
Participaciones del usuario Tanialozano

Tanialozano 26/03/20 16:38
Ha respondido al tema Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo
Es cierto esto que dicen, dos años hasta salir al mercado y competencia con HD version. ?¿ It might be denied. You think that Nanoflu is going to improve protection against H3N2 from the current 20% efficacy to what? 80%? 90%?  No. Vaccine efficacy for Nanoflu may only raise these numbers to 40%. We need the follow-on efficacy study to prove the real-world effectiveness of Nanoflu.  Are insurance carriers going to pay extra for Nanoflu if the real-world efficacy is only slightly better than FluzoneHD?  Degeeter estimated Nanoflu would roughly split the elderly market with FluzoneHD. FLuzoneHD is adding a fourth components. FLublok is looking at adding an adjuvant. Competition is going to get fierce for the elderly market, and Novavax is still about 2 years away from entering the game. 
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Tanialozano 26/03/20 13:59
Ha respondido al tema Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo
Una pregunta sin pretender ofender a los inversores profesionales. Por que DVAX si añadio valor a su empresa con una vacuna ridìcula y nvax sigue estancada ?¿
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Tanialozano 26/03/20 09:49
Ha respondido al tema Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo
Siento mucho si le ofenden mis comentarios, todo el mundo esperaba subidas de treinta. Entiendo que estemos molestos con el comportamiento. Le deseo lo mejor en sus inversiones. Suerte.
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