
Contenidos recomendados por ErickSpace369

ErickSpace369 18/09/24 01:39
Ha respondido al tema Intuitive Machines...
Aquí se puede descargar la infografía lunar...
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ErickSpace369 18/09/24 00:05
Ha respondido al tema Intuitive Machines...
BOOOMM!!!!!!!!!!Y yo que pensaba que este era el contrato del Lunar Rover...pues no es de la red lunar... en el after hours...como también gane el contrato del rover...
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ErickSpace369 16/09/24 23:24
Ha respondido al tema 5N Plus
Se ha doblado en el último año, no para de subir...
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ErickSpace369 16/09/24 22:51
Ha respondido al tema Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd (GILT)
Buenos contratos...
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ErickSpace369 13/09/24 23:52
Ha respondido al tema Rocket Lab...
Resumen de la última conferencia de Spice...$8.2 million ASP for electron currently-36 electrons in the backlog-"Haste is the fastest growing part of electron's launch portfolio"-“it’s not hard to squint and see 20 plus, 30 plus launches per year for electron “-“our non GAAP and GAAP gross margin (for electron) were actually pretty close, call it the low 30s, we see a path to it being a 45% to 50% gross margin business “-“if we get to 2 launches per month that the sweet spot for electron, where we’re really get north of that 40% gross margin “-“ I think we can get there (50% gross margin) without reusablity, before I had my doubts, but if we’re doing 30 launches a year I think we can pretty safely get their without reuseable “-“I think reuseable probably add about 5% of margin improvements “-“recover actually takes about 40kg worth of payload “
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