
Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

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Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza
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Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza
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Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

steri, gracias pòr la inf. Con respecto a GXY tu tenias razon hoy he recibido un email de mi broker diciendome que las autoridades australianas habian cerrado la cotizacion durante dos dias por incremento de capital que originaba mucha volatilidad y que hoy cotizarian, como tu bien dices paciencia. Con respecto a Neometals no entre en ella pues me parecio similar a GXY siendo esta ultima muy superior. En Nothern Star y Victoria Gold estoy esperando a ver si se ponen en precio aunque me gusta mas la primera. Tambien les hechare un ojo a los valores que le mencionaste a Izurunpr salvo Fagerholt pues ya entre hoy en ella. Gracias de nuevo y saludos.


Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

Victoria Gold la tuve meses, pero la vendí, no estoy actualizado con sus noticias.
Northern Star resources si la tengo en cartera y me gustan sus ratios financieros.
Dfds publicó el trimestre hace dos dias y está lanzada. También me gusta su posición financiera.


Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

steri, victoria gold no anda muy fina pero ya sabes lo que pasa con el oro, las dos que mencionas me gustan como bien dices los ratios financieros de ambas asi como por tecnico muy bien, estoy detras de las dos para hincarles el diente. En usa creo hay dos empresas buenas del sector defensa ahora que el amigo Trump dice que va a apostar por ese sector, son General Dinamics y Raytheon estoy dentro de la primera y echandole el ojo a la segunda, con respecto a la primera he oido que va a constrir nuevos submarinos para la armada americana. Tambien de las usa me gusta Tesla la de los coches electricos pero la encuentro muy cara y no he tenido oportunidad de comprarla. Saludos.


Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

Esas de defensa las conozco, son muy buenas empresas, pero me parecen algo elevado sus precios y por eso no las tengo.


Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

Sayona Mining samples high grade lithium in world class district
13:30 17 Feb 2017
Mallina is emerging as a significant project alongside the flagship Authier lithium project.
Sayona Mining samples high grade lithium in world class district
Further reconnaissance, mapping and rock sampling is planned
Sayona Mining (ASX:SYA) has received assay results from its first phase of sampling at the Mallina project, located in the world-class Pilgangoora lithium district of Western Australia.

Sample and mapping results have Identified five lithium mineralised spodumene bearing pegmatites up to 3.75% lithium oxide located within a 1 square kilometre zone.

Much of the pegmatite swarm and general tenement area remains untested by any previous lithium exploration.

Statutory approvals to allow drill testing are commencing.

Corey Nolan, CEO, commented: “The company is very encouraged by the new assay results from both the soil and rock chip programs.

“Exploration will continue with a focus on outlining potential drill targets as soon as possible on a number of the prospective targets identified from the current exploration program.”

Mallina project

The 140 square kilometre tenement forms part of the recently completed option agreement with Great Sandy Pty Ltd, comprising 871 square kilometres of tenure that complements Sayona’s additional 1,047 square kilometre lithium exploration portfolio in the Pilbara region.

Recent reconnaissance and mapping within the Mallina tenement area has focused around the Discovery pegmatite area, with 93 rock and 66 soil geochemical samples collected.

The Discovery pegmatite has been mapped over 500 metres of strike extent with rock chip assays grading up to 2.13% lithium oxide.

The company’s recent work has identified four previously unknown lithium mineralised spodumene pegmatites, which form part of an extensive swarm of pegmatites.

West of the Discovery pegmatite, two other areas of lithium mineralised pegmatites have been identified, with rock samples returning up to 2.65% lithium oxide.

Significantly, a single pegmatite outcrop, located 900 metres to the south of the Discovery pegmatite was identified and sampled, returning an assay of 3.47% lithium oxide.

Next steps

Further reconnaissance, mapping and rock sampling is planned in follow up to the strong mineralisation identified to date.

Work will focus in the area of newly discovered spodumene pegmatites as well as traversing the unexplored remainder of the tenement area.

