
Pope Francisco apologizes for the "crimes" committed "in the name of God" during the conquest of America

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Pope Francisco apologizes for the "crimes" committed "in the name of God" during the conquest of America
Pope Francisco apologizes for the "crimes" committed "in the name of God" during the conquest of America

Pope Francisco apologizes for the "crimes" committed "in the name of God" during the conquest of America

Spaniards are the same imperialists that today impede freedom of Basque and catalns on behalf of a superios civilization, as they did with the Indians and then killed to steal the gold.

Pope Francisco has used his speech at a meeting with popular movements around the world, in the Bolivian city of Santa Cruz, to ask "forgiveness" for "crimes" committed "in the name of God" during the conquest of America.

"I say with regret, have committed many great sins against the native peoples of America in the name of God. I have acknowledged my predecessors, has said the CELAM (Latin American Episcopal Council) and I also want to say," he pointed out Pontiff on his visit to Bolivia, its second destination in the tour by South America next.

The first Latin American pope in history has insisted on "humbly ask forgiveness, not only for the offenses of the Church itself, but for crimes against indigenous peoples during the so-called conquest of America," according to local press picked Bolivia.

In this regard, he asked the Church to "kneel before God and implore forgiveness for the past and present of his sons sins", with special emphasis on the events occurred in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, with "grave sins" against the native peoples of America.

During the speech of the event, before a packed auditorium at least 5,000 people, Francis has called for "a change that enriqueza with the joint efforts of governments and social movements", as reported by the Bolivian Information Agency (ABI).

"Here in Bolivia have heard a phrase that I like". Process of change "(...) So I like both the process image, where the passion for planting, watering calmly for what others will flourish, replaces anxiety to occupy all available space power and see immediate results, "he added.

At present, representatives of social organizations in forty countries, the Pope urged them to work on the "three T: work, housing and land." It has also insisted on a green message, claiming "to avoid the plundering of Mother Earth."

"There are many in the Church who are closest to the popular movements and that I am very happy," concluded the Pope Francisco, which will start this Friday to Paraguay, last stop on his South American tour.


Re: Pope Francisco apologizes for the "crimes" committed "in the name of God" during the conquest of America

Neil deGrasse Tyson's remake of Carl Sagan's original docu-series "Cosmos: A Personal Voyage". Carl Sagan allowed the public to see the wonders of science in an entertaining, thought-provoking and immensely educational way, and Tyson manages to capture the spirit and integrity of the original series, while giving the science and facts of the 1980 original a breath of fresh air. Tyson's narration is full of charm, and the program does the audience an immense favour, and makes "Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey" an easily absorbed yet thought-provoking experience.

As an admirer of the universe, I couldn't wait to view Tyson's Cosmos – even as someone who is constantly trying to absorb facts about the universe, I still managed to pick up some facts I wasn't already aware of, and this is merely the beginning. The series has 13 episodes, spread over three months, and I can already tell the program has a huge amount to give. Full of lush imagery and wonderful animation, Cosmos is a pleasure to watch, and makes learning extremely easy, something that is becoming extremely difficult in the age of no attention span. Not only does Tyson allow for lighthearted, absorbable fact, but he also allows us to probe into our own imagination, and explore the universe ourselves. Everything in Cosmos is simplified for easy learning, yet isn't dumbed down so far that the fact is closer to fiction – the visuals alongside Tyson's wonderful commentary are absolutely mind-blowingly beautiful, but allow for visual learners to take something away from Cosmos as well.

Tyson finished the episode with a heartfelt story involving his relationship with Carl Sagan, and his inspirational ways – I hope that many are inspired by Tyson's breath of fresh air in the documentary genre, and allows for the population of the world to reach for the stars. Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey is absolutely worth a watch, it is entertaining, heartfelt, absorbable, and most important, educational. As Sagan once said, "The Cosmos is all that is, or ever was, or ever will be", and I hope 'Cosmos' never ends, because all that it is is awe-inspiring and jaw-dropping in its beauty and splendour.


Re: Pope Francisco apologizes for the "crimes" committed "in the name of God" during the conquest of America

This series is a breath of fresh air when compared to the mindless programming typical of network television.

When the original Cosmos series aired on PBS in the early 1980s, the dynamism of Carl Sagan showed how educational television could also be enormously popular. Now, over three decades later, the next edition of "Cosmos" retains the integrity of the original series while providing the latest findings in science and astronomy.

Carl Sagan was a true Renaissance man, who synthesized history, philosophy, art, and science in the Cosmos series and the superb book that accompanied the program. Now, one of our finest scientists, Neil deGrasse Tyson, serves as our guide to the universe with outstanding commentary in the sequel. There was an especially moving moment when Professor Tyson recalled the time when he was warmly greeted by Carl Sagan, who took time out of his busy schedule to provide a personal tour of the Cornell campus when Tyson was about to enter college.

It is impressive that a television personality on the order of Seth MacFarlane would produce this series that includes animated recreations of historical events, such as the trial and execution of the seventeenth century "heretic" Giordano Bruno. The animations are a cut above the generic dramatizations with actors, wherein the bottom drops out of most television documentaries.

In the Academic Awards telecast hosted by MacFarlane, he closed the show with a star turn in singing "Here's to the Losers." But in this truly outstanding series of "Cosmos: A Space Time Odyssey," it is clear that everyone is a winner, especially the viewers who can embark on the voyage of a lifetime when they climb aboard The Ship of the Imagination for thirteen stellar episodes.

Pure chance, of course.


Re: Pope Francisco apologizes for the "crimes" committed "in the name of God" during the conquest of America

Estoy completamente de acuerdo con tu comentario.

Es más creo que has llegado a comprender completamente lo que yo quería expresar aunque en discovery podrás enconrar otra explicación a este hecho insolito.


Re: Pope Francisco apologizes for the "crimes" committed "in the name of God" during the conquest of America

Oct. 12
- Hispanic Heritage Day
- Day of race ""
They arrived three ships with the worst human spaniards to destroy other cultures, to commit genocide 70 million native species and plunder its riches. They imposed the Castilian and customs.
Instead of apologizing, exterminators those events are held every October 12 in Spain .


Re: Pope Francisco apologizes for the "crimes" committed "in the name of God" during the conquest of America

The Spaniards, under the auspices of the Catholic Church, killed 70 million indigenous people merely because they believed superior bearers of absolute truth, and the right they have under their "God" to do what hit them pleases.


Re: Pope Francisco apologizes for the "crimes" committed "in the name of God" during the conquest of America

The president of the PP in the Basque Country, Arantza Quiroga, referred yesterday to "the hegemony of power which is now watching from the nationalism" and said that it is a power, "skewed the ethnic cleansing caused by terror, by the thousands of citizens who were exiled by the pressure of ETA and now his followers and others are net beneficiaries "of the crimes. against humanity since 2004
And acordingto the rhythm, Judge Juan Pablo Gonzalez, newly built last year to the National Court month, opened his media career partially accepting a complaint of Dignity and Justice accused of crimes against humanity to people FSE identified as members of the ETA since October 2004.

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