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Se registró el 11/02/2009

Sobre Mr_Simpson

When there is blood on the streets...Buy! (Rothschild)

Investing in Small Caps. Value Investments. The intelligent Investor.
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Mr_Simpson 19/07/18 08:22
Ha respondido al tema Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
La noticia que todos esperabamos ha llegado. Una operación de $3.8 Billones en su conjunto y con unas altas expectativas de retorno en el futuro. Ayer WMIH cerró a $1.38 http://investors.nationstarholdings.com/Cache/1500111852.PDF?O=PDF&T=&Y=&D=&FID=1500111852&iid=4288863 Nationstar ( Accionistas):  http://investors.nationstarholdings.com/CorporateProfile Tras fusión WMIH será dueña 64% y NSM tendrá 36% de la nueva Corporación Total acciones: 1.117 Millones:  208.1 Million: Common shares (current)   21.2 Million: Warrants   10  Million: Series A Preferreds   11.4 Million: Series B Special Distribution   21.1 Million: Series B semi annual dividend 444.0    Million: Series B holders  400.7 Million: NSM holders (Fortress primarily)  ------------  1.116,5 Millones acciones IMPORTANTE : WMIH comprará 100% de Nationstar’s 99.5 millones acciones de la siguiente manera: 68.1 millones acciones en cash a $18.00 la acción para un total de $1.226 Millones 31.4 millones acciones se canjearan de esta manera 1 acción NSM por 12.7793 shares de WMIH El 26 Julio los accionistas de Nationstar "NSM" deben decidir si canjear sus acciones de NSM por $18 o 12.7793 acciones WMIH. El valor tras este proceso de consolidación y ampliación de acciones y capital conjunto de ambas empresas que a su vez se beneficiaran de $6000 millones de NOLs que suponen unos beneficios fiscales de 1.260 Millones $ permitiran crear un Holding lider en sector Mortgages, Servicing, Originations etc... KKR, SOFTBANK, BLACKROCK, NUMINA CAPITAL, APPALOOSA (David Tepper), GREYWOLF (Jonathan Savitz), Steve Cohen... son algunos de los Billonarios que se han posicionado. Podeis ver sus posiciones aquí: https://whalewisdom.com/stock/wmih Mucha suerte a todos...y luego no digais que no os di la pista ganadora :) :) :)  
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Mr_Simpson 09/06/18 11:11
Ha respondido al tema Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
Que antes de que acabe el año pueden haber sorpresas...sobre Septiembre-Noviembre. Parece que todo está relacionado con la fusión actual y la decisión que debe tomar FDIC-R de liberar los activos que permanecen en Trusts alejados del proceso de liquidación de Bancarrota. Definitivamente si en 2018 no hay noticias nos podemos olvidar pero algo me hace ser positivo al respecto. Saludos
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Mr_Simpson 06/06/18 09:41
Ha respondido al tema Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
¡Buenos días con alegría! ¿Que tal estais todos? Espero que fenomenal y con mucha alegria que es lo que necesita este pais. ;)  Hace mucho tiempo que no escribía en este Foro y sinceramente lo echaba de menos así que voy a intentar poneros al día de todo lo que está pasando y porque es algo extremadamente sorprendente que una empresa WMIH con una capitalización en bolsa de $270 Millones pueda comprar a un lider en la industria de hipotecas como es NSM (Nationstar)  con un valor en bolsa de $1.77 Billones en una operación conjunta de $3.8 Billones pues tambien estan aparte de pagar $1200 Millones en Cash estan dando una linea de credito de $2.75 Billones. El pez chico se ha comido al grande ¿como es eso posible? y encima les han dado una mayoría del 64% WMIH frente al 36% para los accionistas de NSM donde Fortress (Softbank) era el mayoritario con un 69% hasta antes del anuncio de fusión. Dossier Fusión WMIH-NSM:  http://investors.nationstarholdings.com/Cache/1001233292.PDF?O=PDF&T=&Y=&D=&FID=1001233292&iid=4288863  El precio actual de WMIH es $1.35. El canje de acciones tras la ratificación del 29 de Junio será $1.41 así que el valor estará en ese rango hasta esa fecha. Posteriormente lo veo alcista hasta al menos $2.16 despegará por muchos motivos principalmente  KKR, Fortress, Appaloosa, Blackrock, Greywolf etc... estan invertidos hasta arriba.. Hay 7 Billonarios invertidos en el valor y Nationstar que cuenta con la mayor plataforma no bancaria de hipotecas de USA será la beneficiada de los acuerdos que se fijaron en el settlement entre DB y la FDIC el año pasado. Listado Institucionales (13F):  https://whalewisdom.com/stock/wmih El 29 Junio se dan las Juntas accionistas de WMIH y NSM para ratificar toda la fusión y dar la opción a los accvionistas de NSM que quieran $18 por acción o eligan vcanje de 12.77 acciones de WMIH a $1.41. Una vez eso este finiquitado ya nada parará que la acción empiece a revalorizarse. Los institucionales canjeran los $600 Millones de acciones Serie B de WMIH y KKR etc... pues igual que han frenado el valor para obtener mayor canje posible pues ahora le den al acelerador para empezar a llevar la acción al menos hasta $2.16  cuyo grafico adjunto que es el valor aplicando los $6 Billones en  NOLs. Seguiré dando más pistas de todo lo que está por venir que es muy potente.  
