

Se registró el 11/02/2009

Sobre Mr_Simpson

When there is blood on the streets...Buy! (Rothschild)

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Mr_Simpson 14/01/20 06:52
Ha respondido al tema Farmas USA
Buenos días: Para los que supieron escuchar ayer fue un día especial en los dos valores que recomendé el fin de semana. Anoche se publicó que Tang ha adquirido otras 3 millones acciones y ya tiene 13M en LJPC. Suerte a todos.
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Mr_Simpson 12/01/20 21:23
Ha respondido al tema Farmas USA
Entiendo perfectamente los riesgos de una inversión especulativa. ¿Elemento peligroso?Si no quieres hablar de lo que te he respondido solo sabes insultar y ahora me vas a ignorar?  Jajajajajaja!Sobre lo de no avisar lamento no haberlo hecho antes no me gusta quedarme las cosas para mi.Dejo dos valores para mañana: VBIV Y LJPCSaludos
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Mr_Simpson 12/01/20 20:44
Ha respondido al tema Farmas USA
¿Eres consciente de los graves problemas de Heplisav-B? VBI vaccines con Sci-B-Vac está mucho mejor en todos los aspectos. Seguridad vacuna y mucha menor deuda. En cuanto publiquemos acuerdo partnership o BO tras aprobación en USA, EU y Canada a ver como se comporta.Sobre  Heplisav-B To date, more than 10,000 adults have received the vaccine throughout 11 clinical trials, including three pivotal phase III studies that compared Heplisav-B with a rival product called Engerix-B, according to FDA briefing documents published earlier this week"Study results showed there were more deaths and serious heart problems" in patients given Heplisav-B than in those given Engerix-B; however, overall numbers and rates of such cardiac events were low. (no se tu pero no veo que Heplivsav o DVAX (ticker) tenga recorrido de hecho cayo un 12% el mismo día que VBIV publicó los resultados de Fase 3 así que tu mismo. No hay más ciego que el que no quiere ver) Si VBIV quisiera hacerlo con 3 inyecciones barre a TODOS. A nivel cash tiene hasta finales Q3 o sea que hay tiempo de sobra para buscar partnership tras publicar resultados que avalan lo efectiva que es.If you look at protection after two shots, DVAX has 230 protection titers, VBIV has 120. You need 100 for FDA to say you are protected. However after third shot Sci-b has 5,800. So basically you have 25X the protection of heplisav and get a very safe vaccine. I would hate to be in DVAX shoes, they have debt of $200M, VBIV has $17M, but most likely would pay that off with license deal with GSK.He puesto bastante más que tus continuas criticas leete toda la info que está en inglés. Mira este enlace que aporta un enfoque claro pero está claro que para ti en tu mente todo es bombear. Nadie es perfecto en bolsa si tu las clavas todas montate un fondo pero no desvirtues cada post que escribo porque entonces da que pensar. 
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Mr_Simpson 12/01/20 20:37
Ha respondido al tema Farmas USA
Sabby liquido las TRVN el 30 enero al parecer tienen problemas con reembolsos y han tenido que cerrar varias posiciones. Me alegro porque son unos HP Si me preguntas por VBIV llevo a 0.70, 0.80 y 1.10. También veo bien a LJPC porque es probable que TANG esté buscando comprador Saludos
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Mr_Simpson 12/01/20 16:16
Ha respondido al tema Farmas USA
¿Quien está hablando de Engerix-B cuando el producto de VBIV se llama Sci-B-Vac? validado en Fase 3 con los resultados publicados. Riesgo fuera.La patente de Engerix-B ya caducó por eso es más que probable que GSK la quiera sustituir la con la mejor vacuna de Hepatitis que es Sci-B-Vac.El resto de pipeline pues tiene vacunas oncológicas que han hecho acuerdos con GSK por eso suena tanto el posible BO con ellos.Más una plataforma eVLP de gran valor: Afortunadamente la ciencia y los retornos están por encima de tus posts.
