
Participaciones del usuario Inversor71

Inversor71 22/07/11 19:53
Ha respondido al tema Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
El Juez writes: Although tea-leaf reading is a well-established past time in this case, I think I disagree with most of what Mayadad1 speculates on today. (Be kind: He's just thinking out loud. ;D ;D) As I've opined for a long time, JPM has no claim at all to tax refunds or NOL's, never did, never will. Their "claims" have no more legitimacy than the idiotic MARTA or WMB claims, or JPM's cynical claim to the $4B in deposits. As Observer demonstrates, the FDIC's seizure killed WMB and the tax-sharing contract it was a part of before it was destroyed by JPM's conspiracy and appropriation of its assets. JPM is entitled to nothing, and the FDIC, even as WMB's receiver, is at most entitled only to "assets" that existed on 9/28/08, or at most at the end of the tax year 2008, but certainly not to any assets that devolved upon WMI as a result of legislation that wasn't enacted until 2009. Any other conclusion is illogical and irrational. So, was too busy at work and the dentist's office to catch all of it, but from what I heard this last week I believe the EC made a lot of incremental progress in creating a factual basic in actual testimony for the arguments they are going to make in closing argument. I know it all seems pretty boring in real time, but the EC effectively impeached the credibility of each of the debtor and SNH witnesses, and, perhaps more importantly, peeled back the layers of b.s. for the judge to actually see how the GSA came into existence and how inconsistent it is with the debtor's duty to maximize estate assets. (Reminds me of the old story about meat eaters not wanting to see how sausage is made.) Keep in mind that, although the "trial" seems to have been pretty minimal in the large scheme of things, there are thousands upon thousands of pages of documents (emails, contracts, term sheets, etc.) and depositions of witnesses (some called at trial, some not) that form the admitted "evidence" in this case (mostly by stipulation) for the judge to consider. Now it's up to the parties' arguments and the judge's conscience. The necessary evidence to make our points is now in the record and is ready for Judge W's decision. Judge W, like any judge, is constantly faced with the tension between practicality ("let's just get this job done and move on to the next case") and idealism ("what is actually the right and just thing to do, and to hell with the practical consequences?"). This establishes a continuum between one extreme and the other, and pretty much every judge falls somewhere on the scale. If Judge W says "screw it, I'm tired of this case" she'll buy the party-line B.S. from Rosen and approve the POR. If she thinks EC has scored major points but still wants to get it over with, she'll "cut the baby in half" (a la King Solomon), and maybe disallow the 4 SNH claims completely and impose FJR on other note holders, etc., enough to put preferreds in the money but still screw commons, but still approve a watered down POR. If she's alert, aware, honest and idealistic (which, honestly, I think she is trying to be when she's not conned and manipulated, but maybe I'm a Pollyanna), she'll be righteously pissed off at all the lies she's been fed, see the process as entirely flawed, and deny the POR in it's entirety, appoint a trustee (and/or solicit new, competing POR's), and authorize the EC to pursue all appropriate litigation.
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Inversor71 22/07/11 18:33
Ha respondido al tema Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
John E. Bowman Deputy Director and Chief Counsel --Original Message --From: Polakoff, Scott M To: Reich, John M; Bownuut. John E; Ward, Timothy T Cc: Stark, Sharon L Sent: Sun Mar 30 18:01:08 2008 Subject: RE: W AMU _ = Redacted by the Permanent Subcommittee on Investi ations John B - could you, first thing in the a.m., have someone on your staff put together a position paper on the need for Treasury to stay removed from the supervision of wamu, including any attempt to influence our supervision of wamu's capital raising process. This is a follow up to the brief conversation the Director and I had in your officc. I suspect that such a position paper will come in handy soon. . Thanks. Scott --Original MessageFrom: Reich, Jolm M Sent: Friday, March 28. 2008 6:59 PM To: Bowman, John E; Polakoff, Scott M; Ward, Timothy T Subject: Re: W AMU Most interesting to learn they met with Steel to discuss the transaction. And extremely surprising to me that Steel hasn't returned my call yet (and also an email message this morning). I predict I will be summoned to Treasury on Monday. John --- Original Message _._From: Bowman, John E To: Reich, John M; Polakoff, Scott M; Ward, Timothy T Sent: Fri Mar 2818:50:512008 SUbject: WAMU .Gentlemen, I have now received a copy of the material that JPM provided various parties here in D.C. this date. I have made copies and given one to Tim directly. John and Scott I will place a copy on each of your desk chairs. Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations EXHmIT#58 Polakoff_Scott-00045768_001 Mr. Cohen again indicated the willingness of JPM to discuss the material either over the phone or in person at our request should we have any questions. In addition, he did confirm (when I asked him directly) that in fact JPM had met with Steel at Treasury to discuss the proposed transaction. Have a good weekend.
