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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.637 / 3.346

A prepararse

Where exactly are we at? Who knows but have been trying to frame this to make some logical probable conclusions.

Latest events to include for analysis:
(1) TPS cancellation of deposition of WMI
(2) Increased discovery on "ethical wall" put in place by Aurelius Hedge fund
(3) Bondholders appeal approved to continue to pursue litigation against JPM/FDIC in other court
(4) Sheila Bair pending departure as head of FDIC
(5) Confirmation hearings set to begin July 13th on PORV6.

I arrive at the following conclusions:

Best case: Settlement agreement prior to July 13th

Medium case: GSA scuttled; new POR 7 put out which is better for equity bu not all we want; another round of voting time drags on confirmation hearing in the future

Worst case: Another delay on confirmation hearing for POR 6

Obviously best is good for equity but medium should also increase PPS. Another delay will crash pps so might present a buying opportunity.


Volumen en P´s inexistente

solo 150 en estas 2 horas...ayer solo 1600 en todo el día.
No se pero para que la gente este tan supuestamente nerviosa como claman algunos analistas expertos en debacles propias no vende ni el tato :)


Logrará Paulson salirse con la suya?

He bailed out Goldman Sachs, Citibank, Morgan Stanley, and all his 'Clubby Few' friends, hung Washington Mutual out to dry. Paulson had a good reason for playing the favorites game, he personally has $600M in GS stock, and taking reckless action against Lehman and Washington Mutual enriched his pocket.

Information has not gone public yet regarding the insider trading allegations, but mark my words, its linked to Goldman Sachs, JPM, and the FDIC. Paulsons contingency plan was Rosen, and we all know Rosens POR V6 is DOA.

So will Paulson be able to sweep the biggest scam under the carpet like he originally planned? Will our justice system allow Goldman Sachs to continue to violate ethics laws and get a slap on the wrist or set an example in this case? Why hasn't the SEC shut down Goldman Sachs by now? Why hasn't Congress demanded Lehman and Washington Mutual be given the same fair treatment Goldman Sachs received? What is wrong with our government?


Objecion TPS !! Pura dinamita para la Juez

Hacen referencia a la Corte Suprema y ANICO por lo que veo muy dificil que la Juez pueda volver a repetir fair & reasonable.
Atacan el GSA por todos lados y a JPM tb. Weil tampoco se libra. Para mi el mejor argumento con amplias referencias a Cortes superiores a Walrath. La corte suprema falla diciendo que la Corte de BK no puede autorizar el GSA ni releases.


Re: Objecion TPS !! Pura dinamita para la Juez

4. In sum, the Supreme Court’s decision in Stern underscores that the relief sought through the Plan and the Settlement Agreement is beyond this Court’s ability to grant. As such, confirmation of the Plan and approval of the Settlement should be denied. But, even if the Court
were to find that it had the power to adjudicate the fairness of the Settlement, the recent ANICO Decision compels reconsideration and disapproval of the Settlement in light of the potentially
valuable claims against JPMC that would be sacrificed for little (or no) value thereunder.

6. Just as an example of the diverse and wide-ranging matters with respect to which the Debtors ask this Court to exercise jurisdiction and enter final Orders (to implement the Settlement and confirm the Plan), the Debtors would have this Court resolve or release claims by
the Debtors, including, inter alia:

•Litigation in the District Court for the District of Columbia seeking review of WMI’s claim in the WMB receivership pursuant to 12 U.S.C. § 1821(d)(6)(A);
• Litigation in the District Court for the District of Columbia, pursuant to 12 U.S.C.
§ 1821(d)(13)(E)(i), seeking recovery from the FDIC for a breach of its statutory
duty to maximize the value received for WMB;
• Litigation in the District Court for the District of Columbia seeking compensation
from the FDIC pursuant to the Takings Clause of the United States Constitution;
• Litigation in the District Court for the District of Columbia regarding claims
sounding in conversion against the FDIC pursuant to the Federal Tort Claims Act,
28 U.S.C. §§ 1346(b), 2671-80;
• Claims against JPMC for recovery of fraudulent transfers of approximately $6.5 billion and Trust Preferred Securities with a value of $4 billion, pursuant to Washington state law and 11 U.S.C. §§ 544 and 548;
• Claims against JPMC for recovery of preferential transfers, pursuant to
Washington state law and 11 U.S.C. §§ 544 and 547;
• Claims for avoidance of the sale of WMB to JPMC, pursuant to Washington and Nevada state avoidance laws;
• Claims for unjust enrichment, constructive trust and equitable liens, presumably under state law;
• Claims for trademark infringement, pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1114;
• Claims for common law trademark infringement;
• Claims against JPMC for patent infringement, pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271; and
• Claims against JPMC for copyright infringement, pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 501.6



Re: Objecion TPS !! Pura dinamita para la Juez

7/7/2011 8100 Second Supplemental Objection of the Consortium of Trust Preferred Security Holders to Confirmation of the Modified Sixth Amended Joint Plan of Affiliated Debtors Pursuant to Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Court 619 k