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Mr_Simpson 09/03/16 11:34
Ha respondido al tema Abengoa levanta el vuelo
Muchas gracias Labrax. Consejo anotado. Hoy la nota de elconfidencial sobre acuerdo no pone ni los datos correctos 55% bonistas y 45% banca :) :) y Benjumea un 5% ya seria un 105%
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Mr_Simpson 09/03/16 10:11
Ha respondido al tema Abengoa levanta el vuelo
Buenos días: Estoy valorando una posible entrada y tengo dudas al haber varios tipos de valores y no se cual es el que merece mas la pena comprar ahora mismo. ¿Compraríais Abengoa A , Abengoa B o otra que me aparece que es Abengoa SA? Si tal y como parece al final la empresa se la van a quedar los bonistas al 55% , banmcos 40% y 5% el Benjumea & Co... esos 1000-1400 millones euros que van a capitalizar la empresa crearan un efecto de dilución brutal para los actuales accionistas. ¿Como valorais esto? o creeis que hay algún mecanismo anti-dilucion. ¿Que precio objetivo creéis que podrá alcanzar si hay acuerdo con bonistas? Si no lo hay esto ira para abajo que escarba así que eso ya lo tengo asimilado. Os agradezco vuestras respuestas para ver si me animo.
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Mr_Simpson 14/02/16 12:41
Ha respondido al tema Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
Hay vida fuera de Rankia créeme... Mira Ihub o Facebook o Boardpost que es el más profesional de todos. Como veo que tú solo respondes por lo personal para buscar confrontación te diré que seguiré posteando cuando me salga del teclado! Y seguirás leyendo cosas buenas de este valor así que si quieres las comentamos como personas y dejamos de hacer el cabestro. Lamentó que te escueza el ver cómo los zombis se han casado con fondos de inversión que opinan diferente a ti pero así es la vida. Disfrútala que solo se vive una vez y no voy a malgastarla discutiendo
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Mr_Simpson 13/02/16 20:45
Ha respondido al tema Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
Hasta que no se liquiden los Claims de los empleados y el juicio DB creo que habrá que seguir esperando. Aun hay una cantidad de unos 60 Millones que se adeuda a PIERS antes que Preferentes o Comunes reciban algo. Te paso la ultima info que va surgiendo desde la FDIC... AUDITORIA FDIC http://www.gao.gov/assets/680/675186.pdf Pag 13 y 25 son interesantes Se Hablan de Trusts y LLCs que es lo que siempre se ha venido comentando sobre las hipotecas WAMU que no compro JPM por 1.9 Billones.... a seguir esperando. Un inversor USA acaba postear esto: I performed a search on the Orange County, CA Recorder’s Office website, and identified that in just the first six weeks of this year (January 1, 2016 to February 12, 2016), there were sixty-two (62) recordings of a Corporate Assignment Of Deed Of Trust, from FDIC as Receiver of Washington Mutual Bank, to JPMorgan Chase Bank. Attached is a copy of one of those documents, which I purchased on-line. The document states that the FDIC has received “For Good And Valuable Consideration” for the applicable Deed Of Trust, and that “This Assignment is intended to further memorialize the transfer that occurred by operation of law on September 25, 2008…” Hopefully this means that JPMC has finally paid for its purchase of these loans, pursuant to Article 3.2 –Asset Purchase Price (and Schedule 3.2 – Purchase Price of Assets) of the P&AA. https://www.fdic.gov/about/freedom/Washington_Mutual_P_and_A.pdf
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Mr_Simpson 13/02/16 20:08
Ha respondido al tema Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
¡Que locos estamos todos! buajajajajajaja Institutionals (keep growing)113 are now reporting they own WMIH or 36.18% Of those, 15 have over 1M shares. 