ok.... segun dijeron el otro dia en la conferencia de Jeffries tinen asegurados de APAS 2.000 millones....copio y pego parte de la conferencia
"Certainly. Ensuring we have the financial strength as we build out this transition to commercial markets is really important. And what we outlined and I outlined on our call last week is that we could see forward to cash, expected cash and sales, APA sales through 2025 of approximately $2 billion and so exceptionally important because that is the cash and sales runway to enable what will be this transition to commercial markets in the US and then selectively across the world in a highly efficient and focused manner.
And to give you a sense of when I say $2 billion, where does that come from? We're talking about cash on hand, receivable from Canada, another $175 million, from our guidance Q4, Q1, another $600 million and then after this season, which ends at the end of Q1, another $750 million for the markets that John just mentioned, Australia, New Zealand, Canada.
So we have a very fortunate position of having both this cash position plus APAs ahead of us to help solidify our foundation as we build, build in a focused and efficient way these commercial markets. "
Con ese dinero, mas las ventas de vacunas en USA, mas las ventas de matrix, mas otras ventas o ayudas deberían llegar al 2026 sin problema y a partir de ahí meter el combo(gripe+Covid) mas la malaria........
Yo no creo que sea un mal momento por fundamentales para comprar novavax a medio largo plazo..... pero como he dicho ante me puedo equivocar
Este es el enlace a la conferencia completa: