
Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

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Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional
179 suscriptores
Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional
5.723 / 11.367

Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

Lo de unas pocas es relativo Nano. Esta va a ser una bomba, o todo o nada cuando publiquen las noticias de la fusión.


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional


Parece que empieza a despertar .. a vigilar


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

Buenos días. Lo malo de Interactive Brokers es que cobran una cantidad por acción, por lo que al final sale más cara la operativa que en operadores tradicionales de aquí como Renta 4, por ejemplo. Da igual que entre en funcionamiento el sistema fijo o el de niveles, las comisiones de Interactive Brokers son carísimas. Por cierto, ¿cómo eliges si quieres que funcione el sistema fijo o el de niveles? ¿Es algo que eliges cuando abres la cuenta o puedes optar por uno u otro en cada operación? 


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

Kurdt, no me acojones....jajajja o todo o nada ni de coña, ya estoy mas que experimentado llevándome mas mira lo que te digo, ayer si hubiese vendido ambos paquetes aún podría haber entrado otra vez en un precio razonable y con pasta en la bolsa, a estas alturas no me fio de ningun bicho de estos...

Vamos a tener un buen dia, o no??

Bt a todos...


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

Muy complicado de explicar lo de las Histogenics Nano. En teoría hay un merger con Ocugen y nos dan un tanto por ciento de la empresa nueva, entre un 10 y15%. Cuando lo publiquen parece ser que también van a dar resultados de una fase III que tienen de un medicamento ocular. Tienen previsto publicarlo en menos de una semana según leo por foros. O sea, o buen pelotazo o buena leche que nos damos.
Complicado de explicar Nano.... y más con un móvil.


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

Kurdt estoy al tanto del tema,,,,gracias majete


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional


Ayer me llego al correo un  analisis  sobre este valor ( cuando el rio suena es que agua lleva)

Histogenics Corporation gained 36.41% in the last trading day ( Wednesday, 12th Jun 2019 ), rising from $0.22 to $ 0.30, and has now gained 5 days in a row. It will be exciting to see whether it manages to continue gaining or take a minor break for the next few days. During the day the stock fluctuated 33.86% from a day low at $0.24 to a day high of $0.32. The price has risen in 7 of the last 10 days and is up by 76.53% over the past 2 weeks. Volume has increased in the last day along with the price, which is a positive technical sign, and, in total, 44.67 million more shares were traded than the day before. In total, 54.14 million shares bought and sold for approximately $16.25 million.

Histogenics Corporation has broken the very wide and strong rising the short-term trend up and an even stronger rising rate is indicated. For any reaction back there will now be support on the roof on the current trend broken at $0.28, a level that may pose a second chance to hit a runner. According to fan-theory $0.39 will be the next possible trend-top level and thereby pose a resistance level which may not be broken at the first attempt. Histogenics Corporation holds buy signals from both short- and long-term moving averages. In addition,  there is a general buy signal from the relation between the two signals where the short-term average is above the long-term average. On corrections down, there will be some support from the lines at $0.21 and $0.19. A break down below any of these levels will issue sell signals. A buy signal was issued from a pivot bottom point on Tuesday, June 04, 2019, which indicates further gains until a new top pivot has been found. Volume is rising along with the price. This is considered to be a good technical signal.
RSI14 is 87 and the stock is extremely overbought on RSI14, but may also continue to gain. Some stocks see their best performance while being overbought, but very seldom does RSI remain so high for a long time without short corrections. Risk has therefore increased and larger daily movements can be expected for the next couple of days. 

On the downside, the stock finds support just below today's level from accumulated volume at $0.23. There is no resistance from accumulated volume above today's level and given the right condition the stock may perform very well during the next couple of days. This stock may move much during a day (volatility) and with a large prediction interval from the Bollinger Band this stock is considered to be "high risk". During the last day, the stock moved $0.08 between high and low, or 33.86%. For the last week, the stock has had a daily average volatility of 13.54%. Histogenics Corporation holds several positive signals, but we still don't find these to be enough for a buy-recommendation. At the current level, we recommend to hold or accumulate in this position whilst waiting for further development.  Due to some small weaknesses in the technical picture we have downgraded our recommendation for this stock since last evaluation from a Strong Buy Candidate to a Hold/Accumulate.

Risk:  Medium

Evaluation:  Hold/Accumulate