Blog Trading Blog
Blog Trading Blog
Blog Trading Blog

Ultimos Libros Adquiridos

Periodicamente compro en Amazon aquellos libros que me parecen interesantes y de los que creo puedo obtener grandes (o por lo menos, algún) conocimiento para mis operativas de corto, medio y largo plazo. Estos son los últimos que me han llegado a casa, que aun no he leido pero que eso es algo que solucionaré en breve, o por lo menos en los próximos 2 ó como mucho 3 meses.

Lo importante no son los libros que hemos leido, sino los que nos quedan por leer.

Por cierto, ni tengo acciones de Amazon, ni me llevo comisión por la venta de libros, así es que, espero que nadie sea mal pensado. ;-)

Trading Pairs - Mark Whistler.

An accessible guide to the pairs trading technique.

Hacer trading con Pares de Accciones significa comprar y vender al mismo tiempo dos valores distintos, esperando que uno suba y el otro baje para maximizar los beneficios. El libro explica de la forma mas sencilla posible como identificar aquellos con una correlación que permita realizar esto con el mínimo riesgo posible.

Technical Analysis - Gerald Appel.

Calificado por STOCK TRADER'S ALMANAC 2006 como "El mejor libro de inversión del año".

"In this book, one of the world's most respected technical analysts presents a complete course in forecasting future market behavior through cyclical, trend, momentum, and volume signals. Unlike most technical analysis books, Gerald Appel's Technical Analysis offers step-by-step instructions virtually any investor can use to achieve breakthrough market success.

Appel illuminates a wide range of strategies and timing models, demystifying even advanced technical analysis for the first time. He presents technical analysis solutions for short-, intermediate-, and long-term investors, and even for mutual fund investors. Many of the strategies and models he presents have never before been published. Several are based on MACD, a tool that revolutionized technical analysis¿and one that he created.

My Life as a Quant - Emanuel Derman.

Emanuel Derman was one of the first physicists to move to Wall Street, and his career paralleled the growth of quantitative trading over the past twenty years. In My Life as a Quant, he traces his transformation from ambitious young scientist to managing director and head of the renowned Quantitative Strategies group at Goldman, Sachs & Co.

Derman’s tale recounts his adventures with quants, traders and other high fliers on Wall Street as he became the best-known quant in the business. He describes the struggles of research and his interactions with an assorted cast of famous scientists. He relates his impressions of some of the most creative minds on Wall Street, including Fischer Black, with whom he collaborated on the widely used Black-Derman-Toy model of interest rates. Throughout his story he reflects on the appropriate way to apply the refined methods of physics to the hurly-burly world of markets and the people that inhabit them.

New Era Value Investing - Nancy Tengler.

A unique guide that combines the best of traditional value theory with an innovative approach to assessing value in low or non-dividend paying stocks.

No other book reveals so much about how a portfolio manager looks at the world. A must-read for every serious investor, and anyone who aspires to manage money for others.
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  1. #2
    03/10/07 18:04

    Ese tema de los Trading Pairs, me parecio interesante y por eso compré el libro... estoy seguro que alguna cosa interesante le sacaré, y sino, pues quedará en la última esquina de mi estanteria, aunque no creo. ;-)

    Gracias por el comentario Fernan2.

  2. Top 25
    03/10/07 15:54

    Respecto al Trading Pairs... hay algunos que pintan de color de rosa este tipo de estrategias, pero su única ventaja es que están descorrelacionadas con otras, y en ese contexto ayudan a reducir la volatilidad global de la cartera. Pero por sí mismas, son tan peligrosas como otras estrategias: LTCM: Estrategias Long-Short, no tan bajo riesgo

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