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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.979 / 3.346

Goldman Sachs... ¡Te toca pagar!

IMHO Goldman Sachs is in enough hot water as it is and isn't in a position to let the chips fall where they may, unless there was a deal done already to keep them from facing charges. They should, legally, but the curtain that covers this is more dense than the Wizards in the land of Oz. If equity gets a FAIR slice of the pie then maybe the seas will quiet somewhat. A filing will make us 'peons' (haven't heard that in awhile) dig in even deeper, having to wait even longer for the end of this mess. Though we disagree on many issues we are all still here fighting together for what should be ours already. I think the deal was done long ago and the horses are jockeying for position just before the finish. Merry Christmas to ALL!


Re: WMIH... ¿ $4 ?

Simpson ilustra a tu audiencia porque razon deberian valer 4 $ la accion, ya esta bien de bromear con previsiones engañosas que todos los que leen aqui ya son adultos.


Re: WMIH... ¿ $4 ?

Traduce y saca tus conclusiones del post. Para ilustrarte estoy yo vamos...


Respuesta de Goldman retrasada hasta 13 febrero 2013

Parece que nos vamos a finales marzo para que los astros se alineen en nuestro favor


Re: Respuesta de Goldman retrasada hasta 13 febrero 2013

LLevas desde el 2009 contando una sarta de embolados que no se cree nadie y poniendo fechas que se inclumplen constantemente, por eso que tu solo te haces el hilo. Es como si te autoflagelaras y te creyeras tus propias historietas cuando las cuentas a los demas. La realidad pura y dura es que los que compraron en 2010 asumen perdidas del 90% que no recuperaran en la vida.


Re: Respuesta de Goldman retrasada hasta 13 febrero 2013

I don't think anyone should be surprised if it ends up in the New York courts. I can't see JMW really wanting to take on GS. Maybe the delay until February is just about venue, but then again maybe not. We are used to waiting.

Yes, we are!! These months go by fast. We are all anxious and ready to see something happen other than watch the WMIH shares creep up over these past two weeks!!

One thing I know for sure is a lot will happen in 2013 .....

WMILT activity ....
1) lawyers (Rosen/Weil) filed for everything under the sun from the employees/D&Os who have claims to produce before they go to trial. As that all gets worked out, there will probably start to be more negotiated claims and claims dropped. Those claims take up a bulk of the DCR funds.

2) We've got the D&O claims working in WA. state. I haven't seen any other filings on that ... maybe someone can update us if they are following it. It should be progressing along as it has been nearly a year since it started in the BK court.

3) UN-released creditors/PIERS have until 3/15/13 to release or those funds are freed up for WMILT.

4) Now we've got GS discovery moved out to Feb. So that will start to take on filings and actions between first of the year and then.

WMIH activity ...
the main deadline date is August 2013 for shareholder meeting. That means MW & BOD have less than 6 months to actually show what they got or they probably won't be around after August. There's enough talent on that BOD that they should be pushing Blackstone to find a deal and make it happen. They have $100MM in the credit facility, they have another 300MM commons shares and 5MM Preferreds to use for capital so they have the means if they find the right fit!!

I say first two quarters of 2013 will be busy!!!


Re: Respuesta de Goldman retrasada hasta 13 febrero 2013

Mas y mas retrasos, año tras año, no llevando estos retrasos a nada beneficioso para los pequeños accionistas.


Re: Respuesta de Goldman retrasada hasta 13 febrero 2013

Míralo por el lado positivo... Para Agosto 2013 tendrás respuesta igual antes.
Fin del calvario