
¿Cómo funciona AG Markets? ¿Es confiable?

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¿Cómo funciona AG Markets? ¿Es confiable?
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¿Cómo funciona AG Markets? ¿Es confiable?
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Re: ¿Cómo funciona AG Markets? ¿Es confiable?

Hola y lo siento MUCHO, pues no queria decirlo por que es una persona querida, pero, mi primo es parte de AG Markets y es cierto que se encuentran en Barcelona y no entiendo como funciona exactamente el negocio pues el no me dice mucho, pero el trabaja en Barcelona - Rambla Catalunya num.57 P.4 Pta.2  08007 ES LA DIRECCION YA SABEIS, POR SI OS SIRVE DE ALGO 

Re: ¿Cómo funciona AG Markets? ¿Es confiable?

Hola, mi nombre es Juli y soy otra ex empleada de AG Markets. Llevaba toda la parte administrativa hasta cuando Pablo decidió de cerrar la oficina y dejarnos todos en la calle. Juntos estamos denunciando los hechos ante la policia nacional y CNMV.  Si se pueden mostrar documentos que Pablo es el responsable de todo esto, aqui estoy para demostrarlo. 

Re: ¿Cómo funciona AG Markets? ¿Es confiable?

Srta. Juli es el caso que realice compras y ventas con AGmarket.comllevando mi cuenta mas de cuatro veces el capital invertido, solo les solicite que me depositen el capital inicial de 2,000, me llamaron a los 4 días  que estaban haciendo el deposito que vaya al banco fui y no había deposito alguno, al día siguiente me llama el Sr. Mario Perez preguntando si verifique el deposito le respondí que no había deposito, me pidió que lo esperara que iba a consultar con finanzas y espere como media hora hasta que se corto la comunicación. saludos y gracias.


Re: ¿Cómo funciona AG Markets? ¿Es confiable?

Lo mismo me sucede la misma metodología  y el mismo asesor MARIO PEREZ, cerraron la plataforma, no responden los mensajes por ningún medio.


Re: ¿Cómo funciona AG Markets? ¿Es confiable?

Estimado Hugo,

Efectivamente! Esto fue justo antes de que nuestro ex-jefe Pablo Esteve van Vrijberghe de Coningh empezó a montar una segunda marca llamado donde la empresa madre es (Equux Holding LLC) y todas las sub empresas llamadas EQUUALS (, EQUUOLOGY (, EQUAPITAL ( En la documentación que recibimos para la constitución de la empresa EQUUX HOLDING LLC, está claramente mencionado que Pablo Esteve es el único propietario y último beneficiario:

Más info llegará en breve. Buenas noches a todos.

Re: ¿Cómo funciona AG Markets? ¿Es confiable?

Señores yo tengo mas información sobre esta empresa y puedo decirles con seguridad que Carlos Puentes es el dueño de esta empresa llamada AG Markets este y Miguel Ochoa Perez son los dos unos estafadores.

Las empresas vinculadas son las siguientes les doy informaciones verificadas y puedo entregar y comprobar todo lo que les digo a quien lo desee.

Las empresas son Quarwam Investment SL madrid y  Denuehilson Investment Group méxico estas son las empresas verdaderas. Las informaciones son que se han mudado hacia Madrid, es todo lo que puedo decir por el momento pero pronto mas.


Re: ¿Cómo funciona AG Markets? ¿Es confiable?

Hola de nuevo! Después de desaparición de todos los usuarios y cuentas en los servidores de AG Markets, ya han huido de sus oficinas y no me contestan a las llamadas, e-mails y tampoco al Skype. En el informe que salió sobre las estafas de AG Markets, había un número móvil de Pablo Esteve van Vrijberghe de Coningh que nunca atendió. He perdido todo mi dinero por culpa de estos estafadores y necesito hacer algo para recuperarlo. El informe que recibí por email lo pongo más abajo en modo texto:

Maybe you have noticed that your “trading platform” is not working anymore and all your accounts have disappeared. Don’t worry, they are safe on a backup file hidden somewhere on the planet but your money not because it is already in the pockets of the ghosts behind AG-Markets (Advanced Global Markets Ltd.). However shortly after we took ownership of the domain by purchasing it, you may have received an email saying that for security reasons the domain has changed to http://www.AGMarkets. eu and you should not send or respond to any of the emails sent and received from the domain. This warning was sent because they are hiding the truth. We have confiscated a large amount of confidential information including company documents, bank accounts, history of bank transactions of all scammed investors and also information of the owners, ultimate beneficiary owners and private internal emails, chats, employee documentations etc… We are glad to share this information with the authorities in order to stop these scumbags! From what we have investigated so far, there has been more than $10M (ten million US Dollars) fraud from investors from all around the world including the following countries: Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, France, Brazil, LATAM countries and United States… 

