
Participaciones del usuario Inversor71

Inversor71 09/07/11 02:23
Ha respondido al tema Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
lawrence, I did notice the Hoffman objection afterwards. But if you read the filing, Mark Collins CERTIFIES than there are no pending objections. Somebody ought to object RIGHT AWAY. Anyway, in case anyone wants to check the filing history: Related documents: 12/13/2010 6320 Amended Withdrawal of Objection by Tricadia Capital Management, LLC, to Debtors' Motion Pursuant to Section 554(a) of the Bankruptcy Code for Authorizing to Abandon WMI's Equity Interests in Washington Mutual Bank 48 k 12/8/2010 6272 Withdrawal of Objection by Tricadia Capital Management, LLC, to Debtors' Motion Pursuant to Section 554(a) of the Bankruptcy Code for Authorizing to Abandon WMI's Equity Interests in Washington Mutual Bank 137 k 11/29/2010 6117 Objection by Tricadia Capital Management, LLC, to Debtors' Motion Pursuant to Section 554(a) of the Bankruptcy Code for Authorizing to Abandon WMI's Equity Interests in Washington Mutual Bank 1173 k 11/12/2010 5885 Debtors' Motion Pursuant to Section 554(a) of the Bankruptcy Code for Authorization to Abandon WMI's Equity Interests in Washington Mutual Bank 880 k But WAIT!!!! 11/8/2010 5802 Objection to Any Provisions in the GSA or the Plan Which Require Abandonment or Any Form of Release of the WMI Claims Filed by Daniel Hoffman 551 k I don't see Daniel Hoffman withdrawing HIS objection!!! And he filed his objection on time (deadline was Nov 29, 2010)
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Inversor71 08/07/11 22:14
Ha respondido al tema Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
Delay, Deal or WMI/JPM/FDIC ends G.S. Here we are folks at another crossroads for this travesty that has resulted in multiple crimes being committed and the original crime as bad as it is/was may start taking a back seat to the OVERALL cover-up. It just does not appear the Criminals have any common sense left as greed; corruption overpowers their good judgment, just as any abuse of drugs and alcohol do. I am back to the common sense level that when you stand back from a distance and look at the mess all of these Criminals including Weasel/Gotcha/Mangle have found themselves in, it would be very hard to believe if you did not know. Who would have thought that the very top people in the US Government and some successful organizations along with the legal profession would have made such an embarrassment, mockery and showed the level of corruption of the Unites States in present day? This case alone would make any third world country look like a Saint. I feel we are down to these three choices and while delay may be the most popular choice, I still feel strongly that unless a settlement occurs or a delay that Rosie has to pull the Global Settlement. I just do not believe Rosie can go through with POS POR 6+ without enhancements or change and if anyone can explain how Rosie could avoid the charge of bankruptcy fraud if he does, I would like to hear from you. I say this assuming Susman and PJS/BDO have finished WMI’s pre/post chapter 11 filing valuation in total. We know for a fact it was delivered to Rosie and others through court filings. It would seem once Rosie and company have been notified of the assets that are missing, he would have to show them and I will not get into value, other than to say the assets would have some value. It would be interesting to see the Posters thought on this topic. Unless a settlement is in the offing, I would expect some sort of filing this evening and it could come after 9:00pm Eastern Time if there is one at all. A settlement IMHO, if there is one would probably come next week some time. A…Delay B…Deal C…G.S. finished D…Other
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Inversor71 08/07/11 18:54
Ha respondido al tema Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
yes bop....WaMuers have been fortunate in the delays that have take place to date (almost 3 years) such events have only strenghten equity's position in combating the adversarial teams.... Where if THJMW would have blocked equity long ago we no longer would even be here at this point and probably a FINAL DECREE would have already been adjudged.... The recent events must have debtors/WGM/SNHs/JPM/FDIC more concerned than at any other point in the history of this case.... THJMW could use the STERN/ANICO decisions to justify her reconsidering her previous F&R/GSA and give her some shelter to now go foward in the correct manner allow a higher court to assist...
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Inversor71 08/07/11 18:46
Ha respondido al tema Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
TPS Corners Walrath As I've said before, when a court's jurisdiction is challenged the court MUST make a conclusive finding regarding the matter before any substantive rulings may occur. Stern is such a seismic ruling that Judge Walrath has already reviewed it and knows whether or not she can approve the GSA. TPS' request forces her to issue a ruling on jurisdiction in advance a hearing on confirmation. The ANICO ruling is powerful and I knew it would, at a minimum, change the character of the GSA. However, Stern is a godsend NO ONE could have counted on. (Doubtless the SG lawyers as former Supreme Court clerks were watching this case closely, but would not have counted on the ruling saving equity. However, in timing and substance it was the miracle SG/EC needed.) It puts the GSA in the hands of higher courts who (if reason prevails) will take issue with Walrath's decision to provide an expert opinion, etc. Judge Walrath can do no more than make recommendations to Sleet and Collyer after all parties agree to allow her to make findings and conclusions which will form the basis of the recommendation. Fat chance that will happen. So far the market has shrugged off TPS' objection. Next week should be very interesting.