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Inversor71 20/07/11 19:24
Ha respondido al tema Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
all comes down to MONEY and Mega EGOs!! JPM was pulling the strings behind the scene as we all know..... rosie/debtors working for JPM..... However big money HFs Appalooza joing forces with CB seemed to want leverage over JPM to force JPM to concede more in settlement arrangements....So they Bought majority of Sr.Debt, PIERS throw their weight in the bankruptcy process against JPM ..saying we now control debtors and you will have to play more fairly with us if you want to get to an arrangement and obtain all your releases from future litigation.....They also had to bring in the FDIC at one point which seemed to play as sort of an unpredictable party of interests in the arrangement taking place..... It is all unfolding before THJMW's eyes....and now she will KNOW she was duped into her reasoning for the F&R Opinion of the GSA and now I hope she renders a strong hammer against those parties debtors/SNHs/HFs/JPM and partly FDIC, making a jeering mockery of her court.... gibson...your view on the Susman team has to have shifted quite a bit of late...and WaMuers are expressly fortunate for this representation being show in THIS Confirmation Hearing....
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Inversor71 20/07/11 01:26
Ha respondido al tema Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
Some other Recent Insider Trading Stories ... 14 minutes ago Read these and compare what these hedge fund managers did compared to the ones involved in the WAMU case. According to what Gropper and Krueger said, they did not consider the negotiation information "material" because it wasn't finalized or signed off. ??Am I repeating that correctly?? You might ask ... how would Preet Bharara view the SNHs trading on knowledge that WAS NOT made public or provided to other stakeholders!! This is from today about Danielle Chiesi who worked at New Castle Funds (now closed). She's pleaded guilt and is just waiting on her sentencing. Possibly 3 to 4 years and a $500,000 fine. Ouch! And .. probably no broker's license when she gets out. Prosecutors have called Chiesi the "consummate Wall Street insider." They said the former trader at New Castle Funds, a now-closed New York hedge fund that was once part of Bear Stearns Cos, schmoozed powerful sources to get inside tips about corporate activity and tried to hide her tracks. Then there's Raj himself. The government built a huge case against him so they had a lot of evidence built up that was more than obvious it was "insider trading". Raj Rajaratnam, a billionaire investor, once ran the Galleon Group, which became one of the world's largest hedge funds. On May 11, 2011, he was found guilty of fraud and conspiracy, becoming the most prominent figure convicted in the government’s crackdown on insider trading on Wall Street. But his pal, Raj Gupta, was just passing along the Goldman Sachs info to Rajaratnam but he has also been charged with passing along non-public info. From the article above: Information obtained by Raj that HE shared: “I heard yesterday from somebody who’s on the board of Goldman Sachs that they are going to lose $2 per share,” Mr. Rajaratnam said to one of his employees in advance of the bank’s earnings announcement. (this from Gupta) “One thing we know, this is very confidential, someone is going to put in a term sheet for Spansion,” he told a colleague, referring to a proposed acquisition of the technology company. {{{So if the US Attorney General's office thinks that passing along information based on what HE HEARD <> that someone was putting in a term sheet for Spansion, then I'd say it falls in line with how the SNHs handled the information they had access to.}}} Here's how the prosecutors in Raj's trial described how he obtained information and just what was the "insider information". (from the article) Prosecutors dismantled Mr. Rajaratnam’s defense by acknowledging that Galleon performed legitimate research. {{{{{{{But at the same time, they argued, the firm routinely violated securities laws.}}}}}}} In the words of a former Galleon portfolio manager who testified during the trial, the firm did its homework — but also cheated on the test. {{{{{{ Mr. Rajaratnam sought out information that was confidential, beyond the reach of research, and illegally traded on it.}}}} ****Confidential and beyond the reach of resarch.****
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Inversor71 11/07/11 18:35
Ha respondido al tema Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