To date we are able to confirm the main responsible and beneficiary owners of this scam are: 
Pablo Esteve van Vrijberghe de Coningh: (a Spanish citizen). 
Miguel Angel Lopez Colin:  (a Mexican citizen). 
Carlos Ferrer Montalvo:  (a Spanish citizen).
Carlos Ferrer Montalvó – Refruiting: 

 The identity of Carlos Ferrer Montalvó has been used to register businesses which then later are all managed by Pablo Esteve, Miguel Lopez and Jaime Estrada. 

The following companies were / are registered under the name of Carlos Ferrer Montalvó:

– Incorporation Certificate – Performance Trade Ltd. 
BPCI INC LTD (08748112): 
 SOVEREIGN T S LTD (08452753): 
(They were used to scam mostly Mexican investors together with companies like: Grupo Argentis and GA Management (mentioned further down) with no real platforms and no real trading, just scamming. Customers sent the money to Swiss bank CIM.) 
(AG Markets is registered in Vanuatu and has a useless license which has no value anywhere in the world when it comes to dealing with financial markets such as online trading. AG Markets is also registered in New Zealand but is not licensed by the FSP as they were deregistered in 18/07/2017: /version/searchSummaryCompanyFSP/ 
 To date they are still registered in New Zealand as a limited company but they are not licensed by the FSP and not authorised to offer financial services anywhere in the world. 

Re: ¿Cómo funciona AG Markets? ¿Es confiable?

On the other hand Pablo Esteve van Vrijberghe de Coningh is known to be laundering money received from investors and other illegal activities through the following companies: 
EAT APP RESTAURANT SL (Domain WHOIS information) 
GROUPY APPS DESIGNERS SL (from an inside informer, it is confirmed that Pablo invested €120,000 in this company. The funds may have come from different companies but the truth is the money comes from the investors. Some of the shareholders like Jordi Muños Romero from DWI Studios also help Pablo with issues related to AG Markets and we have found proof that he is also involved with EQUUX Holding Ltd.) 


(Wesselton Homes SL is the owner of the below company: Palevan Holdings B.V. located in Netherlands.) 
(Palevan Holding B.V. was the main shareholder of AG-Markets (Advanced Global Markets Ltd. where Carlos Ferrer Montalvó is also a company director to date.) 
(Addingtion 1967 SL is registered under the following name: Francisco Mañe Vidal which has also used his name to register BUSINESS KAISER SL operating as iAlphaGroup – retention department of AG Markets, lately changed to QUADRATICA SL). 
The clever guy Miguel Lopez Colin, left a surprising evidence behind… Some of the funds he took from innocent investors, were invested in a property in Miami, Florida, United States of America. The property was bought for $388,900 (US Dollars). Details of the property below:  

Probably Mexican authorities do not (yet) know the existence of this property (and some accounts and creative accounting from Lopez Colin) but this soon will change. 

Re: ¿Cómo funciona AG Markets? ¿Es confiable?

The following companies are working in parallel with AG-Markets as a client retention department: 
Registered under the name of the following company: QUADRATICA SL and under the name Jaime Estrada Garcia. Previously iAlpha Group was registered under BUSINESS KAISER SL where the main offices were located in Calle Tuset 19, Barcelona, Spain. 
This company is still under investigation and soon will come to the open public. So far we know that the name is very similar to a legit company based in the United States of America ( which they offer trading technology (software and hardware). This technique is to confuse people thinking they are real and serious people). 
On their contact page the phone number doesn’t exist. We have to ask them so they can give it to us! How funny does this sound? 
The address is also a fake as we already know they are based in Barcelona Spain. 
As it now seems they were already planning to set up new scams under NEW 
COMPANIES which are the following: 
( is the new brand which was meant to replace AGMarkets. com to continue stealing and scamming investors world-wide. Until now nobody knew its existence but an insider informer sent us an email with the details. They want customers to use manipulated trading robots to get as much money from the customers as possible. The company they get the technology from is from them too “Intellinology” (more details further below).) 
(with the use of AG-Markets license from Vanuatu Revolutrading is a whitelabel trading platform which sits on top of AG Markets metatrader and client system. The purpose and the objective of Revolutrading is the same as AG Markets / Itaurux, scamming and stealing money from investors like everything done by Esteve and Lopez Colin.) 