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Mr_Simpson 12/01/20 07:59
Ha respondido al tema Farmas USA
Due Dilligence sobre VBIV: Cerró viernes a $1.63  (+13.99%)¿Habrá alguna noticia el 14 enero de GSK sobre posible partnership con  VBIV y este es el motivo por el que tuvieron que publicar resultados antes de la conferencia JPM Healthcare? GSK CEO presentará 14 enero 7.30 am PST: Está claro que la Junta Directiva de VBI Vaccines (VBIV) tiene 2 opciones:1) Partnership: Coger 300-400M (20-30% royalty) y un acuerdo comercial a nivel global con GSK u otra top Farma con fuerza de venta a gran escala.El CEO ya dijo durante la conferencia (sus palabras más abajo que no se gastaría $50M sino que buscaría la forma más rápida y efectiva de salir al mercado.2) Buyout: Para evitar los problema de liquidez que nos garantizan hasta final ( Q2 o Q3) y así formar parte de  GSK, Pfizer, Merck, Sanofis.Todo el mundo estará presente durante JPM Healthcare Conf. VBIV publicó una data increible que supera a la lider mundial Engerix-B ($1B en ventas).¿Si fuerais GSK que hariais dejar que Sci-B-Vac te coma el terreno y compita o ahora que GSK es partner de VBIV en las vacunas contra cancer cerebral aumentar ese acuerdo para incluir el desarrollo comercial de Sci-B-Vac que puede ser sustituto natural de Engerix-B?  Aparte estan estos productos en el pipeline como catalistas en 2020Pipeline de VBIV y avances 2020Si GSK no adquiere VBIV es muy probable que alguna de las otras Top Farmas lo haga.Mirad el data del gráfico que adjunto incluso con 2 dosis Sci-B-Vac es poderoso con 3 es excepcional. Esto es solo un producto del pipeline !!Resultados de Sci-B-Vac vs Engerix-BEl momentum continuará la próxima semana... CEO Jeff Baxter regarding Partnerships extract from Webcast  "We are in a number of discussions which are obviously NDA bound with a number of potential partners from global pharma companies, to regional potential partners, to more straight forward commercialization partners in the markets. We will commercialize Sci-B-Vac with a partner, we will not be doing it ourselves, I have said this publicly many times before, we will not be recruiting 100 people and suffering the financial burden of 50M $ in the commercial ramp up. We will do it in a creative way with a partner from those range of people that I spoke earlier which means that we can launch this product in a highly cost effective but most importantly a really commercial effective way such that we can hit the ground running". Due Dilligence de dos expertos en Biotech Patente de GSK  hepatitis-B expiró ayer: Espero que podáis entender ahora mejor el potencial de este valor. ¡Feliz semana!
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Mr_Simpson 10/01/20 20:58
Ha respondido al tema Farmas USA
No les va a hacer falta...tienen hasta Q3 y antes llegará partnership o Buyout.Jeff Baxter CEO ayer en la conferencia que publicaron resultados mejores que Engerix-B  lider mercado.GSK tiene una presentación 14 enero JPM healthcare conference (por si anuncian algo)Te las transcribo literales del webcast."We are in a number of discussions which are obviously CBA bound with a number of potential partners from global pharma companies, to regional potential partners, to more straight forward commercialization partners in the markets. We will commercialize Sci-B-Vac with a partner, we will not be doing it ourselves, I have said this publicly many times before, we will not be recruiting 100 people and suffering the financial burden of 50M $ in the commercial ramp up. We will do it in a creative way with a partner from those range of people that I spoke earlier which means that we can launch this product in a highly cost effective but most importantly a really commercial effective way such that we can hit the ground running". Seroprotection 18-45 Phase 3 CONSTANT Sci-B-Vac vs Engerix-B
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Mr_Simpson 10/01/20 20:17
Ha respondido al tema Farmas USA
Sobran las palabras... pero hay más. Próxima semana seguimos 🤣🤣🤣
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Mr_Simpson 09/01/20 15:11
Ha respondido al tema Farmas USA
Para que las cosas quedan muy claras... VBIV lo ha hecho con resultados de Fase 3 que se comen al lider del mercado. de momento +30% y probable Buyout de GSK mas adelanteLo dije y salieron los listos con su dialogo de besugos. Hasta nunca !!!! Sabelotodo
