
Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

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Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza
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Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza
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Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

Buenas subidas, se acerca a maximos del pasado año. El litio sigue al alza, acaba de empezar la revolución de eléctricos


Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

Muy interesante la cotización del litio y eso que hubo una campaña hace unos años, para la sustitución de ese mineral como material de componentes, pero no han podido reeplazarlo y seguirá cotizandose muy bien por mucho rato


Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

Todas las noticias son positivas para el litio. HAY y Habrá DEMANDA en los próximos años


Vestas desarrollará soluciones de almacenamiento de energía eólica con el fabricante de baterías Northvolt



La multinacional danesa -primer fabricante de aerogeneradores del mundo- y la empresa Northvolt -fundada el año pasado por un equipo de expertos en almacenamiento de energía- anunciaron el viernes un acuerdo de colaboración tecnológica cuyo objetivo es "el desarrollo de una batería de litio ión para las instalaciones eléctricas de Vestas". El fabricante danés de aerogeneradores va a invertir, en la primera etapa de este proyecto, diez millones de euros.


Yuasa fabricará baterías de ion-litio para coches eléctricos en Europa

El fabricante japonés de baterías GS Yuasa Corp abrirá una nueva fábrica en Hungría para ensamblaría baterías de iones de litio para automóviles.


Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

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Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

Neometals evaluates direct shipping of titanium and vanadium
09:28 24 Jan 2018
Prices are at near five year highs due to strong demand and Chinese cutbacks.
Barrambie map
The Barrambie project is in Western Australia’s mid-west region

Neometals Ltd (ASX:NMT) aims to take advantage of strong titanium and vanadium prices by evaluating direct shipping options for its Barrambie project in Western Australia.

The company has received approvals to mine a circa 50,000 tonne bulk sample of high grade titanium at Barrambie and is awaiting road transport approval.

Grade control drilling has been completed in the area proposed for mining of the sample and assays are pending.
Examining DSO options

Neometals is examining direct shipping ore (DSO) options for the high grade titanium and vanadium as an option for project development.

Chris Reed, managing director, said: “With titanium and vanadium prices at near five-year highs and recent additions to the executive team, we are accelerating technical and commercial activities for Barrambie.

“With the natural advantages of the Barrambie resource we are confident of finding the best development option.”
READ: Neometals admitted to Nasdaq International Designation

The project hosts one of the world’s highest grade hard rock titanium deposits and also has significant levels of high grade vanadium.

Prices are at high levels due to strong demand in energy storage and pigment markets, exacerbated by Chinese production cutbacks due to environmental compliance issues.
Barrambie titanium and vanadium resource

Barrambie has a resource of 47.2 million tonnes at 22% titanium and 0.63% vanadium and within this is a higher grade vanadium resource grading 0.91%.

Beneficiation studies have shown this zone can be upgraded to concentrate zones of 1.4% vanadium while test work is showing titanium concentrate grades in excess of 36%.

The option of DSO with a titanium focus is the primary evaluation area for Neometals and comprehensive cost modelling has been undertaken.
Sample sent to Chinese processor

A representative sample of Barrambie DSO from the planned starter pits has been received by a Chinese titanium processor with performance tests to be completed on the sample.

The company has recently appointed former Iluka and Talison executive Paul Wallwork as general manager of marketing and product development.

Together with Eileen Hao, Neometals’ general manager in China, discussions with toll treatment operators as well as titanium and vanadium end users are progressing.


Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

Neometals evaluates direct shipping of titanium and vanadium

09:28 24 Jan 2018
Prices are at near five year highs due to strong demand and Chinese cutbacks.
Barrambie map
The Barrambie project is in Western Australia’s mid-west region

Neometals Ltd ( ASX:NMT) aims to take advantage of strong titanium and vanadium prices by evaluating direct shipping options for its Barrambie project in Western Australia.

The company has received approvals to mine a circa 50,000 tonne bulk sample of high grade titanium at Barrambie and is awaiting road transport approval.

Grade control drilling has been completed in the area proposed for mining of the sample and assays are pending.

Examining DSO options

Neometals is examining direct shipping ore (DSO) options for the high grade titanium and vanadium as an option for project development.

Chris Reed, managing director, said: “With titanium and vanadium prices at near five-year highs and recent additions to the executive team, we are accelerating technical and commercial activities for Barrambie.

“With the natural advantages of the Barrambie resource we are confident of finding the best development option.”

READ: Neometals admitted to Nasdaq International Designation

The project hosts one of the world’s highest grade hard rock titanium deposits and also has significant levels of high grade vanadium.

Prices are at high levels due to strong demand in energy storage and pigment markets, exacerbated by Chinese production cutbacks due to environmental compliance issues.

Barrambie titanium and vanadium resource

Barrambie has a resource of 47.2 million tonnes at 22% titanium and 0.63% vanadium and within this is a higher grade vanadium resource grading 0.91%.

Beneficiation studies have shown this zone can be upgraded to concentrate zones of 1.4% vanadium while test work is showing titanium concentrate grades in excess of 36%.

The option of DSO with a titanium focus is the primary evaluation area for Neometals and comprehensive cost modelling has been undertaken.

Sample sent to Chinese processor

A representative sample of Barrambie DSO from the planned starter pits has been received by a Chinese titanium processor with performance tests to be completed on the sample.

The company has recently appointed former Iluka and Talison executive Paul Wallwork as general manager of marketing and product development.

Together with Eileen Hao, Neometals’ general manager in China, discussions with toll treatment operators as well as titanium and vanadium end users are progressing.


Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

TIenen un gran proyecto de titanio y vanadio y podeis ver la evolución alcista de los precios de estos metales.


Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

Neometals has strong valuation upside according to research report

2018-02-09 by Proactive Investors 


Neometals Ltd  (ASX:NMT) is significantly undervalued and has strong valuation upside, according to a research report from Arlington Group Asset Management Limited.

The London-based investment group, which was engaged by Neometals, has applied a fair net asset value of $1.43 on the stock, around four times trading levels of $0.35 to $0.36.

Arlington states in the report that separating Neometals "into its constituent parts would lead to better understanding and a higher valuation".

The parts referred to are the company's mining assets and its technology assets.


Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

Neometals declares dividend for shareholders


09:40 25 May 2018

Shareholders on the register as at June 1 will be entitled to the dividend.

files titled dividends

This is the third dividend payment made in the past three years

Neometals Ltd ( ASX:NMT) has declared a 1 cent per share unfranked dividend for its shareholders.

The company is able to continue paying a dividend due to its 13.8% ownership in the Mt Marion lithium operations near Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.


Mt Marion has been in production since April 2017 and sales of lithium concentrate are generating consistent cash flow for the company.

Consistent future cash flows expected

Neometals’ managing director Chris Reed said: “Neometals’ strategy of holding a globally significant mineral portfolio, de‐risking through project partnering and increasing margins via expanding output and quality of production is working well for us.

“Mt Marion is one of the world’s largest lithium producing assets and it gives us invaluable exposure to the entire lithium supply chain with a concentrate source that has been validated by converters and battery end users.

“We look forward to applying the same principles as we continue the development our lithium hydroxide, battery recycling and titanium initiatives.”

READ: Neometals viewed as substantially undervalued as it moves to near-term profitability

Earlier this month, Neometals collected a 53-tonne bulk sample from its Barramble Titanium Vanadium Project in Western Australia to ship to China

The sample was from the high-grade part of the deposit which has potential to be the main feed source for a potential direct shipping ore (DSO) operation.

Prospective buyers from China will next perform metallurgical test work on the bulk sample when it arrives in China.

Additional test work will also commence at an Australian laboratory to confirm Chinese results


Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

Neometals Ltd looking to move downstream towards lithium chemical production


10:01 07 Jun 2018

Chris Reed, chief executive of  Neometals Ltd ( ASX:NMT), discusses with Proactive's Andrew Scott their decision to enter into an option agreement to sub-lease a 40-hectare site in Kalgoorlie for a proposed lithium hydroxide refinery.

With a lithium hydroxide plant, Neometals aims to take lithium concentrate feed from its nearby 13.8% owned Mt Marion lithium operations and convert it to the higher value lithium hydroxide product.


Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

Infravalorada, descuento del 80%



Neometals recibe un precio objetivo de 50 céntimos de Euroz


08:34 24 sep 2018

Euroz es una compañía de servicios financieros con sede en Perth centrada en ASX.

concepto de crecimiento mostrado por el gráfico de precios de acciones subiendo

Euroz ofrece servicios de corretaje de valores, finanzas corporativas, gestión de fondos y gestión patrimonial

Neometals Ltd (  ASX: NMT ) ha recibido una recomendación Buy y un objetivo de precio de 50 centavos por acción de Euroz

Con acciones que cotizan alrededor de 25 centavos por acción, el objetivo de precio de 50 centavos representa una subida potencial del 100%.


La compañía está construyendo un negocio integrado de litio que comenzó con su 13,8% de participación en la mina de litio Mt Marion en funcionamiento en Australia Occidental.

LEER: Neometales persiguen múltiples puestos en la cadena de suministro de litio

Recientemente, la compañía describió los planes para desmerguarizar sus activos de titanio y vanadio.

El spin-out permitirá a Neometals y a la nueva compañía enfocarse por separado en el desarrollo de sus respectivas estrategias integradas de litio y titanio-vanadio.

Informe de investigación de Euroz

El siguiente es un extracto del informe de Euroz.


• NMT ha anunciado su intención de separar su proyecto Barrambie Titanium-Vanadium y asociar activos que no sean de litio, con la finalización establecida para Mar Q FY'19;

• Esto permitirá que un negocio de litio integrado verticalmente continúe evolucionando dentro de la estructura NMT mientras se da cuenta del valor para la emergente operación DSO Barrambie en el corto y mediano plazo;

• A más largo plazo, NewCo buscará avanzar en el desarrollo potencial de hojas de flujo de procesos aguas abajo para producir químicos de vanadio y titanio de alta pureza;

• En nuestro análisis, la escisión tiene sentido, ya que el mercado no paga nada por el resto del negocio NMT fuera de su participación del 13,8% en la mina de litio Mt Marion más efectivo.

Sensibilidad al mercado: precio objetivo: $ 0,50 / sh - Valoración: $ 0,53 / sh

Escenario Bull - $ 2.00 / sh
NMT avanza hacia la comercialización de Barambie DSO, desarrollo y comercialización de la planta de procesamiento de LiOH y la comercialización del proceso de Reciclaje de Batería Li-Ion.

Escenario base: $ 0,50 / sh
NMT avanza hacia la comercialización de Barambie DSO, el desarrollo o la comercialización de la planta de procesamiento de LiOH o la comercialización del proceso de reciclaje de baterías de Li-Ion.

Bear Scenario - $ 0.25 / sh
NMT no comercializa sus otras empresas fuera de su interés central Mt Marion (valoración EZL - $ 0,26 / sh)


Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

Rebote claro sobre soporte, buscando los máximos de los últimos años


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