 (new company founded by Pablo Esteve and Miguel Lopez Colin in Tbilisi, Georgia. The name Equux Holding LLC. was carefully chosen to be confused with an existing company in USA named Equus Holdings LLC. so when you look on the internet, most likely you will read about the USA company which has always good reviews). They work with FX Open platforms and use Tblisi, Georgian regulation which is in the same level of Vanuatu license where the investor’s money is never safe! 
Name: EQUUX Holding LLC 
Registration Number: 402091455 
Registration Address: Didube District, L. Pasteri Street, N3, Apartment 8, Tbilisi 
EQUUX is oficially registered in Tblisi, Georgia but the address when asking for the whitelabel MetaTrader 4 platform states that the company is registered in New Zealand, contact phone number from Spain and the email details from AG Markets. This is because they are the same people behind it. On the other side EQUUX is applying for a license in Labuan where the value of such license is the same as FCA but for the Asian market. Our network of contacts, made it possible to obtain the below documents and publish them for the clients to have a copy and use it against these scumbags in the court of law. 
EQUUX HOLDING LLC. has 4 divisions (4 websites): 
(Equuals is the company that Pablo Esteve is using to offer white-label brokerage solutions). 
(More of the same and not very clear of what this company offers except trading platforms). 
(This company was created to invest in startups and fintech companies. We suspect that investor’s money has been laundered using this company. For example see: 
(Intellinology apparently offers intelligent trading tools which helps investors to win in trading markets… but only Pablo Esteve knows the truth… of course the trading tools will work against you so they take away your money.) 
All this work is done with help of a company called Estudios DWI ( who registers the new domains and hosts them with a provider in Valencia, Spain. The company details for Estudios DWI are the following: 
– Company name: Estudio Marketing DWI SL. 
– Company owner: Jordi Muñoz Romero 
– Company number: B66774365 
– Company registration address: Calle Joventut 24, Local B, Sant Boi de Llobregat, 08830, Barcelona 
– Email: [email protected] 
not long ago General Emper SL got replaced by the following new company: 
Calle Compte Urgell 204, 5B, 08036, Barcelona, Spain. 
In the above address is where all sales and marketing activities take place. The office is run by Pablo Esteve and Mario Romanielo (info further below). 
BUSINESS KAISER SL (iAlphaGroup and Quants Trade): 
Calle Tuset 19, 1st Floor, 08006, Barcelona, Spain. 
The company address has changed and we also believe the company name is also changed. Soon to disclose. 
AG Markets is controlling the following websites / portals in order to write 
positive comments about their brand and negative comments of the 
competitors. The websites are the following: 
We have found evidence that they also manipulate public forums on other 
financial websites creating false users and false comments about other 
brokers trying to kill the competitors. Most likely if you have read a review on 
any of the above portals are controlled completely by the crew of Pablo 
AG Markets needs to face the law and pay for the damages they have caused to hundreds of thousands of innocent investors worldwide. Sue those individuals and the company to the following authorities: 
FCA – (United Kingdom): 
Tel: +44 207 066 1000 
Address: FCA Head Office, 12 Endeavour Square, London E20 1JN, United Kingdom 
CNMV – (Spain): 
Tel: +34 900 373 362 
Address: Comunicación de Infracciones – Departamento de Inversores – CNMV. Edison 4, 28006 Madrid / Passeig de Gràcia 19, 08007 Barcelona. 
FSP / SFO – (New Zealand): 
Tel: +64 9 303 0121 
Address: SFO Complaints, PO Box 7124, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141 
CMVM – (Portugal): 
Tel: +351 213 177 134 
Address: Rua Laura Alves 4, 1050-138 Lisboa 
VFSC – (Vanuatu): 
Tel: +678 22 247 
Address: Vanuatu Financial Services Commission, Companies House, PMB, 9023, Rue Bougainville, Port Vila, Vanuatu 

Re: ¿Cómo funciona AG Markets? ¿Es confiable?

Buenos dias a todos, veo falsas informaciones y personas que intentan mentir sobre los verdaderos responsables de ag markets, todos sabemos que los culpables son Pablo Estevez  y Miguel R. (Ramirez) LOPEZ, se hace llamar Miguel R, pues yo no miento ni intento desviar la atención por eso les daré todo lo que he podido averiguar sobre AG MARKETS.