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Inversor71 02/07/11 17:55
Ha respondido al tema Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
Mr Simpson te envío esta opinión acerca de la situación actual You are on the Spot, Spot. BTW, Good Morning. As we all know, we are fighting NOT only the Scumbag Hedgies & Rosen/Debtors but also PROXILY JPM/FDIC and the criminally complicit US Treasury itself. So, we have to fight the case and grab the Turf inch-by-inch, all the while giving them the impression that we may fold but actually gather more and more evidence such that it reaches a critical mass such that Legally and EVEN under the scenario of a BK case their hands will be completely tied and where JPM/FDIC will HAVE NO OTHER OPTION but to agree to a large settlement. Although initially, I was apprehensive about how strong SG/EC were handling our case, lately I have come to the view that SG/EC are making the Best of a Bad Hand we have been dealt with going into BK(due to criminal actions of WAMU Mgmt and the crooked BOD, prior to the seizure) and also due to activist Shareholders like Nate Thoma & Joyce, our case has reached a critical mass where if JPM/FDIC & SNH (to escape consequences of their IT) do not make a settlement and obtain releases now, they will be facing much higher costs later.
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Inversor71 30/06/11 22:50
Ha respondido al tema Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
There are many theories on 6/29 hearing. Most are negative (not surprisingly). I tend to agree with oilman that "… the agenda today was basically straighten up Aurelius only to make them a team player.” Here is why. In my view, there is not much difference among four hedgies. By their own admission, AOC said the charges against them in motion to compel are about the same as those against Aurelius. It really doesn’t make much sense for the Judge to spare AOC while singling out Aurelius for further discovery, unless the Judge wants to put pressure on Aurelius to be cooperative. It’s well known now that AOC were the SNHs negotiating with EC while Aurelius not. This Aurelius party, who (1) refused to sit down with EC and was against settlement negotiations (by their own admission). I can now understand why EC spent unusually large amount of time researching their files (see my post Recent Susman Billing Statements, item #2, or Susman March Billing Statement). The timeline goes like this: 2/11, Order of IT investigation; 2/25, submission of bulk of documents by SNHs; 3/20, EC received “settlement offer” (according to Billing statement). Then on 3/23 (post 3/21 hearing) and 3/25, Ard spent nearly 10 hours focusing on Aurelius files. It was clear that EC knew at that time the “offer” did not include Aurelius, and wanted to know more about the fund and see why it failed to come forward. Remember, Aurelius was the only SNH got deposed (on 5/5) when the settlement talks were still going on. It is even clearer now than before that that was designed to bring some pressure on Aurelius as well as searching for answers. (2) Aurelius is also the only SNHs that has made a dramatic U-turn to openly oppose the approval of GSA/POR6 recently. It seems Aurelius’ position is at odds with almost everyone else. It refused to sit down with and make concessions to EC. It opposes GSA/POR6 confirmation and put itself up against the interests of other SNHs and the debtors. It also demanded JPM for the full amount of accrued interests (on $4B deposits). Even though Aurelius’ sudden U-turn is good for us in some way (full payment of accrued interests and opposition to GSA/POR6), it pretty much isolated itself from all other major parties, especially if those players are still considering or conducting negotiations behind the closed door. As oilman said “the court probably has more knowledge about settlement negotiations and hold ups…” so she “fired a warning shot to Aurelius”. After the Judge’s decision on Motion to Compel yesterday, I was focusing on the change of temper in the court room and the decision. An idea came across my mind that during the break that the Judge might have asked the hudgies, do you still want to work with EC on the settlement? 3 hedgies said yes but Aurelius no. Back to the room, 3 hedgies were calmer and EC turned softer. The Judge hammered out her decision. This scenario seemed too romantic to be believed. Even though it’s more likely the break is just the break, it’s still possible, at a critical moment, the fact that the Judge stopped the clock by itself could be a signal to parties to collect yourself or you may go to he!! (long delays). No matter what happened, the above analysis has some valid grounds. Of course, the analysis has holes in it too. One of them is, if Aurelius was the focus, why bother to bring others hedgies into the Compel Motion? oilman’s posts: ; .
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Inversor71 30/06/11 22:38
Ha respondido al tema Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
8050 Order Approving Motion of the Official Committee of Equity Security Holders for Authorization to Seal Motion for an Order Compelling Aurelius Capital Management L.P. to Produce Documents 8051 [Filed Under Seal] Motion of the Official Committee of Equity Security Holders for an Order Compelling Aurelius Capital Management L.P. to Produce Documents
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Inversor71 29/06/11 18:06
Ha respondido al tema Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
Aurelius was the most belligerent in their objections to the ec's motion to compel and termed it nothing but a 'shakedown.' Based on their counsel's complete stonewalling in front of a federal judge, they appear to be in even more trouble than the EC has alleged. Their counsel said it would take 'months and months' to produce the documents that the ec has requested but also argued that they have already produced nearly everything that the ec has requested. Their arguments against the motion appears to boil down to 1) we are innocent, 2) it will take a long time, 3) there's no need...see 1), and 4) we know we have not done anything wrong. There is no way they are going to avoid having to produce this information and the judge is angry enough that she may order federal marshalls to pay and visit and help them with their document production. There is something MAJOR wrong here for Aurelius to take this kind of approach. No idea what yet, but they appear to be fighting out of desperation over something. I hope it's some sort of improper relationship with JPM Chase Bank and/or the debtors
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