Follow-up work will commence as soon as possible, once access after the recent flooding is possible.

Authier valued at C$140 million

Earlier this week, Sayona received the results from its pre-feasibility study (PFS) including a maiden JORC Ore Reserve at its flagship Authier lithium project located in Quebec, Canada.

Key outcomes of the study include a pre-tax net present value (NPV) of C$140 million over an initial 13-year mine life.

Sayona plans to progress towards completing a definitive feasibility study, mining licence applications, off-take contracts and financing this year.

Other key findings of the PFS include:

- Pre-tax NPV of C$140 million and pre-tax internal rate of return of 39%;
- Annual average concentrate production of 99,000 tonnes at 5.75% lithium oxide;
- Average annual revenue of C$67 million and EBITDA of C$31 million;
- Life of mine strip ratio of 6:1 (waste to ore) and cash costs of C$367 (US $280) FOB Montreal Port;
- Development capital expenditure of C$66 million; and
- Maiden Ore Reserve of 10.2 million tonnes at 1.02% lithium oxide (Proven Reserve: 4.9 million tonnes at 0.97% lithium oxide and Probable Reserve 5.3 million tonnes at 1.06% lithium oxide) delivers a mine life of 13 years.

The company is now looking at a number of optimisation options to significantly enhance the value of the project, including drilling (currently underway) to expand the Mineral Resource and Ore Reserves, further metallurgical and geotechnical test-work, and other downstream value-adding opportunities.

The deposit is open along strike and at depth.


Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

Neometals completes valuable cobalt extraction test work in Canada
11:00 21 Feb 2017
Neometals wants to extract cobalt from recycled devices such as laptops and phones.
Neometals completes valuable cobalt extraction test work in Canada
The recycling plant operation has a forecast NPV of US$84 million
Neometals (ASX:NMT) has completed a proof of scale study aimed at recycling batteries from consumer electronic devices such as laptops and mobile phones.

The test work was completed at facilities in Montreal, Canada, where the co‐developed, proprietary process aimed to recover cobalt from recycled lithium ion batteries.

The completed preliminary engineering cost study supports business case to accelerate commercialisation of the technology.

The estimated cash cost for processing is US$4.45 per pound of cobalt, which has a current spot price of US$20 per pound.

Neometals owns a 13.8% stake in the recently producing Mt Marion Lithium Project, which recently scheduled a second lithium concentrate shipment for mid‐March.

Chris Reed, managing director, commented: “With the Mt Marion Lithium Project successfully in production, Neometals’ can extend its strategic focus to opportunities in the higher margin, downstream opportunities in the lithium value chain where we can apply our knowledge and technology portfolio.”

Test work details

Neometals completed laboratory scale test work on 100 kilograms of spent lithium‐ion laptop and phone batteries containing an average of 19.8% cobalt.

The company engaged Sedgman to complete an engineering cost study on a small scale plant using the technology.

Results from the completed test work have indicated strong potential for a viable processing operation via a modular plant to initially recover saleable cobalt product from used lithium‐ion batteries.

Details include:

- Total capital cost: US$4.5 million;
- Life of plant: 10 years;
- Life of plant revenue: US$233 million;
- Average net operation cost: US$4.45 per pound cobalt or US$9,852 per tonne;
- Pre-tax cash flow: US$144 million;
- Pre-tax net present value: US$84 million; and
- Payback period: <1 year.


The successful results from the test work and study gives Neometals leverage to a new commodity in cobalt, which is experiencing favourable supply-demand market dynamics.

The cobalt supply chain is under some stress due to the rapid increase in demand from battery manufacturing and a supply chain that is dominated by co‐production and high sovereign risk resource locations.

Currently less than 5% of used lithium‐ion batteries are recycled as disposal is typically either paid‐for recycling or landfill.

Immediate plans involve investing in a continuous operation, pilot‐scale hydrometallurgical plant at the company’s Montreal laboratory to accelerate the evaluation of the recovery of high‐purity cobalt and future recovery of lithium, nickel, copper and aluminium.