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Mr_Simpson 02/01/20 23:53
Ha respondido al tema Farmas USA
Gracias 😊 me ha encantado lo de no es un habitual. Que clasista. Afortunadamente puedes en vez de preguntar tanto hacer tú mismo la DD o sigue a Perceptive Advisors y cuestiónate su media que esta tras 45.9 M acciones compradas a 1.30 aprox. Aún no han ganado dinero. También estudia a Steve Gillis en BOD y que acudieron al offering con otras 10M acciones. Puede salir bien o puede salir mal. Que crack! Todo eso lo has pensado tú solito? Pues claro hombre estamos en bolsa en fin... te entrego las llaves de tu club 🤣💎
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Mr_Simpson 02/01/20 08:42
Ha respondido al tema Farmas USA
Due Dilligence sobre VBIV. Potencial Buyout por GSK en 2020Perceptive Advisors (Joseph Edelman) tiene 45.9 Millones acciones. (Compra 20M en Q3)Arch Venture (Steve Gillis en Junta Directiva) compra otras 10 M acciones en Q3. 1. Sci B Vac (Hepatitis B vacuna) presenta Ph 3 data al inicio enero 2020 + seguirá NDA para aprobación en USA (FDA), Canada + EU. Ya está aprobado en 11 paises a nivel internacional  + mercado masivo 145M en USA & EU + data cercana a ser superior a la lider mercado GSK Engerix B ($1B año para GSK)2. VBI-2601 (Hepatitis B ): Ph 1b/2a estudio inicializadi; data en primer semestre 2020 + partnership con  Brii Biotech + pendiente recibir $117M ingresos por hitos+ ventas royalty en China, HK + Taiwan.3. VBI-1501 (Cytomegalovirus): Ph 1 completado. Ph2 pronto. $1B ventas en mercado  US para Congenital CMV4. VBI-1901 (Glioblastoma): Colaboración desarrollo con GSK5. VBI-2501 (Zika virus): Fase Preclinica 6. VBI-2701 (Medulloblastoma): Fase preclinicaeVLP es una plataforma que permite desarrollo de particulas parecidas al virus (“e”) virus-like particle (“VLP”). eVLPs son una innovadora clase de vacunas sinteticas.
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Mr_Simpson 01/01/20 22:35
Ha respondido al tema Farmas USA
Feliz 2020 a todos!!Me gustaría que echarais un vistazo a VBIV. Es un potencial buyout play por GSK en 2020.Futuro de la Hepatitis B y vacunas del Cancer Glioblastoma en su pipeline.Cotiza a 1.38 y tiene varios catalistas este mismo mes (ver imagen). Kit: digáis que no os avisé ;)
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Mr_Simpson 14/07/19 11:30
Ha respondido al tema Farmas USA
Entiendo lo que me dices. No obvie la info negativa solamente creo que no es momento de preocuparse ahora pues vienen 5 meses hasta que acabe el año y se presente el NDA en 2020 que pueden ser interesantes para el valor. El momento de la verdad será Q1 2020. Esta claro que mi percepción respecto a los tiempos en los que el valor podría subir no fue acertada pero sinceramente creo que ahora mismo ya están descontadas las malas noticias y el valor solo puede  mejorar. A ver que tal se comporta esta semana. Next Steps ❑ Healthy volunteer study initiated in June 2019 to collect additional QT interval data requested by FDA; Topline data expected in Q4 2019  Hay un acuerdo con NIDA que es la agencia USA que lucha contra adicción drogas de un producto del pipeline TRV734  anunciaran algo a principios de septiembre y que estan investigando para que sea un sustituto contra Metadona. La empresa se lo juega todo a una carta. Aprobación de Oliceridine en la que FDA ya ha aprobado la dosis de 27 milig y se ha iniciado el QT study para verificar que no da lugar a problemas cardiacos. Investment Highlights: ▪ Oliceridine is the first new opioid molecule in decades developed to address a significant unmet need in the hospital setting ▪ Clear path for resubmitting oliceridine NDA; healthy volunteer study initiated in June 2019, topline data anticipated in Q4 2019 ▪ Cash, cash equivalents, and marketable securities of $60.1M as of March 31, 2019; funds operations into Q3 2020 ▪ Differentiated pipeline in CNS will provide future catalysts Gracias por tu percepción y buenos deseos. Sinceramente creo que la ciencia es buena pero ha cogido en medio del temporal opioide que afecta a USA y viene con dudas tras el lio generado por la FDA tras el Adcom fallado en Octubre 2018.  