113 Institutional Holders 74,591,429 Total Shares Held Owner Name Date Shared Held Change (Shares) Change (%) Value (in 1,000s) APPALOOSA MANAGEMENT LP 12/31/2015 16,902,465 0 0.00 39,721 GREYWOLF CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LP 09/30/2015 15,596,887 15,596,887 New 36,653 LOCUST WOOD CAPITAL ADVISERS, LLC 12/31/2015 5,321,352 (64,051) (1.19) 12,505 VANGUARD GROUP INC 12/31/2015 3,900,555 3,900,555 New 9,166 TRISHIELD CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC 09/30/2015 3,820,091 3,820,091 New 8,977 TIPP HILL CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC 12/31/2015 2,824,000 0 0.00 6,636 LAKEWOOD CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LP 09/30/2015 2,769,100 2,769,100 New 6,507 CENTERBRIDGE PARTNERS, L.P. 09/30/2015 2,603,867 2,603,867 New 6,119 NUMINA CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LLC 09/30/2015 2,299,018 2,299,018 New 5,403 SERENGETI ASSET MANAGEMENT LP 09/30/2015 2,000,000 2,000,000 New 4,700 SCOGGIN MANAGEMENT LP 12/31/2015 1,941,365 1,941,365 New 4,562 AKANTHOS CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC 12/31/2015 1,500,440 (330,287) (18.04) 3,526 AKRE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC 12/31/2015 1,500,000 0 0.00 3,525 CREDIT SUISSE AG/ 09/30/2015 1,021,040 1,021,040 New 2,399 PASSPORT CAPITAL, LLC 09/30/2015 1,000,000 1,000,000 New 2,350 WMIH Corp. Institutional Ownership WMIH $2.35 *Delayed - data as of Feb. 12, 2016 http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/wmih/institutional-holdings?page=2
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Mr_Simpson 12/02/16 17:21
Ha respondido al tema Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
KKR Conference Call Audio replay at: http://edge.media-server.com/m/p/54m6k6xw The WMIH discussion is at the 40:00 minute mark. Chris Kotowski (?) of Oppenheimer asked the question. Thanks for the direction to the question by Chris. How KKR views us: "SPAC" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special-purpose_acquisition_company With KKR's performance this past year, they are being scrutinized closely. Later in the transcript, he mentioned that deals initiated in the last quarter (Q4) are "ready" starting to open up. They are intending to take advantage of lower valuations and enjoy the volatility of the current market per the mention at 48:41 Sandler-O'Neil's M&A question regarding organic v inorganic growth. WMI called "non-inorganic" opportunity. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Record $29 billion of dry powder !!! "Now let me shift a bit to why we like this environment of fear and volatility. Look at slide eight. Remember, the vast majority of our capital is locked up for a long period of time. Over 80% of our management fees come from funds or relationships with over eight-year contractual lives from inception. When you are an investment firm with locked-up capital, it is great news when things get cheaper. We generate most of our excess returns by making smart investments in markets like this one. Also, it's important to understand that we've built our business model specifically for markets like these. Our capital markets business and our balance sheet are weapons that are especially powerful in this type of market. Our capital markets business allows us to access equity and debt capital directly, to get deals done when others can't. And our $13 billion balance sheet allows us to step up for larger checks and syndicate down later. The combination of these two is very powerful, as we can move quickly and in size when traditional financing is not available. Combine these factors with our locked-up LP capital and we have a powerful model that can invest in dislocated markets and move in when others are scared. And then we can monetize those investments later, when the markets swing back from fear to greed. In effect, we view markets like this one as giving us a great opportunity to create options that we can monetize in a more optimistic environment. And our model positions us to create more of those options when fear reigns. So we're actually quite bullish on what we're seeing and our ability to monetize this environment. And with a record $29 billion of dry powder, plus our balance sheet, we have ample capacity to express our views..." http://seekingalpha.com/article/3889176-kkr-and-co-lp-kkr-q4-2015-results-earnings-call-transcript?page=2 KKR & Co. LP (KKR) Q4 2015 Results - Earnings Call Transcript ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KKR is putting their reputation on the line with strong backup in their Call. Also they have made quite clear its Non-Organic growth for the WMIH SPAC. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inorganic_growth Lets rewind...last year they announced Shareholders Meeting on Feb 28th... I am assuming that if they announce M&A by end of March at latest (after the strong mentioning in their call yesterday) we should ratify it at the SM 2016. They have majority so thats a 100% certainty it will pass.
