

Se registró el 07/09/2020
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Arturo.Benavent 09/09/20 12:48
Ha respondido al tema Análisis de Pharmamar (PHM), antigua Zeltia
 There is a rumor coming from one of the biggest consultings in the world which states that "The Pharmatheutical Swiss company Roche is about to announce the launching of a takeover bid over the little Spanish Biotecnological company Pharmamar S.A.The takeover bid amounts to 159#$%$ per share, with a total operation of 2950 millions euros and it would be launched within the second half of september.The Spanish company actually has three marine based drugs in the market to treat oncologic diseases as well as a large portofolio composed by 1500 patents and 180.000 molecules that could supply all Roche companies and affialiates to begin investigations for all kind of diseases.Pharmamar also has a promising drug under study "Plitidepsin" which as the company states it could be the most powerful antiviral ever discovered, which has attract several Pharmatheutics like Roche.Since the acquisition of Genentech, Roche's politics have been to make bigger, buying small and medium Biotecnologic companies such as Seragon, InterMune, Ignyta, Genia, Jecure, Illumina, Spar Therapeutics, Trophos, Santarias Pharma or Foundation Medecine.According to these sources, several Founds that have invested in the Spanish Comoany during the last years, would accept the takeover bid to sell their shares and collect capital gains due to a possible upcoming potential worldwide crisis in other sectors of their investments.These Founds would have a minimum of 16% of participation, the 22% of Steakholders belongs to the company management group and then there would be a free float of around 60%.Big Found as Vanguards, Blackrock, Norges Bank, Dimensional Fund, Findel, Schroder Investment or Northern Trust are already positioned in the company Pharmamar S.A
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Arturo.Benavent 07/09/20 12:42
Ha respondido al tema Análisis de Pharmamar (PHM), antigua Zeltia
  Según se comenta en los medios bursátiles, a través de varios brókers,  el fondo de Inversión Publica Saudí ( de Arabia Saudí) , con activos de más de 330.000  millones de euros, ha puesto ojo en la empresa biotecnológica PHARMAMAR,  y desde hace una semanas habría comprando paquetes de acciones en el mercado bursátil, pero se comenta que son compras hechas a través de varias agencias y a  nombres  de distintos compradores para no llamar la atención, y luego ya reagrupar las acciones  compradas en dicho fondo,  se habla de  un porcentaje que sobre un 8/10 % del capital , más o menos unos  1,5/2 millones de titulos, como inversión a medio y largo plazo.  Fondos como  el Marshall Wace, Blackrock,  Great pointPartners,  podrían haber intervenido para esas compras. Este fondo desde hace ya varios meses están entrando en el sector pharma y biotecnológico por el gran futuro que se preve que tengan estas empresas,  esta compra no sería la única que este fondo este realizando en estos sectores, como la alemana Cure Vac ,y otras biotecnologicas , visto el gran potencial de estas empresas. 
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