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Mr_Simpson 13/07/19 22:05
Ha respondido al tema Farmas USA
Estoy de acuerdo en el riesgo pero Que hay de pumper en hablar de los catalizadores? Nos vemos en Q4 y retomamos el comentario. ;)
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Mr_Simpson 13/07/19 10:02
Ha respondido al tema Farmas USA
Parece que TRVN está despertando del letargo al que ha estado sometida estos meses por espera hasta que se anuncie los resultados del QT study en Q4 2019 previo a enviar de nuevo el NDA en Q1 2020. Catalizadores principales Q4 2019 & Q1 2020 Cerró ayer a $1.05 +3.96%: Recientemente Trevena (TRVN) ha fichado a Barry Shin un nuevo CFO con amplia experiencia en M&A en Biotech lo que da lugar a especulación de una posible operación en 2020 una vez se consiga aprobación oficial FDA. 2 semanas para Earning Release y 4 semanas 14-15 agosto para saber los movimientos de Institucionales 13Fs.  
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Mr_Simpson 23/03/19 22:30
Ha respondido al tema Farmas USA
En cierto modo TRVN en el momento que está y después de haber pasado por un evento complicado principalmente derivado de temas políticos o intereses de grandes farmas + una renovación completa del equipo directivo opino que la claridad que están teniendo frente a la comunidad inversora Bob Yoder  (Senior Vice President and Chief Business Officer) y Mark Demitrack (Chief Medical Officer) es muy de agradecer. Trevena en el momento que está es una empresa basicamente que va por fundamentales ligados al proceso en el que estamos que defino en estos pasos. Paso 1: Respuesta FDA con claves para estudio QT (4 semanas máximo para que ocurra) hasta final abril. Paso 2: TRVN presenta su estudio con QT y NDA. (para mayo-junio) Paso 3: Class 1 o Class 2 ahi la FDA nos dirá... y ya será esperar  No habrá ADCOM y tendremos que esperar si se anuncian avances en acuerdos etc...  Paso 4: Aprobación / negación FDA: esta es la clave y dado que han aprobado eficacia y dosis me hace pensar que el estudio QT no será mayor problema. No descarto un Buyout de Merck para 2020... pero vamos a esperar a ver como se materializa cada paso. ¿Crees en el pipeline y la importancia de Oliceridine y en su equipo ejecutivo? Yo si de momento... el futuro dirá. Saludos y suerte a los que estamos dentro. 