Numero 1

AMARKETS - AMarkets Ltd.


aqui, estos son los nuevos colaboradores con los que trabajan los responsables de AG MARKETS, pronto mas informacion sobre estos AMARKETS pero puedo asegurar que deben tener mucho cuidado con ellos desde YA


Advanced Markets - Advanced Markets LTD - licencia australiana


Es un broker con licencias australianas pero supongo que esto lo han hecho para no levantar sospechas por que nadie pensaria de un broker australiano esto, pues tambien trabajan con advanced markets, ademas puede notarse que el nombre es similar a ag markets, para confundir

Por otro lado el señor Miguel R Lopez ahora se dedica al mundo de las criptomonedas, como es tan popular la inversion con criptodivisas y según mis propias investigaciones ahora se encuentra trabajando con el broker cryptopmarket. Como sabemos muchos brokers hoy en dia han optado por las criptomonedas aunque sea un broker que ofrece normalmente CFD las criptomonedas son siempre atractivas por toda la popularidad que el BITCOIN tiene en estos dias

NUMERO 3 - CryptopMarket -  CM CryptoMarket © - Melgreg Services Supuestamente con base en Rusia pero sabemos que muchos brokers no mencionan donde realmente estan ubicados en su sitio web, este es el caso tambien con CryptopMarket. También se puede notar que el nombre tiene un parecido con ag marektes


Tambien debo decir que mis informaciones me dicen que ahora las oficinas de ex ag markets estan en Madrid por la zona conocida como "Bellas Vistas", si soy más preciso, pues en la calle 2  de la Flor Alta, a pocos metros de la estación de metro Santo Domingo, para quienes conocen Madrid sabrán perfectamente de la zona que hablo . Si quieren darles una visita cordial, pues por ahí pueden encontrarles

nuevas oficinas

Seguramente intentarán desprestigiar mi comentario, pero para los que busquen a los culpables de todo esto, tan solo les recomiendo leer estas informaciones. gracias por el espacio.

Re: ¿Cómo funciona AG Markets? ¿Es confiable?

hola y gracias

Ellos tienen diferentes sedes de oficinas, pues una de ellas se encuentra en Bogotá, Colombia. Para los que han trabajado o conocen el funcionamiento de brokers sabran que esto es normal, la verdad es que no termino de comprender por que esto lo hacen así, pero es un hecho que sucede. En este caso las oficinas de AG Markets, o unas de las oficinas se encuentran en Colombia, en la ciudad de Bogotá.

Se encuentran en un conocido y gran edificio, muy moderno, un business center tambien llamadas centrales de oficinas, allí podrán encontrarles si quieren darles una visita, Cra. 69 ##25B 44, Bogotá, Cundinamarca, Colombia Piso 13 - 4C son llamados Edificio World Business Port y para quienes conozcan Bogotá lo conocerán seguramente por que son modernos y muy vistosos.

¿Cómo se todo esto? Preferiría no decirlo pero sí puedo decirles que la empresa bajo la que trabajan allí tiene otro nombre, no es AG Markets de momento no he podido averiguar el nombre de esta empresa pero estoy trabajando para conseguirlo y dar una mano y en cuanto tenga estas informaciones las compartiré aqui. Utilizan el nombre de otro broker, no es AG Markets el nombre que utilizan, que aun no tengo... Pero en cuanto lo tenga lo enviaré, estoy investigando para poder compartirlo con ustedes.

estos son los edificios world business port bogota

Re: ¿Cómo funciona AG Markets? ¿Es confiable?


Good morning to all, I see false information and people who try to lie about the true leaders of ag markets, we all know that the culprits are Pablo Estevez and Miguel R. (Ramirez) LOPEZ, he calls himself Miguel R, because I do not lie or try divert attention so I will give you everything I could find out about AG MARKETS.

You can read my previous comment in Spanish and use translator to read in English.

I must also say that regarding my information, now the offices of "ex" ag markets are in Madrid in the area known as "Bellas Vistas", if I am more precise, then on Street 2 de la Flor Alta, a few meters away from the metro station "Santo Domingo", for those who know Madrid will know perfectly the area I'm talking about. If you want to give them a friendly visit, then you can find them there.

Surely they will try to discredit my comment, but for those who look for those guilty of all this, I only recommend reading this information. Thanks for the space.

Sorry for my bad English.