
Think Child Care

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Think Child Care
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Re: Think Child Care

Ya está en 2,22. Espero que publiquen el próximo mes un buen resultado y vuelva a batir los máximos históricos


Re: Think Child Care

Sigue el crecimiento de centro para cuidado de niños en Australia





New government childcare rebates, coupled with a number of other well-timed market changes, have seen the Early Childhood Development and Care (ECDC) industry become an asset class to watch for astute investors.

A recent white paper, Child Care: Australia’s Burgeoning Real Estate Investment Class, by Colliers International identified an 800 per cent increase in the number of sales of child care centres from 2008 to 2016, with the highest volume of activity concentrated across the east coast.

The growth of the industry is supported by several key factors that effectively de-risk the asset class.


Re: Think Child Care

Pongo un video para que veais el fuerte crecimiento que está experimentando Australia en el cuidado de niños


Re: Think Child Care

Think Childcare Ltd (ASX: TNK)

One reason I’m particularly bullish on Think Childcare is its pipeline of newly developed, purpose built childcare centres around Australia which are waiting to be acquired progressively over the next five years from its incubators.

I believe this will provide it with a long runway for growth which makes this childcare provider a great buy and hold investment option. Right now its shares provide a market-beating trailing fully franked 4.2% dividend, but this could grow significantly in the future if its expansion goes to plan.

If you like dividend shares like Think Childcare and Tassal, then check out these five dividend stars as well.


Re: Think Child Care

Think Childcare Ltd (ASX: TNK) — owner and acquirer of childcare centres

Relative to the two companies above, Think Childcare is a relative newbie. It has only been listed since 2014, which means it is only just getting to the point where investors have a decent little track record to look at. However, it does seem to be delivering on its promises, generating steady growth in profits, cashflow and dividends. The CEO and founder owns over 30% of the shares on issue, so he has plenty of incentive to treat shareholders well. Think Childcare is the most conventionally cheap of the companies on this list and I may well buy more shares after the upcoming results if the results are pleasing.

While I really like and own each of these companies, it has to be said that small-cap investing is not for the feint hearted. These stocks can be volatile and you should have the stomach to take significant volatility — and that’s even if things go well. For those of you that prefer attractive dividends, I recommend checking out the stock named in this free report.

I suggest you check out the company named in this this free report since my friend and colleague highly recommends it. Personally, I have recommended a similar company.

You might not know this market leader, but it's making waves in Asia and already boasts a term-deposit-crushing dividend of almost 5%. A debt free balance sheet and dominant market position at home and abroad mean this company offers investors income and some real-deal growth potential.


Re: Think Child Care

Aquí hay futuro crecimiento y beneficios crecientes. Boom en Australia de cuidado de niños



Australians are paying more for childcare than mortgages and food, leading to calls for action

Lanai Scarr, News Corp Australia Network

Subscriber only

CHILDCARE costs are driving Australian families to breaking point with an exclusive survey for News Corp Australia finding close to 40 per cent are paying more than or equal to their mortgage in out of pocket payments each week.

Close to a third are paying double their grocery bills — after the government rebate — and one in five are paying triple their weekly grocery shop.

Alarmingly 34 per cent of respondents in the survey conducted for News Corp Australia by  The Parenthood said they have been late paying their bills, mortgage or rent because of childcare.

A total of 21 per cent of respondents say they are basically working to pay for childcare with 57 per cent only marginally better off working.

Today News Corp Australia will shine a light on the pain parents are enduring to send their children to childcare and look at ways we can reform our “broken system”.

Despite the recently legislated changes to childcare to come into force in July 2018, which are a great first step, many hardworking professional families say childcare costs will still cripple their weekly budget and the system needs further root and branch reform.


Re: Think Child Care

Infravalorada, el mercado la pondrá en su sitio.


Re: Think Child Care

Buenas tardes. El tema de la retencion en este Pais como es?


Re: Think Child Care

Crecimiento para los próximos años



Think Childcare: Turning child’s play into earnings

  • The Australian
  • X

Think Childcare

ASX code: TNK

Share price: $1.84

Industry: Early childcare

Forecast Distribution: 12c per share, fully franked

Industry “roll-up” stocks, where a company aims to lead a sector by constantly building or acquiring operations, are a mixed bag. Investors still recall the failure of industry behemoth ABC Learning in 2010. Recently, providers such as G8 Education (GEM) have led a recovery, helping restore credibility to the listed model as it profitably expanded from 46 centres to 502 today.

However, because most returns come via multiple arbitrage — buying private operators on low multiples and incorporating them into a listed structure trading publicly at much higher multiples — early shareholders tend to benefit the most. This gives reason to consider Think Childcare (TNK), an early-stage Victoria-focused operator.

With 3 per cent market share in Victoria, TNK is well placed to join in the consolidation of the still highly fragmented industry. Since listing in late 2014, it has grown its network of owned centres from 30 to 38, and in conjunction with “incubator” partners, it has a pipeline of 62 centres. This creates a relatively low-risk acquisition strategy.

Essentially, the incubator program allows TNK to select and manage sites to satisfactory utilisation and operating performance before acquiring at value-accretive prices, generally set at four times EBITDA. TNK trades about nine times on the ASX. This suggests TNK acquiring the incubator pipeline could add up to $150 million of market value (assuming an EBITDA of $0.5m for each centre). This compares well to TNK’s enterprise value of $89m.

Although TNK has performed reasonably well, the first half of fiscal 2017 was challenging due to a combination of industry overcapacity and a stagnant childcare funding environment offsetting rising fee pressure.

Management expects the storm to abate in 2018 with utilisation set to improve on the back of a pullback in new centre openings and the government’s “Jobs for Families” package to be launched on July 1 next year, which will invest $37 billion in childcare over four years.

TNK trades on a 6.5 per cent 2018 yield (9.2 per cent including franking credits) so it looks particularly interesting for the income-oriented investor.

Jonathan Wilson is an analyst at Clime Smaller Companies Fund.

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