
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.140 / 3.346

Re: 2 días adicionales

Qué pesaaaaaaadooooooooo.
Dejamos hablar del juicio troll.


Re: 2 días adicionales

Charles Smith does appear to be "planted testimony" as Justin stated in his objection request.

Charles Smith said in examining the GSA = WMI did indeed yes use WGM for its advice

and Smith is saying

some of what WGM and they talked about was shown in seal to EC

and some of the WGM and WMI stuff was NOT shown to anyone because they are in live argument with JPM until the GSA and POR is approved

This was a weekend preparation - we need Nelson or TPS or Insurance guy - to beat this guy up --

The WMI company is now saying - contrary to W TH F - that they did use counsel

They need to do that ----- or how did they prepare for round one which was pre QE

They - Rosey and team had to choose

Between an uninformed decision - no counsel advice


The potential of COI ruining things pre QE in draft one of the TERMS

Expect Nelson to go straight at that - learn more of what WGM did

A. May find things NOT SHOWN to them - so its a lie that WMI showed sheet to EC
B. May find levels of WGM involvment with JPM issues that exceed the level of a conflicted law firm under contract to both WMI and JPM at the same time


Re: 2 días adicionales

mejor vende todo ahora y vuelve el fin de semana me lo agradeceras troll


Re: 2 días adicionales

All of the debtors witnesses in support of the POR have been stooges relying on "advice of counsel." Who personally and specifically was the actor/grand master of the counsel pulling all these stooges strings?


Re: 2 días adicionales

Marybob dice:

Smith is a much stronger witness than Kosturos...but he sounds as if he also knows stuff that can help equity. The sense is that the debtors are being forced to use Smith in a much broader way than they orginally intended as a result of Kosturos poor testimony last week. The cross-examination of Smith might be enormously helpful to equity IF it is done correctly.


Re: 2 días adicionales

Yo, al contrario que otros, tomo mis propias decisiones en función de mis conocimientos, y no por lo que diga un forero, ni tú ni simpson.

Si alguien invierte por consejo de otro, y ese otro además es un desconocido, es un NECIO.



Re: 2 días adicionales

Also, they are consuming time as much as they are going step-by-step in planned Q&A.

The EC DIME or TPS has to make reference to this tactic before the end of the day. The sooner they do, the sooner the Judge will be forced to say they will each have equal time even it leads into the evening or into tomorrow.


Re: 2 días adicionales

Mr_Simpson las cotizaciones se acercan cada vez a los valores de cuando comenzaste esta farsa. que va a decir ahora para captar mas inversores? se te acaba el tiempo