Wow, Wow and MOR Wow's from Law 360! 11-Jul-11 09:29 am Thanks goes to Ilovestocks on IHUB answering Large Green's post with dynomite from Law 360!!! ILoveStocks Share Monday, July 11, 2011 9:17:00 AM Re: Large Green post# 318126 Post # of 318186 LG, your right how can JMW begin hearing before ruling on Jurisdictional issues - it would be a complete waste of estate dollars to even start the hearing and all parties know this. It should be a great week for all of us. ILS WaMu Securities Holders Jeopardize Ch. 11 Plan By Samuel Howard Law360, New York (July 8, 2011) -- A group of Washington Mutual Inc. securities holders said Thursday that recent higher court rulings barred the Delaware bankruptcy court from approving a multibillion settlement with JPMorgan Chase & Co. and regulators that underpins WaMu’s Chapter 11 plan. The consortium of trust preferred security holders contend that decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court and the D.C. Circuit prohibit U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Mary Walrath from approving the plan and its underlying global settlement relating to the ownership of $4 billion in trust preferred securities. The high court’s June 23 decision in Stern v. Marshall, which snuffed Anna Nicole Smith’s estate’s fight for oilman J. Howard Marshall II’s fortune, makes clear that Article III courts, not the bankruptcy court, has jurisdiction over the sweeping settlement, according to the objection. “The relief sought by the debtors through the plan and the settlement (asking this court to resolve and/or adjudicate on a final basis issues reserved to Article III courts) exceeds the permissible bounds of the adjudicatory power of this court, as clarified by Stern,” the consortium said. “The fact that Stern was issued only days ago is of no moment. It is the law of the land, and it must be followed by this court.” While the court has expressed confidence in the settlement, which ends litigation and ultimately sends the disputed deposits to JPMorgan, it would be overstepping its constitutional authority in approving a plan memorializing the truce, the consortium said. Even if Judge Walrath found that Stern did not limit the court’s power to rule on the settlement, the creditors argued, the D.C. Circuit’s June 24 decision in American National Insurance Co. v. Federal Deposit Insurance Co. required her to reject WaMu’s modified sixth amended joint plan of reorganization. Reversing the district court, the decision effectively gave the debtors ground to pursue valuable business tort claims against JPMorgan over its government-brokered acquisition of WaMu in September 2008, according to the objection. The appeals court ruled that insurers were not barred by the Financial Institutions Reform Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989 from suing JPMorgan for allegedly defrauding WaMu bondholders by engineering the bank’s downfall and buying it at a drastic discount. “To the extent the court’s favorable view of the settlement agreement was based on the assumption that FIRREA would stand in the way of such direct litigation by the estates, the court must reconsider the debtors’ continuing attempt to compromise this potentially significant source of estate value,” the consortium said. The debtors’ potential claims for negligence or willful misconduc could be a source of billions of dollars for the estate and could cast the global settlement between WaMu, JPMorgan and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. in unfavorable light, the objection said.
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Inversor71 09/07/11 02:39
Ha respondido al tema Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
Last date to file the objection to Motion 5885 was Nov 29,2010. Only Tricadia filed objection, motion # 6117. They withdrew after reaching an agreement with the Debtors. Now nearly 71/2 month later Rosen pulls this stuff out if the bag. They are trying to cram their way out of BK. The Debtors are getting desperate. Rosen may be using this as a tool to get EC and others to come to the negotiating table. From the recent developments. I don't think the Judge MW has power to grant him the order that will release claim of NOL of 17.8 Billion dollars.
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Inversor71 09/07/11 02:33
Ha respondido al tema Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
Does JMW have jurisdiction over WMI's Equity Interests in WMB 8-Jul-11 05:34 pm After the decision of the supreme court In Re Stern v. Marshall, does Walrath actually have jurisdiction over this matter? Certification of No Objection Regarding Debtors' Motion Pursuant to Section 554(a) of the Bankruptcy Code for Authorization to Abandon WMI's Equity Interests in Washington Mutual Bank
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