

Se registró el 23/05/2018
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Rasaap 23/06/18 18:19
Ha respondido al tema Pa British Air Pref 6,75 Perp
LAS AMORTIZARAN EL DIA 13 DE AGOSTO, JUNTO CON EL CUPON CORRESPONDIENTE TE ADJUNTO CARTA DE LA COMPAÑIA   THIS NOTICE IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES THE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION OF HOLDERS. IF HOLDERS ARE IN ANY DOUBT AS TO THE ACTION THEY SHOULD TAKE, THEY SHOULD SEEK THEIR OWN FINANCIAL AND LEGAL ADVICE IMMEDIATELY FROM THEIR STOCKBROKER, SOLICITOR, ACCOUNTANT OR OTHER INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL OR LEGAL ADVISER. BRITISH AIRWAYS FINANCE (JERSEY) L.P. (the Issuer) NOTICE to the holders of the 12,000,000 euro Series A 6.75 per cent. Guaranteed Non-voting Cumulative Preferred Securities (ISIN: GB0056794497) of the Issuer presently outstanding (the Holders and the Series A Preferred Securities, respectively) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the Holders that British Airways Holdings Limited in its capacity as General Partner of the Issuer has exercised its option, pursuant to Clause 6.3(a) (Optional Redemption) of the Limited Partnership Agreement establishing the Issuer dated 11 May 1999 (the Limited Partnership Agreement), to redeem the Series A Preferred Securities in whole on the next following Distribution Date, being 12 August 2018 (the Optional Redemption Date). In accordance with Clause 6.3(a) (Optional Redemption) of the Limited Partnership Agreement, the Series A Preferred Securities will be redeemed at €25 per Series A Preferred Security plus all due, accrued but unpaid Quarterly Distributions calculated to the Optional Redemption Date. Notice of the optional redemption has separately been given to the Holders in accordance with Clause 18.2 (Notices) of the Limited Partnership Agreement. Capitalised terms used but not otherwise defined in this Notice shall have themeanings given to them in the Limited Partnership Agreement. This Notice has been given by British Airways Holdings Limited in its capacity as General Partner of British Airways Finance (Jersey) L.P. Dated 15 June 2018
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Rasaap 23/05/18 13:58
Ha respondido al tema Pa British Air Pref 6,75 Perp
A mí, esa información me la ha dado un jefe de Bankinter. A un cliente que tiene 800.000€ le han aconsejado que no venda, que espere, que por lo visto es cuestión de esperar poco para que las amorticen. al 100% De todas formas en ha bajado un poco, pero está por encima de la par. Aprox 3% Si lo vendes ahora pierdes el cupón.
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Rasaap 23/05/18 08:47
Ha respondido al tema Pa British Air Pref 6,75 Perp
A mi me ha pasado lo mismi. Pero lo que no entiendo es que estando en máximos ocurre esto. Además son cupones acumulables. No ?
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