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Mr_Simpson 23/03/19 21:35
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Mr_Simpson 22/03/19 22:33
Ha respondido al tema Farmas USA
TREVENA: artículo de Seeking Alpha 22 marzo 2019 Recap of Conference Call on 3/13/19 and Independent Conference Call between NJ Biotech Expert/Mark Demitrack/Bob Yoder. Study protocol has been submitted to the FDA for QT interval data for Oliceridine with plans to commence study by end of 2Q 2019. Breakthrough Therapy status is no longer necessary to move forward with approval of Oliceridine. $61.5 million in cash & marketable securities, enough to last until 3Q of 2020 + $10 million direct offering on 1/30/2019. No additional safety data required to support 27 mg max daily dosage approval of Oliceridine. FDA Minutes Bring TRVN Back to Life In my most recent article  FDA Minutes To Bring Trevena Back To Life, I discussed how the release of the minutes from the FDA meeting could potentially relaunch Trevena (NASDAQ: TRVN) into the public arena as a viable candidate to be next in line for an FDA approval and the recipient of potential M&A activity. The stock quickly ran from around the $0.50 range back into the $1.50 range. The reason this happened was because the FDA agreed that the company's current safety database will support labeling at a max daily dosage of 27 mg. -  Trevena Announces Receipt of Type A Meeting Minutes... NJ Biotech Expert was lucky enough to have a personal conference call with none other than the Chief Business Officer, Robert Yoder, and the Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Mark Demitrack. We scheduled a call at 12:30 PM on Friday, 3/15/19, where I took specific questions from the investor community (StockTwits) and wrote them down to ask in order to gain clarity for any remaining questions that were not answered during the Earnings Conference Call on 3/13/19. They agreed to answer the questions as best as possible. Dr. Mark Demitrack was appointed as Chief Medical Officer in May of last year and Bob Yoder was recently promoted to Chief Business Officer. Mark has spent over 20 years in the industry and has a strong track record of leading numerous CNS programs to clinical development and approval. Bob joined Trevena in the middle of last year and brings over 30 years of industry experience, leading global business development and commercial functions, across a range of therapeutic areas including acute care. Both Mark and Bob have been instrumental in bringing the Company to this critical juncture. But first, let's recap the Earnings Conference Call  Transcript from 3/13/19... Q4 2018 Earnings Conference Call Recap Breakthrough Therapy Status Breakthrough therapy status is awarded to early clinical programs to help expedite the drug development program. Trevena is far past early development with three Phase 3 trials already completed and an initial NDA submitted and reviewed. Therefore, breakthrough therapy will not impact the resubmission process or the timing of FDA's review of the Oliceridine NDA. In fact, Trevena is already in discussion about the potential Phase 4 study plans they'd like to pursue upon approval of Oliceridine. QT Study The FDA has stated that the QT study can be conducted in  healthy volunteers over a  24-hour period and should include placebo and positive control arms. The necessary total sample size for statistical analysis will be determined once we receive feedback on our submitted protocol. However, in the Oliceridine cohort, FDA asked for  at least 20 subjects to be exposed at a cumulative dose of  27 milligrams, which is a proposed maximum daily dose over a 24-hour study interval. FDA also indicated that  no additional safety data was necessary to support the proposed 27-milligram maximum daily dose. A healthy volunteer study protocol and an accompanying statistical analysis plan have been submitted to the FDA for feedback. Trevena expects to initiate the study in the first half of this year, following receipt of FDA's feedback. This translates to commencement by the end of June 2019. Pipeline In June of 2018, Trevena successfully completed its Phase 1 trial for TRV250, which proved its safety and tolerability supporting advancement of this compound into Phase 2. TRV250 is the first delta receptor ligand that has the potential to allow clinical testing of this receptor target  without the risk of seizures in the expected therapeutic dose range. The preclinical and clinical data collected thus far suggests the potential for TRV250 to be  the firstselective delta receptor modulator in the acute migraine treatment landscape. In Trevena's S1P receptor program, TRV045 holds promise as a new mechanism of action for the treatment of chronic pain and other CNS conditions. Modulation of the S1P receptor system is an established target for the treatment of neuro-immune conditions. The important aspect of TRV045 is that it decreases pain at the S1P receptor but does not result in the immune comprising activity typically seen with this class of compounds, namely lymphopenia and immunosuppression. Trevena plans to begin additional pharmacology work later this year and is evaluating a path forward for progressing this asset to IND, either through a potential partner or alone. Lastly, TRV734 is the orally available NCE with a mechanism of action similar to that of Oliceridine. Phase 1 data