
Resident Foreigner from South Africa wishes to locate an ETF investment platform in Spain

13 respuestas
Resident Foreigner from South Africa wishes to locate an ETF investment platform in Spain
Resident Foreigner from South Africa wishes to locate an ETF investment platform in Spain

Resident Foreigner from South Africa wishes to locate an ETF investment platform in Spain

Hi all,   Please assist if possible. I am a legal tax paying resident in Spain . In a few years I may move residency to another EU country and would like to be able to invest into ETF world tracker funds while residing in Spain. In the case of changing my residence some time in the future ( Become resident in another EU country)  I would need to be able to access and withdraw funds outside of Spain in the future......    Is this possible?????  and if so can someone suggest a decent ETF Investment PLatform i can legally use while resident in Spain.


Many thanks



Re: Resident Foreigner from South Africa wishes to locate an ETF investment platform in Spain

Hi Ron

There is not problem with your operative, its quite common, It could be easier for you if you could work with a medium/big bank/broker in order to avoid problems (you cand find better prices in small ones for sure..)

You only have to remember there is a different tax law for residents and for non residents.... (and YOU HAVE to comunicate to your bank your legal situation)

Let me recomend you they are not the best, they are not the the cheapest but they are quite serious and probably they could solve all your probs.

Sorry about my english maybe this is the first time I write in english in the last 10 years




Re: Resident Foreigner from South Africa wishes to locate an ETF investment platform in Spain

If you want move around the EU, you'll better use an international platform, like Interactive Brokers, De Giro...

And you only could invest in funds Mifid II translated spanish (even though ypu're native english speaker jjjj). Only you could purchase Spy, by example, if you'll be allocated by options. 

My grammar it's too bad, sorry 😁😁😁

Solo se que no se nada.


Re: Resident Foreigner from South Africa wishes to locate an ETF investment platform in Spain

Thank you so very much !!  Mucho Gracias!! .  I am a bit concerned going through a Spanish bank because I have been informed that if I move to another country, I will need to disinvest my money from the market ( etf) and deposit the monies back into a Spanish Bank account before transferring the funds to another country....  I don't want to have this limitation as once I move to another country, I would still wish to continue my investment BUT would have no need to keep a Spanish Bank account.

Do you have some information that may help me?.

Kind regards



Re: Resident Foreigner from South Africa wishes to locate an ETF investment platform in Spain

Mucho gracias!!  :) :) .  I accept and agree to only invest into legitimate structures ( nothing illegal!!). How would I know if an ETF is MifidII compliant?..   

I will investigate De Giro , .. hopefully this is a solution !!   ,.

Do you know of other similar type Spanish registered Investment company's able / capable of accepting  me as an Investor of World Tracker ETF 's?.


Thank you so much for your positive response.   I wish I could speak Spanish but this will take time.    :)

Adios amigo



Re: Resident Foreigner from South Africa wishes to locate an ETF investment platform in Spain

...Mucho gracias!!  :) :) .  I accept and agree to only invest into legitimate structures ( nothing illegal!!). How would I know if an ETF is MifidII compliant?..    No problemo jjj

It's matter, the broker won't let you invest on these ETF. 

In these thread talks about it...


The problem it's if you open the broker on the UE, Mifid 2 its fully applicable. You can't buy a lot of ETF Usa but example SPY. The only option there, it's to sell options and let them exucuted.

Read the forum and let's talk...I practice English 😁😁😁

Solo se que no se nada.


Re: Resident Foreigner from South Africa wishes to locate an ETF investment platform in Spain

Hola,   I and happy to chat so you can practice English , lol.  :)

Don't you mean,.... buy options and see if they are executed?



Re: Resident Foreigner from South Africa wishes to locate an ETF investment platform in Spain


Tecnically I Cant see a legal reason to sale just because you move to another country.

In any case if you have a broker probably YOU HAVE to keep a bank account in Spain (some nice brokers are also banks so this is not a big deal)

In my opinion there is no reason for disinvest your money if you moved.....There are thousands of invesments of non residents in Spain. BUT its true, after disinvest you have to put your money in an spanish bank account before transfer the money to other country.

Its true your legal situation is going to be different for the bank (the tax situation is different for residents and non residents) please ask the bank...... I cant see any kind of problems with the operative.

I honestly think you dont have the right information but please ask the bank.....




Re: Resident Foreigner from South Africa wishes to locate an ETF investment platform in Spain

Hola,   I and happy to chat so you can practice English , lol.  :)

Don't you mean,.... buy options and see if they are executed?


Re: Resident Foreigner from South Africa wishes to locate an ETF investment platform in Spain

Vaya, me acaban de salir ahora todas tus respuestas, y una mia se quedo en el tintero. Caguen.

O yo he entendido mal o ya esta en España y quiere empezar a invertir en ETF's mundiales. Pero que luego no haya problemas cuando se vaya.

Entonces si abre cuenta en un broker internacional, solo ha de cambiar de residencia fiscal y notificarselo al broker. Por eso decia dentro de la Ue deGiro o Interactive (mejores tarifas e internacionales).

Solo se que no se nada.


Re: Resident Foreigner from South Africa wishes to locate an ETF investment platform in Spain

Sip ;)

Solo es un problema de residencia fiscal, no le han dado la info correcta.


Re: Resident Foreigner from South Africa wishes to locate an ETF investment platform in Spain

Entonces tenemos quorum ... para explicarselo jjjjjjjjjjjjjj

Reside en España, abre una cuenta con un broker internacional. Cuando se vaya solo ha de cambiar la direccion y residencia fiscal en su broker (cuentas bancarias y todo lo demas va aparte). Si se va del "todo" no deja nada en España seria cosa de un banco en su nuevo pais y cambiar la cuenta de retiradas.

Pero mientras siga siendo residente en la UE tendra vetado por Mifid II ciertos Etf Usa (aunque no con adjudicacion por acciones).

Todo ok? (por que no se si yo me ire detras de el jajajaja)

Solo se que no se nada.


Re: Resident Foreigner from South Africa wishes to locate an ETF investment platform in Spain

Por cierto, me sonaba tu nombre de hace años y te habia leido. Vi el hilo de recomendar valores y como querias formar una cartera. Me pense intervenir pero vi que hace tiempo decias que opciones no,  jjjjj y me corte.

Solo se que no se nada.


Re: Resident Foreigner from South Africa wishes to locate an ETF investment platform in Spain

Estaba casi seguro de que tendría dinero para hacerme una cartera de inversión maja.... pero me han ofrecido una cosilla bastante simpática fuera de bolsa.Me la ofrece gente que conozco y con la que ya he trabajado así que me lo estoy pensando ..... si sale me tocará darme de baja en el foro de nuevo ;)

Soy un mar de dudas......

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