

Se registró el 25/02/2019
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Rond1958 25/02/19 12:57
Ha respondido al tema Resident Foreigner from South Africa wishes to locate an ETF investment platform in Spain
Mucho gracias!!  :) :) .  I accept and agree to only invest into legitimate structures ( nothing illegal!!). How would I know if an ETF is MifidII compliant?..    I will investigate De Giro , .. hopefully this is a solution !!   ,. Do you know of other similar type Spanish registered Investment company's able / capable of accepting  me as an Investor of World Tracker ETF 's?.   Thank you so much for your positive response.   I wish I could speak Spanish but this will take time.    :) Adios amigo Ron  
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Rond1958 25/02/19 12:43
Ha respondido al tema Resident Foreigner from South Africa wishes to locate an ETF investment platform in Spain
Thank you so very much !!  Mucho Gracias!! .  I am a bit concerned going through a Spanish bank because I have been informed that if I move to another country, I will need to disinvest my money from the market ( etf) and deposit the monies back into a Spanish Bank account before transferring the funds to another country....  I don't want to have this limitation as once I move to another country, I would still wish to continue my investment BUT would have no need to keep a Spanish Bank account. Do you have some information that may help me?. Kind regards Ron
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