shows efficacy at the mu opioid receptor with reduced constipation and no evidence of opioid-induced hyperalgesia. Over the past year, Trevena has been working with the Intramural Research Group at NIDA who have been very interested in the use of TRV734 as an oral maintenance therapy for opioid use disorder because of its potential for an improved safety and tolerability over current standards like methadone and buprenorphine. TRV734 reduces drug-seeking behavior in a rat model of opioid relapse. NIDA is planning to begin preliminary studies of TRV734 in patients later this year. Therefore, Trevena is going to be a big part in helping to solve the Opioid Epidemic our country is facing. Cash & Debt Cash, cash equivalents, and marketable securities were approximately $61.5 million as of December 31, 2018. This amount combined with the $9.2 million in net proceeds from the recent register direct offering together with interest income will fund operating expenses and capital expenditures into the third quarter of 2020. This amount includes operating cost estimates over this time period,  including the Oliceridine healthy volunteer study, limited spending on TRV250 and TRV045 and the repayment of all debt which will be  paid off in the first quarter of 2020. Independent Conference Call Q&A Recap NJ Biotech Expert had the pleasure of speaking with Mr. Yoder and Dr. Demitrack in a personal conference call in order to ask questions from the investor community and gain some clarity from management. Based on the call, my outlook on the company is brighter than before with approval on the near-term horizon for Oliceridine and a full pipeline with promising upcoming trials. Many investors in the community are wondering whether there is a possibility that the sNDA re-submission of Oliceridine will be a Class 1 review in lieu of a Class 2 review by the FDA. A Class 1 review is a process that is only two months as opposed to the standard six-month review process. The FDA has already agreed that a 27 mg max daily dosage is acceptable and needs no further studies on safety or efficacy. Therefore, it remains a possibility that the FDA may, in fact, declare a Class 1 review on Oliceridine. On the other hand, standard review is 6 months, so for those looking to project based on time frame estimations, outlook should be kept at the standard 6-month review time frame as of now. QT Study The small QT study is the only study the agency has requested of Trevena before reviewing Oliceridine again. It has already accepted Oliceridine's proven track record of efficacy, safety, and now has accepted a max daily dosage. If you recall, I spoke about this QT Prolongation issue in my previous article  FDA Minutes to Bring Trevena Back to Life. Trevena has already conducted a thorough QT study in the past with 58 patients at the 3 mg level, or the proposed dose, and 6 mg level, or the supra-therapeutic level. The results of the primary analysis found  no evidence of any clinically significant effect of Oliceridine at the highest proposed clinical dose (3 mg) on cardiac repolarization. See below Figure 1, the light blue line represents the supra-therapeutic level, which has a short uptick over the mean at 1 hour and then drops back to normal levels. This one little uptick is the entire reason for this FDA test and one of the main reasons the FDA wanted more time to look into Oliceridine before giving the okay. However, if you look at the dark blue line in Figure 1, which is the proposed dose, you will see that it remains below the mean the entire time. Figure 1 Source: Trevena Briefing Document to FDA An analysis of the relationship between plasma concentrations of Oliceridine and cardiac repolarization showed no evidence of a concentration-mediated effect. The great news here is that the FDA has  not requested Trevena to test a supra-therapeutic dose in this new QT study, which means we will not see that uptick that we saw in the last QT test. The FDA will breathe a sigh of relief knowing that the proposed dose is safe and effective and warrants approval. Trevena expects to commence the QT study before the end of June 2019, of which the protocol design and data analysis plan has already been submitted and are awaiting feedback from the FDA. While the study is a 24-hour study, it actually takes roughly three weeks to complete, which is a very short and cost-effective study. Trevena is very pleased with the Type A meeting with the FDA, and it doesn't take much time to clean and lock the data once the test itself is complete. Oliceridine Commercialization Strategy Trevena has a comprehensive plan to target early adopting hospitals who are receptive to new mechanisms of action relative to current standards of care. This implies that Trevena is seeking out the hospitals that are willing to take on a new chemical entity and use it as prescribed to better assist patients in their healthcare safety needs to decrease adverse effects. Instead of continuing to use IV opioids such as morphine, dilaudid, and/or fentanyl which has a beta arrestin recruitment of 89%-478% as shown in Figure 2, Oliceridine only has a beta arrestin recruitment of 14%. The data is very clear as to the effects Oliceridine has on adverse effects. The recent publication of Phase 3 APOLLO 1 data has been accepted for publication in The Journal of Pain Research and explains exactly this. Some important differences