
Seguimiento de Moderna (MRNA)

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Seguimiento de Moderna (MRNA)
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Seguimiento de Moderna (MRNA)
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Seguimiento de Moderna (MRNA)

Moderna anuncia que tiene resultados satisfactorios en la fase uno de la vacuna contra el COVID. Sube en el pre market un 30%


Re: Seguimiento de Moderna (MRNA)

Para los no entendidos, comentar que la fase I de cualquier estudio clínico se suele hacer en voluntarios SANOS por lo que para nada se cuantifica la eficacia del fármaco. Se estudia la absorción, distribución, metabolismo del fármaco y sus efectos secundarios a fin de verificar que es SEGURO. Y se suele intentar averiguar cual sería la mejor dosis para seguir en fase II
Lo llamativo sería que ya no superara esta fase I, o sea, que fuera tan inseguro y con tantos efectos secundarios que descartaran intentar tratar a pacientes....
Por si os sirve la información. 

"Lo que todo el mundo sabe en la Bolsa a mí ya no me interesa" André Kostolany


Re: Seguimiento de Moderna (MRNA)

CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 18, 2020-- Moderna, Inc., (Nasdaq: MRNA) a clinical stage biotechnology company pioneering messenger RNA (mRNA) therapeutics and vaccines to create a new generation of transformative medicines for patients, today announced positive interim clinical data of mRNA-1273, its vaccine candidate against novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), from the Phase 1 study led by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Immunogenicity data are currently available for the 25 µg and 100 µg dose level (ages 18-55) after two doses (day 43) and at the 250 µg level (ages 18-55) after one dose (day 29). Dose dependent increases in immunogenicity were seen across the three dose levels, and between prime and boost within the 25 µg and 100 µg dose levels. All participants ages 18-55 (n=15 per cohort) across all three dose levels seroconverted by day 15 after a single dose. At day 43, two weeks following the second dose, at the 25 µg dose level (n=15), levels of binding antibodies were at the levels seen in convalescent sera (blood samples from people who have recovered from COVID-19) tested in the same assay. At day 43, at the 100 µg dose level (n=10), levels of binding antibodies significantly exceeded the levels seen in convalescent sera. Samples are not yet available for remaining participants.

At this time, neutralizing antibody data are available only for the first four participants in each of the 25 µg and 100 µg dose level cohorts. Consistent with the binding antibody data, mRNA-1273 vaccination elicited neutralizing antibodies in all eight of these participants, as measured by plaque reduction neutralization (PRNT) assays against live SARS-CoV-2. The levels of neutralizing antibodies at day 43 were at or above levels generally seen in convalescent sera.

mRNA-1273 was generally safe and well tolerated, with a safety profile consistent with that seen in prior Moderna infectious disease vaccine clinical studies. The sole incidence of a grade 3 adverse event in the 25 µg and 100 µg dose cohorts was a single participant at 100 µg who experienced grade 3 erythema (redness) around the injection site. To date, the most notable adverse events were seen at the 250 µg dose level, comprising three participants with grade 3 systemic symptoms, only following the second dose. All adverse events have been transient and self-resolving. No grade 4 adverse events or serious adverse events have been reported.

Preclinical results from a viral challenge study in mice conducted in collaboration with NIAID and its academic partners are also available. In this study, vaccination with mRNA-1273 prevented viral replication in the lungs of animals challenged with SARS-CoV-2. Neutralizing titers in Phase 1 clinical trial participants at the 25 µg and 100 µg dose levels were consistent with neutralizing titers that were protective in the mouse challenge model.

Based on the interim Phase 1 data, the Moderna-led Phase 2 study will be amended to study two dose levels, 50 µg and 100 µg, with the aim of selecting a dose for pivotal studies. The NIAID-led Phase 1 study is being amended to include a 50 µg dose level cohort across each of the three age groups. Moderna anticipates the dose for the Phase 3 study to be between 25 µg and 100 µg and expects Phase 3 trial initiation in July, subject to finalization of the clinical trial protocol.

“These interim Phase 1 data, while early, demonstrate that vaccination with mRNA-1273 elicits an immune response of the magnitude caused by natural infection starting with a dose as low as 25 µg,” said Tal Zaks, M.D., Ph.D., Chief Medical Officer at Moderna. “When combined with the success in preventing viral replication in the lungs of a pre-clinical challenge model at a dose that elicited similar levels of neutralizing antibodies, these data substantiate our belief that mRNA-1273 has the potential to prevent COVID-19 disease and advance our ability to select a dose for pivotal trials.”

“With today’s positive interim Phase 1 data and the positive data in the mouse challenge model, the Moderna team continues to focus on moving as fast as safely possible to start our pivotal Phase 3 study in July and, if successful, file a BLA,” said Stéphane Bancel, Chief Executive Officer at Moderna. “We are investing to scale up manufacturing so we can maximize the number of doses we can produce to help protect as many people as we can from SARS-CoV-2.”

Funding from the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), a division of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), supported the planning for the Phase 2 and Phase 3 studies of mRNA-1273 and will also support the execution of these studies, as well as the scale-up of mRNA-1273 manufacturing both at the Company’s facilities and that of its strategic collaborator, Lonza Ltd.

Conference Call and Webcast Information

Moderna will host a live conference call and webcast at 8:30 a.m. ET on Monday, May 18, 2020. To access the live conference call, please dial 866-922-5184 (domestic) or 409-937-8950 (international) and refer to conference ID 2186342. A webcast of the call will also be available under “Events and Presentations” in the Investors section of the Moderna website at The archived webcast will be available on Moderna’s website approximately two hours after the conference call.

