
Farmas USA

135K respuestas
Farmas USA
85 suscriptores
Farmas USA
14.385 / 17.016

Re: Farmas USA



Lleva una buena subida reventando máximos anuales cada día por presentación:

ZIOP this morning held a conference call highlighting that the FDA has cleared the commencement of a Phase I study evaluating SB-TCR-T cell therapy in solid tumor.

• Details. ZIOP highlighted the two approaches to derive SB neoantigen TCR-T cells. The first is by identifying neoantigen prospects from tandem minigene method, followed by transfecting them into APCs and screening by TILs or peripheral blood T cells to isolate specific reactive T cell clones. The TCRs from these T cells are the basis for constructing SB TCR in “younger” T cells from peripheral blood, and latter infused to patients as a therapy. The second is to explore some TCR-T cells from an expanding library containing neoantigens targeting hotspot areas, such as KRAS, p53, and EGFR. Such TCR-T cells might be shared by more patients. The two methods are all personalized treatment, the former might take longer time (few months) to develop, while the latter would take much less time for starting the treatment. We believe patients initially would be screened for taking either or both approaches as treatment. The SB neoantigen TCR-T cell therapy is tumor type agnostic, but target driven. Patients might receive more than one type of TCRT cells for covering different subclones of tumor. ZIOP has not revealed the current size of the hotspot library.

• Implications. We are encouraged that ZIOP/NCI will start the SB TCR-T cell in solid tumor trial as guided before. We believe the potential success would be the most significant upside for ZIOP shares. We view the two approaches have the flexibility potentially to match the needs of different patients. Given the likely needs for each patient requiring more than one type of neoantigen for their TCR-T cell therapy, we believe the non-viral, instead of the viral-based (like the one tested by NCI and GILD) method would have a much better shot to achieve such a goal. Although ZIOP and NCI have not provided details regarding the time for some initial clinical data reporting, we estimate some preliminary interim results could be available in 2H20. Although some computation algorithms are available for predicting the functional TCR structure, they are rather rudimentary, and the empirical approach, such as TCR-T, we believe, remains the best option for generating positive outcome.

• Action. We are reiterating our Buy rating and our target price of $7.50 to reflect our bullish view on the two clinical products advancing and the potential upside from CAR-T development in China. Our valuation is based on probability adjusted DCF, peer comparable, and sum-of-the-parts analyses.



Por el contrario, esta nota de ayer, que copio aquí <>


After Ziopharm extricated itself from a disastrous alliance with Intrexon and  made an aggressive pitch at JP Morgan long-suffering investors must hope that it is about to deliver. The group yesterday revealed that its heavily touted personalised T-cell receptor (TCR) project should be in the clinic shortly, after an IND filed by Dr Steven Rosenberg’s NCI team was cleared. On an analyst call today Ziopharm admitted that some had doubted whether this cutting-edge immunotherapy would ever get this far. The approach takes standard autologous cell therapy a stage further, isolating lymphocytes infiltrating a cancer patient’s tumour before identifying those with TCRs targeting immunogenic mutations and expressing such TCRs in engineered T cells that are infused into the patient. Each “product” would therefore be unique to each patient – an extraordinary added level of complexity. Dr Rosenberg  presented this approach during the 2014 Ash meeting, at the height of CAR-T mania, though until  Ziopharm came along no commercial entity had expressed an interest. Whether such a complex approach is economically viable, and whether the notoriously inefficient Sleeping Beauty system can be used for gene transfer, are major caveats, but Ziopharm should be congratulated for pushing the science forward all the same.


Además de lo expuesto, argumentaciones (de las que no he entendido una mierda en este par de enlaces de IV (el resto podéis ahorrároslo):


«Después de nada, o después de todo/ supe que todo no era más que nada.»


Re: Farmas USA


Cierro. Me llevo casi 2/3 de la prima. No me fío.

Si te sientas en la mesa y no descubres al "primo" es que lo eres tú.


Re: Farmas USA

Vamos, con 2/3 de prima y esta loca, sin dudarlo. Ayer tenia mejor pinta con ese rebote de nuevo en los 8,3 pero hoy creo que hubo muuuuchas coberturas y no quieren que despegue o caiga mucho (pq en Isr estuvo mas cerca de los 9 que de los 8 al casi-cierre)

Pasado el vencimiento dios dira.

Solo se que no se nada.