
Solar Watt DE000A1EWPU8

16 respuestas
Solar Watt DE000A1EWPU8
1 suscriptores
Solar Watt DE000A1EWPU8
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Re: Solar Watt DE000A1EWPU8 Literatura de la buena

habra que ver las condiciones del acuerdo pero en principio yo no me haria ilusiones


Re: Solar Watt DE000A1EWPU8 Literatura de la buena


En la web de Frankfurt no pone aquello de "Payments suspended"...

Luego, tienes razón que hay que mirar el acuerdo.


Re: Solar Watt DE000A1EWPU8 Literatura de la buena

Buenos dias,

Alguien ha comprobado si ayer pago su correspondiente cupón?



Re: Solar Watt DE000A1EWPU8 Literatura de la buena


Re: Solar Watt DE000A1EWPU8 Literatura de la buena

Por lo que veo en la bolsa de Stuttgart, tiene el cupon suspendido pero acumulado.

a ver si en un año mejora la cutización y paga cupón.


Re: Solar Watt DE000A1EWPU8 Literatura de la buena

la verdad viendo que han restructurado el negocio que ha venido uno con dinero para echarla andar de nuevo y cotizando al 15% me esta dando ganas hasta de entrar...quien me ha visto y quien me ve meterme en temas de energia fotovoltaica siempre me ha parecido un negocio para conseguir subvenciones nada mas


Re: Solar Watt DE000A1EWPU8 Literatura de la buena

Y con un socio capitalista que ha bolcado la saca de €!!


Re: Solar Watt DE000A1EWPU8 Literatura de la buena

Suspenden la cotización del bono en Sttutgart.

Van a repartir de aquí a final de año un 16% y si hay suerte en febrero de 2015 soltaran alguna "perra" más.

Por algo cotiza al 15%. Solamente con eso no haría falta buscar mucha más información.

No obstante siempre ha habido aficionados a jugar a la ruleta rusa con su dinero, algo respetable por supuesto pero cuanta más y mejor información se tenga de donde se mete uno evitara tener que justificar luego las posibles y futuras lamentaciones.

En ocasiones cuando el mercado no acompaña, la mejor decisión sobre que hacer es no hacer nada. Estamos en unas fechas con los tipos de interés bajos y la volatilidad en mínimos que para la renta fija, si hay que hacer algo es liquidar y vender lo comprado en verano de este año y otoño del pasado.

Esto está sacado de la Web corporativa de SolarWatt (traducción de "San Google".

Please note:
The listing of the bond was the 9th Terminated November 2012. This means that the loan from 10 November 2012 will no longer be traded on the Stuttgart Stock Exchange.
The satisfaction rate ("rate plan") for non-subordinated, unsecured creditors - including the bondholders are - is in accordance with the 11 September 2012 from the creditors' meeting adopted and judicially confirmed bankruptcy plan, is 16 percent. The payment of the rate plan is expected to occur in November and December 2012. The condition is that the respective claims were filed in the insolvency table and found and leave the relevant Noteholders a statement to their custodian bank that their respective bonds are transferred to a new security code number. The form for transfer into a new security code number has been sent to the bondholders mid October 2012. In February 2015 could be possible from the reversal of provisions in the amount of up to EUR 1.5 million - distributed to all eligible non-subordinated, unsecured creditors insolvency - may be a second payment if the provisions in question 31 Can be resolved in December 2014 ("improvement rate"). All claims arising from the bond will be fulfilled by payment of the quota plan and possibly the improvement rate.

What does the decision of the creditors' meeting on 11 September, which has voted for the bankruptcy plan, the bond holders SOLARWATT?
The Noteholders are unsubordinated, unsecured creditors in insolvency proceedings. The satisfaction rate ("rate plan") of unsubordinated, unsecured creditors' claims will be the restructuring plan, 16 percent. To this group of creditors including bondholders. The payment of the rate plan is expected to occur in November and December 2012. The condition is that the respective claims were filed in the insolvency table and found and leave the relevant Noteholders a statement to their custodian bank that their respective bonds are transferred to a new security code number. The form for transfer into a new security code number has been sent to the bondholders mid October 2012.
In February 2015 the then possible reversal of provisions could be a second payment of up to EUR 1.5 million - distributed to all eligible non-subordinated insolvency creditors - occur if the provisions in question at 31 December 2014 can be resolved.

The rate applies only to the nominal value of the bond or the first to August 2012 the accrued interest?

The bondholders received after the restructuring plan for a minimum quota of 16 per cent on the face value of the bond and the same minimum rate on until the opening of proceedings (1 August 2012) accrued interest in the amount of EUR 52.40 per bond with a nominal value of EUR 1,000.00 ( period 1 November 2011 to 1 August 2012). The payout ratio of the plan is expected to occur in November and December 2012. The condition is that the respective claims were filed in the insolvency table and found and leave the relevant Noteholders a statement to their custodian bank that their respective bonds are transferred to a new security code number.

How can I even now assert claims against the Company?

The District Court of Dresden urged all creditors, their claims no later than the third September 2012 with the trustee Rainer M. Bähr writing with duplicate. A sign with the trustee is no longer possible. Creditors can also now submit your claims even over the Solarwatt AG. Please send the documents to:
Maria-Reiche-Str. 2a
D-01109 Dresden Please enter a keyword "Subsequent assertion after termination of the insolvency proceedings" to. Give the reason and amount of the claim and copies of documents relating to the claim.

Is there another meeting of creditors or any other voting meeting?

No. About the Bondholders Meeting on 27 August 2012 (Decision on joint representative) and the creditors' meeting on 11 September 2012, there will be no further meeting dates for the creditors.

Bondholders can also now exits to vote for or against the bankruptcy plan?
No. The vote on the insolvency plan took place on 11 September 2012. Were entitled to vote all creditors whose claims have been filed to the meeting and noted.

What happens to the bond, if the quota has been paid?

If the interest payments provided in November? Will there be a payment of the nominal value in 2015?
All claims arising from the bond will be paid by the odds. The listing of the bond was the 9th November 2012 terminated. This means that the loan from 10 November 2012 will no longer be traded on the Stuttgart Stock Exchange. It made no payments to the bondholders over quota.

Get the bondholders, who voted against the bankruptcy plan, paid the face value or is a possible conversion into company shares?

No. Of the creditors' meeting on 11 September 2012 adopted bankruptcy plan is binding for all bondholders. Get it all bondholders the same rate plan may entail improvement rate in 2015.
As proven creditor can ask for complete restructuring plan with the district court in Dresden. Furthermore, you can here a summary of the restructuring plan are available: »Download (PDF, 71 kB)
We ask for your understanding that we can not express our opinion on the information provided here and also the restructuring plan.

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