
Carrero Blanco a victim of terrorism

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Carrero Blanco a victim of terrorism
Carrero Blanco a victim of terrorism
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Re: Carrero Blanco a victim of terrorism

Comparar el franquismo con el terrorismo es al menos de " muy poco rigor histórico", también podríamos hablar de los crímenes de los republicanos o posteriormente de los maquis.


Re: Carrero Blanco a victim of terrorism

Yo no pretendo comparar porque hay una diferencia muy grande en el número de víctimas.
Otra cosa es que alguien lo intoroduzca en el debate, lo cual no me importa aunque a ti sí, según parece.

También podemos hablar de los crímenes que citas, nadie se opone. Pero cuando hablamos de los crímenes del franquismo nos referimos generalmente a los cometidos en tiempos de paz. Esa paz de la que tanto presumían y en la que cometieron miles de crímenes de todo tipo.

El silencio es hermoso cuando no es impuesto.


Re: Carrero Blanco a victim of terrorism

Relatives of the last condemned to death by the terrorist Franco had participate in the Sixth Conference of Historical Memory in Sestao (Bizkaia), which have denounced the long shadow of impunity.
Blanco Chivite put the horizon in Buenos Aires. "We keep the memory of our colleagues, claiming that fight and accusing the terrorist dictatorship, he stressed. Now the survivors are in Argentina's complaint, in which 20 old bloody personally involved in this terrorist dictatorship are accused ". In that sense, this veteran militant from FRAP said that in that regime "terrorist gangs Police, Army, Police and Social Political Brigade were called", which he identified as the "Spanish Gestapo". "In these conditions, resistant dictatorship are anti-terrorist forces," he said.


Re: Carrero Blanco a victim of terrorism

¡¡ Bullshit !!


Re: Carrero Blanco a victim of terrorism

This November 20 will mark forty years since the death in bed of Spanish terrorist Francisco Franco, a fact that Omnium Cultural leverage to celebrate an act of condemnation of the crimes of Francoism and the defense of historical justice. It will be an event that will feature speeches politicomusical victims of Francoism and representatives of civil society will close the campaign "Justice for the crimes of Francoism." The event will take place at the confluence of streets and Nicaragua Roussillon, just before the Modelo prison in Barcelona.

In the presentation of the event, President of Omnium Cultural, Quim Torra, referred to the Model Prison as "one of the spaces that symbolize Franco's repression," although it also could add many others, as "police of the Via Laietana, or Boot Camp de Montjuïc Castle." At the same event, the lawyer Magda Oranich recalled the need to condemn the repression, not only of the death sentences, arrests and encarceracions but also "daily repression" that affect the day to day citizens, especially women.


Re: Carrero Blanco a victim of terrorism

Podréis decir lo que queráis pero para mí TODOS los crímenes son iguales sea de quien sea y vengan de donde vengan En este país tenemos la mala costumbre de diferenciar por cantidades no se muy bien porqué que pasa que un crimen no es un crimen porque otros han cometido cientos? Seguirá siendo un crimen aunque sea uno, dos o veintidós. No le contesto directamente a nadie para que no se sientan aludidos.
Nunca un crimen será justificado ni justificable.

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