just to name a few are the respiratory outcome data, the gastrointestinal data, and CNS sedation data. These adverse effects from standards of care are extremely costly to hospitals and insurance companies and will reduce time spent in hospitals due to adverse effects. Figure 2 Source: Trevena Briefing Document to FDA The price of Oliceridine is going to be roughly $60-100 and is representative of the true value of Oliceridine based on its efficacy, safety, and tolerability. It is going to be very competitive in cost with the current standards of care, which should assist the hospitals and doctors to provide it as another option for patients. Currently, Trevena has over $70 million in cash and cash equivalents to get them through to Q3 of 2020. The company will also be taking action after the Oliceridine approval to further strengthen its balance sheet. The specifics of how this will be done remains a mystery, however, I tend to believe a partnership agreement or two will be announced. Trevena has stated that they are open to the idea of partnerships and is on board with partnering with countries outside of the United States. Once Oliceridine receives FDA approval here in the United States, both China and South Korea deal officially begin. Trevena is generating income in the US, China, and South Korea, which will amount quickly. Due to postoperative nausea and vomiting being significantly reduced relative to morphine as shown in Figure 3, I am estimating many more countries will be interested in signing partnerships with Trevena. Figure 3 Source: Trevena Briefing Document to FDA What's Next for Trevena? Trevena is proud of its robust pipeline and definitely wanted to convey to their investors that while Oliceridine is heading in the right direction, the company has an arsenal of new opportunities that will quickly be coming into focus. The Delta receptor, for example, clearly opens up opportunities in some psychiatric indications. However, migraine treatment is Trevena's primary focus because it is the best way to target engagement and test the novel drug. Migraines are an unmet medical condition in the current market with patients who suffer and do not receive relief from current standards of care. This opens up a major opportunity for Trevena with millions of patients in the United States alone, potentially hundreds of millions worldwide. My main question to Trevena was how they planned to gain back the respect and confidence of their investors after they let the community down by the FDA Briefing Document and the ADCOM decision. Their response was respectable and genuine. Both stated in response that they were aware of the investor sentiment from the previous mishaps with the FDA. They shared their frustration and stated that the company is doing everything in its power to gain back the trust and confidence of its investors. One way they attempted to do this was by letting the investor community know about the revocation of the Breakthrough Therapy Status that was given to Trevena by the FDA. Dr. Demitrack said that this PR release was not required by the FDA or any other agency for that matter. The reason they did release this PR was to prove to their investors that they are willing to be as open, clear, and transparent as they possibly can. This is a very good sign to me because it shows that the new management is understanding of investor sentiment and willing to do what it takes to prove itself once again. Conclusion All in all, Trevena is well on its way to bringing Oliceridine to market within a year and the stock price is already reflecting the market sentiment of the most recent PR's and conference calls released. The future is filled with catalysts from Oliceridine and the rest of Trevena's pipeline which will bring the stock back to high single digits in my professional opinion. This is a Strong Buy with a 6-month price target of $4.25, which is a 130% gain based on current share price. NJ Biotech Expert would like to sincerely thank the investor community for its questions and Mr. Yoder and Dr. Demitrack for their cooperation in answering their investor's questions with poise and brilliance. Disclosure: I am/we are long TRVN. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.
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Mr_Simpson 22/03/19 21:25
Ha respondido al tema Farmas USA
Lunes probablemente saldrá artículo... paciencia
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Mr_Simpson 20/03/19 12:53
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Mr_Simpson 20/03/19 09:23
Ha respondido al tema Farmas USA
TREVENA: TIMELINE Os adjunto captura de email con Investor Relations (IR) en el que clarifica como esta vez no habrá que tirar el dado. TRVN no tendrá que pasar por la lotería de ADCOM al tener ya aprobada eficacia y dosis para labelling por parte de la FDA. Próximos pasos:  1) FDA da instrucciones para prueba QT. (1-4 semanas)  2) TRVN realiza pruebas y entrega NDA (5-8 semanas) 3) NDA: Class 1 (2 meses respuesta) Class 2: Hasta 6 meses máximo. PDUFA. Decisión final en Octubre / Noviembre. En definitiva el valor tiene muchos meses para poder crecer y no estar supeditado a un evento tipo ADCOM de éxito o fracaso como CRL 🚀.   Mucha suerte a todos! PD: Hoy o mañana estad atentos al artículo que saldrá en Seeking Alpha publicado por NJ Biotech ;)
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