About mRNA-1273

mRNA-1273 is an mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 encoding for a prefusion stabilized form of the Spike (S) protein, which was selected by Moderna in collaboration with investigators from Vaccine Research Center (VRC) at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), a part of the NIH. The first clinical batch, which was funded by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, was completed on February 7, 2020 and underwent analytical testing; it was shipped to NIH on February 24, 42 days from sequence selection. The first participant in the NIAID-led Phase 1 study of mRNA-1273 was dosed on March 16, 63 days from sequence selection to Phase 1 study dosing.

On May 6, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) completed its review of the Company’s Investigational New Drug (IND) application for mRNA-1273 allowing it to proceed to a Phase 2 study, which is expected to begin shortly. On May 12, the FDA granted mRNA-1273 Fast Track designation. Moderna is finalizing the protocol for a Phase 3 study, expected to begin in July 2020. A summary of the company’s work to date on SARS-CoV-2 can be found here.

About Moderna’s Prophylactic Vaccines Modality

Moderna scientists designed the company’s prophylactic vaccines modality to prevent infectious diseases. More than 1,400 participants have been enrolled in Moderna’s infectious disease vaccine clinical studies under health authorities in the U.S., Europe and Australia. Clinical data demonstrate that Moderna’s proprietary vaccine technology has been generally well-tolerated and can elicit durable immune responses to viral antigens. Based on clinical experience across Phase 1 studies, the company designated prophylactic vaccines a core modality and is working to accelerate the development of its vaccine pipeline.

The potential advantages of an mRNA approach to prophylactic vaccines include the ability to combine multiple mRNAs into a single vaccine, rapid discovery to respond to emerging pandemic threats and manufacturing agility derived from the platform nature of mRNA vaccine design and production. Moderna has built a fully integrated manufacturing plant which enables the promise of the technology platform.

Moderna currently has nine development candidates in its prophylactic vaccines modality, including:

Vaccines against respiratory infections

  • Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for older adults (mRNA-1777 and mRNA-1172 or V172 with Merck)
  • RSV vaccine for young children (mRNA-1345)
  • Human metapneumovirus (hMPV) and parainfluenza virus type 3 (PIV3) vaccine (mRNA-1653)
  • Novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) vaccine (mRNA-1273)
  • Influenza H7N9 (mRNA-1851)
Vaccines against infections transmitted from mother to baby

  • Cytomegalovirus (CMV) vaccine (mRNA-1647)
  • Zika vaccine (mRNA-1893 with BARDA)
Vaccines against highly prevalent viral infections

  • Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) vaccine (mRNA-1189)
To date, Moderna has demonstrated positive Phase 1 data readouts for seven prophylactic vaccines (H10N8, H7N9, RSV, chikungunya virus, hMPV/PIV3, CMV and Zika). Moderna’s CMV vaccine is currently in a Phase 2 dose-confirmation study. Moderna’s investigational Zika vaccine (mRNA-1893), currently in a Phase 1 study, was granted FDA Fast Track designation in August 2019.


Duró un día la euforia con Moderna

Heavy hearts soared Monday with news that Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine candidate — the frontrunner in the American market — seemed to be generating an immune response in Phase 1 trial subjects. The company’s stock valuation also surged, hitting $29 billion, an astonishing feat for a company that currently sells zero products.

But was there good reason for so much enthusiasm? Several vaccine experts asked by STAT concluded that, based on the information made available by the Cambridge, Mass.-based company, there’s really no way to know how impressive — or not — the vaccine may be.

While Moderna blitzed the media, it revealed very little information — and most of what it did disclose were words, not data. That’s important: If you ask scientists to read a journal article, they will scour data tables, not corporate statements. With science, numbers speak much louder than words.


Re: Duró un día la euforia con Moderna


Moderna Starts a Phase 2 Clinical Trial for Its COVID-19 Vaccine

The vaccine is advancing through clinical trials at lightning speed.

Jun 1, 2020 at 8:53AM

Author Bio
Moderna (NASDAQ:MRNA) has enrolled the first participants in a phase 2 clinical trial testing mRNA-1273, its vaccine against the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

The move puts the biotech one step closer to potentially having the first COVID-19 vaccine available in the U.S., although the timing isn't all that surprising. Moderna announced plans to start the mid-stage study in April, followed by an endorsement by the Food and Drug Administration last month. And phase 1 data for the vaccine released May 18 certainly looked promising enough to justify moving to mid-stage testing.


Moderna plans to enroll 600 participants in the study, with half of them being 55 years of age or older. Based on the phase 1 study, Moderna plans to test two doses of the drug, which will be compared with a placebo. Each participant will receive an initial vaccination and a booster to increase antibody production.

The phase 2 clinical trial might be able to read out faster than the 45-participant phase 1 study that took about two months to gather data. That's because all participants can be dosed immediately, unlike in a phase 1 dose-escalation study where safety data from each dose has to be gathered before the next dose can be started. Of course, there are substantially more participants in the phase 2 study, but it shouldn't be too hard to find 600 people who are interested in enrolling in the study.

Moderna is shooting for starting the phase 3 clinical trial in July. The company is still working on the design of the study, but presumably it'll need to have thousands of participants to gather enough safety data to get the vaccine approved by regulators.

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When investing geniuses David and Tom Gardner have a stock tip, it can pay to listen. After all, the newsletter they have run for over a decade, Motley Fool Stock Advisor, has tripled the market.*

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Re: Duró un día la euforia con Moderna

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Re: La vacuna de Moderna ha sido seleccionada por Administración Trump

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