Subject to the success of the mini‐pilot/pilot scale test work, Neometals intends to proceed with a feasibility study.

The proposed work plan will be funded internally, with an expected date of completion in December 2017.


Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza


Neometals updates on Mt Marion as share buy-back continues

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10:30 20 Jun 2017

Neometals has a sale process underway for its 13.8% equity in Mt Marion.

Neometals updates on Mt Marion as share buy-back continues

Mt Marion is located in Western Australia

Neometals ( ASX:NMT) has provided an update on Mt Marion, with the company saying it is aware that Ganfeng Lithium Co., Ltd issued an announcement of the excellent performance of Mt Marion concentrates in their production of battery quality lithium carbonate and hydroxide, and the volumes of product shipped to date and guidance for the month of June.

Neometals confirms the Mt Marion operations have shipped a total of 79,000 tonnes of concentrates from February to the end of May, including 30,055 tonnes in May (majority 6% Li2O).

A shipment of 35,000 tonnes of similar quality is expected to depart on or about 27 June with another 15,000 tonnes expected the first week of July.

Neometals currently has a sale process underway for its remaining 13.8% equity in Mt Marion.

Share buy-back

Neometals has now purchased 16.5 million shares on-market for a consideration of $4.5 million.

Under the program another 11.6 million shares can still be bought.

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Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

Neometals Ltd and Mineral Resources Ltd update on offtake pricing

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13:00 05 Jul 2017

The Mt Marion Lithium Operations are located in Western Australia.

Neometals Ltd and Mineral Resources Ltd update on offtake pricing

Mt Marion

Neometals Ltd ( ASX:NMT) and Mineral Resources Ltd ( ASX:MIN) has provided an update from the Mt Marion Lithium Operations.

Pursuant to the terms of the Offtake Agreement with their partner, Ganfeng Lithium, effective from 1 July 2017 the price payable per dry metric tonne of 6% spodumene concentrate produced at Mt Marion and delivered CFR China (Incoterms 2010) increased to US$841 from US$750.

Currently, Neometals has a sale process underway for its 13.8% equity in Mt Marion.

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Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

07.07.17 | 6:10 AM
Tesla will build the world’s largest lithium-ion battery for Australia
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Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

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Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

Auge de autos eléctricos impulsa expansión de litio en Australia

Bloomberg  07/08/2017


Una lucha entre las mayores empresas del mercado de litio por asegurarse el abastecimiento del metal de alta tecnología está ganando impulso en el corazón de la industria minera australiana de 170 años, que mueve US$90.000 millones.

La creciente demanda china de baterías de iones de litio necesarias para los vehículos eléctricos y el almacenamiento de electricidad está impulsando fuertes aumentos de precios y un auge de activos en Australia, que ya es el mayor productor mundial de litio. Este polo en rápido crecimiento está atrayendo inversiones y acuerdos de productores globales así como también de fabricantes de energía química a energía de baterías en China, el mayor consumidor.

Australia Occidental tiene cuatro empresas en producción y otros tres importantes proyectos que están avanzando para comenzar a producir. Es probable que grandes compañías continúen buscando acuerdos en el estado con el fin de asegurarse el aprovisionamiento para los próximos 20 a 30 años, según la firma consultora Benchmark Mineral Intelligence.

“Hay compañías serias invirtiendo y  están empezando a asegurarse los recursos más grandes y duraderos. La cuestión es: ¿quién sigue?”, dijo el director ejecutivo de Benchmark Mineral, Simon Moores. Aunque en una escala más pequeña, “es una apropiación de tierras como la del sector petrolífero, cuando BP, Shell y otros tomaron por asalto Oriente Medio en los años 1960 y 1970”, dijo.

