

Se registró el 27/10/2020
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Csycsycsy 24/11/20 16:07
Ha respondido al tema Orange Bank llegará a España en 2019
Has anyone tried to "Añade dinero a tu cuenta desde una tarjeta", using a credit card? Did the credit card issuer charge you a fee for the operation, similar to using a credit card to withdraw cash?If not, did Orange Bank really pay the credit card issuer (and visa/mastercard) the commision for the "purchase"? Why would OrangeBank offer this for service for free when customers can use bank transfer to move money to the orange bank account, which would not cost OrangeBank anything?The limit is 900 euros/60 days. Some credit cards have rewards for spending, or have a minimum purchase requirement to get a reward bonus, and this 450 euros/month "spending" is very useful....
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Csycsycsy 31/10/20 08:36
Ha respondido al tema Santander unificará todas sus cuentas en la nueva Santander One                            " ¿Se puede disponer de los ahorros en cualquier momento?Es posible rescatar el seguro en cualquier momento. Tiene que ser de forma total, no puede ser parcial.Se podrán rescatar los ahorros desde el primer día y sin penalización."
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Csycsycsy 30/10/20 12:52
Ha respondido al tema Santander unificará todas sus cuentas en la nueva Santander One
"Esas rentabilidades del 0,1%, teniendo un capital de 100.000 € (el máximo garantizado), suponen menos de 7 € al mes"That is missing the point, you do not have to, and should not, keep more than 6000E in the savings plan. It starts at 5000 and monthly 50, so per year less than 6000. then you cash it out and start over at 5000. Put the rest of your savings in other higher yielding investments. This plan purely exists to stop having to pay 10 euros per month maintenance feeLike I said earlier, if aged 40 the insurance premium the annual insurance premium is 0.14%, they give you back 0.1%, so net -0.04%, using 6000 euros that's 2 euros negative. What yield can you get for the same 6000? At Openbank it's 0.2%, so 12, which is the true cost of the new conditions.
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Csycsycsy 28/10/20 22:39
Ha respondido al tema Santander unificará todas sus cuentas en la nueva Santander One
For 30 year olds the monthly insurance premium is 0.06 euros per thousand euros in the savings, if we do a simplistic rough calculation the annual premium is 1.00006 ^ 12 so 0.07%, which is just offset by the 0.1% they give you back. For 40 years old the premium is 0.12 euros per thousand, so 0.14% annual so it will be a loss of 0.04%. That said, whether it is profit or loss doesn't matter as the 0.04% is just 0.4 euros per thousand euros of savings. You can also cash-in the savings and restart from 5000 if the savings is getting too high.For the symbolic / minimal cost of the "insurance" you get a symbolic / minimal "coverage" of 1% bonus on your savings if you die, whatever, in reality the saving plan is profit neutral (for people aged below 40). For those who are staying with Santander, using this savings plan saves you the monthly 10 euros of fees (assuming already paying in your income and have direct debits).So the real discussion is what is the opportunity cost of your 5000 euros +50 monthly, what returns can you get by investing it elsewhere? For example if you switch to Openbank they give you 0.2% so the 5000 + 50 * 12 is 11 euros ... so 11 annual euros loss of potential savings gets you the new Avios associated with the new SantanderOne account, ability to go to a Santander branch for problems, and also use the ATM card for free cash withdraw at worldwide Santander branches ...
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