
Two new surveys give an absolute majority to independence

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Two new surveys give an absolute majority to independence
Two new surveys give an absolute majority to independence

Two new surveys give an absolute majority to independence

Today Majorcan daily Ultima Hora and Galician daily La Voz de Galicia publish two separate polls on election day 27. Both agree indicate the majority of independence and the expectation of a fall vote Yes you Catalonia Pot.

The survey published by ULtima Hora giving Juants pel Si 64 to 65 seats and CUP, 9 or 10. Going badly then matches it would have 73 seats. The change compared to previous surveys is in the other groups. The PSC can catch and get between 15 and 16 seats. Before her, there would still Ciudadanos, with 18-19 seats, but Catalunya si quqe es Pot occupy the fourth place with 13-14, ie as many as ICV has now alone, we can not. The PP can still play this place with 12 or 13 seats. Finally, according to the survey, Unio can remain unrepresented or have, at most, two deputies.

The trend indicated by the poll La Voz de Galicia is the same. Together granted 65 seats in the Yes on 8 and CUP. PSC, PP and Ciudadnos would have a triple tie at 16 seats and Catalunya si que es Pot stay in 14. Unio would not represent.


Re: Two new surveys give an absolute majority to independence

Público newspaper on Saturday published a report by the JM & A Continuous Monitoring ensures that the CIS "cook" their survey results published on 10 September to reduce by up to 4.7 percentage points of votes achieve independence parties on 27-S. Thus, by Juants pel Si and CUP would add, rather than the predicted 44%, 49%.

For seats in the "kitchen" of the Spanish institute gives 68-69 while JM & A it closer to the 72 deputies. Another inconsistency found in the votes of the CUP. According to the CIS, but you will get 230,000 tables of the same and CIS according to the study, you'll have to be more than 100,000. Another mistake is observed that although the PP has a 3.4% vote intention, make up 9.4% and the CUP, which has a 5.6% increase will only 0.3% percentage points. Behind this clause, pointing: "A ridiculous correction unbecoming an estimate demoscopic serious."

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