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Mr_Simpson 09/12/15 07:47
Ha respondido al tema Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
Hoy 9 Diciembre es el 2 aniversario desde entrada KKR http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/wmi-holdings-corp-announces-commitment-by-kkr-for-strategic-investment-235046931.html Hemos conseguido: 1. $600 Millones en inversión 2. Pasar de OTC a NASDAQ 3. Equipo ejecutivos 4. Estamos pendientes de noticias sobre primera M&A que llegará en Diciembre -Enero 2016. Grafico de las 2 ultimas sesiones
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Mr_Simpson 01/12/15 18:13
Ha respondido al tema Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
http://www.insidermonkey.com/blog/is-wmih-corp-wmih-a-good-stock-to-buy-396332/ --------------- Between June 25 and October 30th the Russell 2000 ETF (IWM) lagged the larger S&P 500 ETF (SPY) by more than 14 percentage points as investors worried over the possible ramifications of rising interest rates. The hedge funds and institutional investors we track typically invest more in smaller-cap stocks than an average investor, and we have seen data that shows those funds paring back their overall exposure. Those funds cutting positions in small-caps is one reason why volatility has increased. In the following paragraphs, we take a closer look at what hedge funds and prominent investors think of WMIH Corp (NASDAQ:WMIH) and see how the stock is affected by the recent hedge fund activity. Is WMIH Corp an exceptional investment right now? Prominent investors are becoming more confident. The number of bullish hedge fund bets went up by 30 lately. WMIH was in 34 hedge funds’ portfolios at the end of September. There were 4 hedge funds in our database with WMIH holdings at the end of the previous quarter. The level and the change in hedge fund popularity aren’t the only variables you need to analyze to decipher hedge funds’ perspectives. A stock may witness a boost in popularity but it may still be less popular than similarly priced stocks. That’s why at the end of this article we will examine companies such as Navios Maritime Acquisition Corp (NYSE:NNA), Kelly Services, Inc. (NASDAQ:KELYA), and Diana Shipping Inc. (NYSE:DSX) to gather more data points. Now, let’s take a gander at the key action surrounding WMIH Corp (NASDAQ:WMIH). How have hedgies been trading WMIH Corp (NASDAQ:WMIH)? Heading into Q4, a total of 34 of the hedge funds tracked by Insider Monkey were bullish on this stock, a change of 750% from one quarter earlier. With the smart money’s positions undergoing their usual ebb and flow, there exists a few notable hedge fund managers who were increasing their stakes considerably (or already accumulated large positions). According to publicly available hedge fund and institutional investor holdings data compiled by Insider Monkey, Appaloosa Management LP, managed by David Tepper, holds the number one position in WMIH Corp (NASDAQ:WMIH). Appaloosa Management LP has a $43.6 million position in the stock, comprising 1.5% of its 13F portfolio. On Appaloosa Management LP’s heels is Greywolf Capital Management, managed by Jonathan Savitz, which holds a $40.6 million position; the fund has 6.6% of its 13F portfolio invested in the stock. Other peers that are bullish contain Stephen J. Errico’s Locust Wood Capital Advisers, Jeff Buick’s Trishield Capital Management and Richard L. Haydon’s Yield Capital Partners (Y/Cap Management).
