentally-adapted lighting installations, successfully integrated into their individual environments. The Group includes such strong brands as Fagerhult, Ateljé Lyktan, LTS, Whitecroft Lighting, Designplan Lighting, Eagle Lighting, I-Valo, Arlight, Lighting Innovation and LED Linear. AB Fagerhult is listed on the Nasdaq OMX Nordic Exchange in Stockholm.

Contact information

Disclosures may be submitted by

Johan Hjertonsson CEO tel: 46 36 10 85 00 mobile: 46 70 229 77 93 e-mail: [email protected]

Michael Wood CFO tel: 46 36 10 85 00 mobile: 46 73 087 46 47 e-mail: [email protected]

This information is inside information that AB Fagerhult (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and information that AB Fagerhult (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the Securities Markets Act.

The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, at 11.00 CET on 21st February 2017.


Re: Fagerhult ab

Buen cierre, 7% arriba


Re: Fagerhult ab

Fagerhult completes the acquisition of WE-EF

2017-03-19 16:36

Fagerhult has completed the acquisition of WE-EF and Flux Eclairage after receiving regulatory approval from the German Competition Authority. The acquisition is expected to have a positive effect on the earnings per share during 2017 and forward.

For more information see the press release from December 23, 2016. More information on WE-EF and Flux is available at and

WE-EF group companies included in this transaction are (Note: this includes all relevant WE-EF branded lighting operating companies):

  • WE-EF LEUCHTEN GmbH; Bispingen, Germany
  • WE-EF LEUCHTEN GmbH & Co. KG; Bispingen, Germany
  • WE-EF TRADING & DESIGN GmbH; Bispingen, Germany
  • WE-EF LUMIERE S.A.S.; Satolas-et-Bonce, France
  • WE-EF LIGHTING Co. Ltd.; Bangplee, Thailand
  • WE-EF HELVITICA SA; Geneva, Switzerland
  • WE-EF LIGHTING Ltd. Nottingham, UK
  • WE-EF LIGHTING Pty. Ltd.; Braeside, Australia


  • Flux Eclairage S.A.S.; Satolas-et-Bonce, France

The information contained in this press release is such that AB Fagerhult (publ) is required to disclose pursuant to the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act and/or the Swedish Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication on March 9, 2017 at 16.15 CET.


Re: Fagerhult ab

El imparable crecimiento del LED
Miércoles, 29 Marzo 2017 21:01 Albacete Abierto Cultura-universidad
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El imparable crecimiento del LED
Poco a poco el LED ha ido ganando terreno al resto de bombillas tradicionales y hoy en día plantan cara en el mercado al resto.

Su imparable crecimiento continúa haciendo del LED una de las tendencias más claras en materia de tecnología de iluminación. Este crecimiento y gran popularidad no son fruto de la casualidad, sino que el LED presenta una serie de ventajas frente al resto de competidores que los consumidores han sabido valorar y por eso su crecimiento no muestra signos de decadencia, al contrario se incrementa día a día.

Fácil de encontrar

Una de las principales ventajas y claves del éxito es que el LED es fácil de encontrar, en una tienda de bombillas led podemos hacernos con todas las bombillas que necesitemos y podremos encontrar muchísimas variantes que nos permitirán escoger la solución más adecuada para el punto de luz al que queramos incorporar la tecnología LED.

Es fundamental para que el usuario adopte una nueva tecnología que la encuentre fácilmente y que la pueda comprar a buen precio sin tener que realizar algún pedido caro específico, para ello son muy recomendables tiendas online como Sumidelec donde puedes hacer tu compra sin salir de casa y que ofrece una gran variedad de productos.

Respeto por el medioambiente

Otro de los elementos que ha seducido enormemente a los usuarios es que las bombillas LED frente a por ejemplo, las bombillas de bajo consumo, las de tipo LED no presentan elementos tóxicos en su composición, mientras que en las bombillas de bajo consumo nos podemos encontrar frecuentemente diferentes residuos que pueden resultar dañinos para nuestra salud, es por ello por lo que este último tipo de bombillas cuando se recogen necesitan de una tratamiento especial para ser procesadas, frente a las bombillas LED que no tienen esta problemática por lo que respetan el medio ambiente.

En una realidad donde la mayor parte de la población está tremendamente concienciada con cuestiones como el cambio climático y la protección del medio ambiente en general, las bombillas LED están ganando adeptos por sus cualidades frente a los competidores directos en este área en particular.

Dos tipos de situación

Cuando los consumidores cambian de un tipo de bombilla a otro, por ejemplo de bajo consumo a LED, puede ser por dos tipos de motivos diferentes.

Por un lado está el llamado proceso de sustitución, por el cual muchos usuarios cambian sus bombillas tradicionales a LED porque consideran que ha llegado el momento de ahorrar, comprar a largo plazo y ser más respetuosos con el medio ambiente.
Por otro lado está el proceso conocido como convicción que viene propiciado normalmente por una conciencia ecológica o de protección del medio ambiente y que se genera en aquellos usuarios con un nivel de concienciación cívica muy alta que buscan proteger el medio ambiente incorporando en su iluminación el LED frente a los materiales contaminantes que se utilizan en otras bombillas.
Parece que las bombillas tipo LED están llamadas a convertirse en la iluminación del futuro, por ahora su crecimiento no decae y las ventas de este tipo de bombillas siguen creciendo a buen ritmo año tras año.


Re: Fagerhult ab

5% arriba y en breve resultados


Re: Fagerhult ab


Re: Fagerhult ab

Vuelve a subir con fuerza. Sube un 6%


Re: Fagerhult ab

Momento de comprar mas en corrección, Impecable tendencia alcista


Re: Fagerhult ab

Empieza a tirar con fuerza despues de corrección


Re: Fagerhult ab

Invest in Fagerhult

Many of the global development trends create a need for expanded, improved and more energy efficient lighting. For Fagerhult, it is essential to interpret these changes and convert them into business opportunities. The recovery of the global economy, increased energy efficiency requirements and the technological shift towards LED lighting and intelligent control systems are the most powerful driving forces. Fagerhult has a strong position on the lighting market at the same time as we have improved our profits. M&A is an important part of our strategy as we expand internationally and continue to strengthen our product portfolio.

Profitable growth strategy

Fagerhult has grown organically while also acquiring a handful of well-run companies – a successful model that combines a strong local focus with Group-wide synergies.

Well-positioned for the shift to LED
Substantial investments in development increases the share of LED sold of total sales.

Strong cash flow enables further expansion
The ground is provided by cash flow allied with focus on cost control and minimum tied up capital.

Stable earnings and low risk dividend
A profitable company since from the start in 1945 with robust ownership structure through the investment company, Latour.