Greenbushes en Australia Occidental, la mina de litio de roca dura más grande del mundo, está creciendo hasta más del doble de la capacidad anual, dijo Talison Lithium, una empresa conjunta entre Tianqi Lithium Corp. y Albemarle Corp. de Carolina del Norte, en un correo electrónico. El yacimiento, explotado en un primer momento por el estaño desde alrededor de 1888, ya representa un 30% de la producción global de litio, según el Gobierno de Australia. Tianqi también proyecta expansiones de plantas de procesamiento por valor de 717 millones de dólares australianos (US$578 millones).

Jiangxi Ganfeng Lithium Co, que tiene participaciones en proyectos en países como Irlanda y Argentina, detenta un 43 por ciento de la explotación de Mt. Marion en Australia y en mayo celebró un acuerdo de aprovisionamiento y desarrollo con Pilbara Minerals Ltd. por el desarrollo de una mina. El fabricante de baterías Shaanxi J& R Optimum Energy Co. firmó un acuerdo en julio por producción futura del proyecto de Altura Mining Ltd.

“Es la expansión más significativa de la historia en abastecimiento de litio, y todavía no alcanzamos la demanda”, dijo Chris Reed, máximo responsable de Neometals Ltd., socio de Ganfeng y Mineral Resources en la explotación Mt. Marion. Reed tiene previsto hablar este miércoles en el cierre del foro de minería Diggers and Dealers de tres días en Kalgoorlie, Australia Occidental.

Soquimich, el segundo proveedor más grande del mundo de litio, hizo por primera vez en julio su incursión fuera de Sudamérica para invertir unos US$110 millones por el 50% del proyecto  Mt. Holland de Kidman Resources Ltd. en Australia Occidental, con el objetivo de entrar en producción como mínimo en 2021. El proyecto aumentaría además la expansión de SQM en Argentina.

Los precios del carbonato de litio, base química primaria producida por el sector, creció más del doble en cinco años hasta 2016, según UBS Group AG. El material avanzó un 5 por ciento hasta promediar US$14.250 la tonelada métrica en julio en comparación con el mes anterior, pese a que las exportaciones australianas crecen, según Benchmark Mineral.


Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

Neometals updates from Mount Marion following Mineral Resources results

Neometals Ltd updates from Mount Marion following Mineral Resources Ltd results

Neometals approaches buy-back milestone of 20 million shares


Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn Email Print Download PDF version 00:54 14 Aug 2017

At June 30, Neometals held A$62 million in cash and investments, with no debt.

Neometals Ltd approaches buy-back milestone of 20 million shares



Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza

Neometals approaches buy-back milestone of 20 million shares

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00:54 14 Aug 2017

At June 30, Neometals held A$62 million in cash and investments, with no debt.

Neometals approaches buy-back milestone of 20 million shares

Neometals continues to buy-back shares

Neometals Ltd ( ASX:NMT) has now bought over 19.5 million shares back on-market for a consideration of circa $19.5 million, as the company utilises its strong cash position.

Under the current program, another 8.6 million shares can be bought back.

Neometals currently holds a 13.8% stake in the globally-significant Mt Marion Lithium Project in Western Australia.

Minerals Resources ltd ( ASX:MIN) (43.1% stake) is the project operator and Australia’s largest contract minerals processor.

The final partner is Ganfeng Lithium (43.1% stake), which is China’s largest, most diverse lithium producer.

Neometals looks to build technology portfolio

Neometals is also aiming to fast-track evaluation of proprietary recycling process to recover Lithium/Cobalt/Nickel from Lithiumion batteries.

The company also has a strategy to build a royalty portfolio from the commercialisation of Neomet Process with Sedgman and Andritz.

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Re: Neometals Limited. Minera de Litio con gran demanda y precios al alza



Boom de autos eléctricos triplicará la demanda en 2022

Miércoles 23 de Agosto de 2017.- Se avecinan alzas en las demandas de litio. Varios países europeos han anunciado que, en algunos años, dejarán de producir automóviles en base a combustibles fósiles. El año pasado, la venta de vehículos eléctricos aumentó en un una década, de prácticamente ninguna a más de medio millón.

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