Blog Punk Trading
Blog Punk Trading
Blog Punk Trading

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Talk about foul ...  At 5:30 AM when I started work this morning, the Dow Mini futures were up 70 with a CNBC headline that said, "Stocks Rise as Bulls Look Beyond Volatility".  They knew this at 5:30 AM?
- At 7:08 AM, the Mini was up 17 with a headline that said, "Wall Street Seen Sharply Higher on Greece Deal."  
- At 7:50 AM, the Mini was down -7.00 with this headline still being promoted: "Wall Street Seen Higher on Greece Deal; Tech in Focus."
- Ever wonder who is promoting those headlines, and why ... when the Dow Mini futures were below yesterday's close?  

3.  Today could be a very volatile day ... it is even possible that we see a short squeeze attempt to push the market higher.

4. Underlying Market Conditions:    We had 3 Negative readings, 3 lesser Negative readings, 2 Neutral readings, 1 Positive reading, and 0 Lesser Positive readings.   This is a quick overview of underlying conditions over the past 3 days: 


Está claro que está preparándose un movimiento direccional de cierta envergadura, con publicaciones de noticias para atraer a todos los que puedan, etc...

News y volumen, sólo nos queda saber hacia dónde y que no nos toreen...

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  2. Tonteando con el 'Big Data'
  3. Hablando de mierdas... Mi primera experiencia en Bolsa con Chicharros y Porqué Empecé a Especular
  4. Soy Mega Alcista
  5. No hay Miedo