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Mr_Simpson 24/11/15 20:12
Ha respondido al tema Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
after she resigned this summer...did she buy any WMIH shares?! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sheila Bair resigns from Santander's board of directors following her appointment as president of Washington College Madrid, July 30, 2015. Sheila Bair has resigned as a member of Banco Santander’s board of directors effective October 1st, 2015 following her appointment as president of Washington College. The board expressed its gratitude to Ms. Bair for her dedication to the board since she joined in January, 2014 and in particular her contribution to the board’s Risk Supervision, Regulation and Compliance Committee. Ana Botín, group executive chairman of Banco Santander, said: “Sheila’s contribution to our board over the past few years has been invaluable and we will miss her. We have learned from her regulatory and U.S. perspective and we are a better bank for her service. Given the changes at Banco Santander in the past 10 months, I would like to acknowledge how much I have personally valued her advice and counsel and look forward to continue to work together in other ways in the future.” Sheila Bair said: “My position at Washington College is very much a full-time obligation. As a consequence, I am cutting back significantly on my various boards and advisory roles. Most importantly, I am announcing my decision to resign as a board member of Banco Santander, effective the end of the third quarter. I deeply value my experience on the board over the past year and a half. I believe Santander's risk management culture and strong customer focus will continue to serve it well, as it has over the past century and a half. Ana Botín’s focus on banking services that are simple, personal and fair has placed the bank in a solid position to strengthen and grow customer relationships and trust.” Sheila Bair has also announced her decision to step down from the board of the Center for Responsible Lending and to resign as a Chair of the Systemic Risk Council at the end of 2015. Sheila Bair will take up her role as president of Washington College effective August, 1st. Washington College was founded in 1782 and was the first college chartered by the government of the United States of America. http://www.santander.com/csgs/Satellite?appID=santander.wc.CFWCSancomQP01&c=GSNoticia&canal=CSCORP&cid=1278706412578&empr=CFWCSancomQP01&leng=en_GB&pagename=CFWCSancomQP01%2FGSNoticia%2FCFQP01_GSNoticiaDetalleMultimedia_PT18 Y ahora a por el premio gordo... This information as to ownership is based on a questionnaire completed on November 5, 2015 on behalf of DDFS Partnership LP. Thomas G. Dundon, as the general partner of DDFS Partnership LP, is the controlling person of DDFS Partnership LP. The address for DDFS Partnership LP is 2100 Ross Avenue, Suite 800, Dallas, Texas 75201. Also CEO of Santander of the Americas.....who was on their board again?!....right, dogface Bair! How it is nice to be on the inside track... http://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/person.asp?personId=23811693&privcapId=28973179
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Mr_Simpson 18/11/15 12:06
Ha respondido al tema Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
"But there is also things that we’re doing that are little bit different. We mentioned a quarter ago that we’ve made an investment in the company called WMIH, it’s a public company, its the Washington Mutual Holding Company. It actually has $6 billion of NOLs sitting in it. So we actually have an investment in that entity and now we’re working with that management team to look for acquisitions and think of it as a tax advantage and partial subsidiary of the firm where we can go and make investments to potentially make acquisitions and get the benefit of the NOLs. And then we will to your point look from time to time at strategic acquisitions, we can make for the firm. And we’ve done a handful of those already, we bought hedge fund space Avoca and the credit space in Europe and most recently took a meaningful position in Marshall Wace, which is a hedge fund based in Europe as well." Pg. 7/9 http://seekingalpha.com/article/3693746-kkrs-kkr-management-presents-at-bank-of-america-merrill-lynch-2015-banking-and-financial-services-brokers-conference-transcript?page=7
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Mr_Simpson 14/11/15 07:44
Ha respondido al tema Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
http://www.forbes.com/sites/gurufocus/2015/11/13/david-tepper-sells-alibaba-boa-buys-5-stocks/ WMIH está entre sus 5 mayores compras del tercer trimestre. Esto debería llamar atención de algunos de sus seguidores. Sabemos que las tiene desde la BK pero ahora que el valor ha pasado a NASDAQ habrá decidido reportarlas.
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Lo que sigue Mr_Simpson

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