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Berueter 04/05/16 08:28
Ha respondido al tema Vivier & Co
He mirado la web para ver el tema de la compañia y me he encontrado este artículo: FMA kicks Luigi Wewege led Vivier and Company off the Financial Service Providers Register; Vivier directors 'surprised' Posted in Business UPDATED July 01, 2015 - 03:49pm, Gareth Vaughan New Zealand registered company Vivier and Company Ltd, which featured in an investigative Irish TV report in February, has been kicked off the Financial Service Providers Register (FSPR) by the Financial Markets Authority (FMA). FSPR records show Vivier, whose CEO is Luigi Wewege, was the recipient of "FMA directed deregistration" on Monday. Wewege hit the headlines in media coverage of Auckland Mayor Len Brown's affair with Bevan Chuang in 2013. The 30 minute Irish report entitled The loot and the loans by journalist Conor Ryan of the RTÉ Investigations Unit, claimed mortgages offered in Ireland by a sub-prime mortgage company were funded by the proceeds of one of Britain’s largest ever tax frauds. The sub-prime mortgage company was formerly named Home Funding Corporation but changed its name to Vivier Mortgages Ltd last year with its shares transferred to Wewege, RTE reported. Wewege claimed RTE's story was inaccurate and said Vivier would sue the broadcaster. RTE said it was standing by its story. An FMA spokeswoman confirmed to that Vivier and Company has been deregistered as part of the regulator's ongoing review of the FSPR. "We do not comment on specific details relating to individual entities," the FMA spokeswoman said. Although the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment's Registrar of Companies maintains the FSPR, the FMA has powers to direct the Registrar to remove companies from the FSPR. Related Topics BusinessFMAVivier and Companyfinancial service providers registeroffshore finance companiesLuigi WewegeLord Taylor of Warwick The FMA can do this if an entity or individual's registration has, will have, or is likely to have the effect of (a) creating, or causing the creation of, a false or misleading appearance with respect to the extent to which they/it (i) provides, or will provide, financial services in New Zealand; or (ii) provides, or will provide, financial services from a place of business in New Zealand; or (iii) is, or will be, regulated by New Zealand law in relation to a financial service; or (b) otherwise damaging the integrity or reputation of (i) New Zealand’s financial markets; or (ii) New Zealand’s law or regulatory arrangements for regulating those markets. Companies deregistered under the FMA’s direction have the right of appeal to the High Court within 20 working days of deregistration. An emailed response to from Vivier said; "The directors of Vivier and Company Limited are surprised at the decision and are currently considering their position." Vivier and Company Ltd remains registered as a New Zealand company via the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment run Companies Office. Wewege is listed as one of five directors and Michael Alan Charles Hart, whose residential address is listed as being in Auckland, is listed as shareholder. According to his LinkedIn profile Wewege is Vivier and Company's chief executive. "Vivier & Co was incorporated in 2001 and is a boutique Financial Service Provider, registered in New Zealand. With a near 15 year tradition, our core focus is to offer savings accounts featuring above average returns, without market risk volatility. We achieve this by making highly selective loans, secured against real estate," Wewege's LinkedIn profile says. Companies Office records show John David Beckett, or Lord Taylor of Warwick, was a director of Vivier and Company between September 3 and November 23 last year. A member of Britain's House of Lords, he was jailed in 2011 for false expense claims, and disbarred in 2012 for "'conduct discreditable to a barrister." This story was first published in our email for paying subscribers. See here for more details and how to subscribe. We welcome your help to improve our coverage of this issue. Any examples or experiences to relate? Any links to other news, data or research to shed more light on this? Any insight or views on what might happen next or what should happen next? Any errors to correct? We welcome your comments below. If you are not already registered, please register to comment or click on the "Register" link below a comment. Remember we welcome robust, respectful and insightful debate. We don't welcome abusive or defamatory comments and will de-register those repeatedly making such comments. Our current Comment policy is here.
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Berueter 06/02/15 14:30
Ha respondido al tema Invesco Balanced-Risk Allocation
he entrado recientemente debido a que parece que el precio de algunas materia primas parece que esta haciendo suelo y porque he podido ves estos meses como variaban la exposición a los diferentes mercados de renta variable. Un global típico esta expuesto a la renta variable USA al menos en un 50%. Actualmente la exposición a Ussa esta bastante pareja con Europa y Asia. No te va a dar grandes alegrías pero es un fondo consistente, con exposición a todo y si todo cae no caerá mucho.
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Berueter 26/01/15 20:18
Ha respondido al tema ¿Cuál seria la cartera para afrontar tantas incognitas en los mercados?
Buenas, Como se ha comentado en muchos foros de esta página lo primero que tendrías que plantearte es que bajada de la bolsa puedes aguantar y que dinero quieres ganar. Sobre esa base te puedo comentar lo como he diseñado mi cartera. Teniendo en cuenta la volatilidad que parece que viene y que mi perfil es moderado tirando a conservador he diseñado esta cartera. 16% Invesco Global Targeted Returns E € Acc 16% Old Mutual Global Eq Abs Ret A € Hdg Acc 16% Renta 4 Nexus FI 16% Janus Balanced A USD 16% M&G Income Allocation 16% Renta 4 Wertefinder Hay mucha inversión alternativa y los fondos mixtos pueden variar mucho su exposición a Bolsa y los activos en los que invierten. En caso de catástrofe como en el 2008 la pérdida espero que no llegase al 15%. La ganancia promedio que espero obtener esta en torno al 5-6 %. Espero haber sido de ayuda
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Berueter 28/11/14 10:05
Ha respondido al tema Cartera de fondos para 30.000 euros horizonte largo plazo
te puedo aportar lo que he acabado haciendo después de buscar mucho. renta variable 20% Bl Equities dividend. COmision 1%. A 10 años un fondo de dividendos bueno, en el 2008 solo bajo el 25%. 20 Robeco premium eq d. Comisión 1,25%. Esta superando al indice de referencia de manera consistente los últimos 10 años. Lo hace mejor que los etf que replican los indices. renta fija 15 %Ubam high Yield. COmisión 0.40%. Invierte a través de cds con control del riesgo. 25% Templeton Global real retun A. Comisión 1%. En mi opinión, el estado actual de la renta fija hay que manejarlo a travñes de buenos gestores. 20% Renta 4 nexus. Manela liquidez y bolsa, algo renta fija, entrando y saliendo del mercado. Serviría para que el gestor aumente la exposición a renta variable y liquidez. Tranforma tu cartera de un mixto moderado a uno agresivo en caso de ver oportunidades. Con estos fondos tienes una cartera global, con una comisión en torno a 0,96 y te despreocupas.
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Berueter 16/10/14 13:45
Ha comentado en el artículo La situación del avalista de un préstamo: Sentencia que declara que la cláusula de renuncia a sus derechos es abusiva
Sin entrar a juzgar si la cláusula es o no abusiva, lo que esta claro es que si se generaliza la aplicacion de esta interpretación, la concesión de crédito se va a limitar aun más. Nadie obliga a los avalistas a firmar el crédito. Otra consecuencia posible es que las personas que firmaban como avalistas firmarán como titulares.
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Berueter 15/10/14 14:35
Ha respondido al tema ¿Hasta cuándo los privilegios de la Iglesia?
Si estoy de acuerdo que a cualquier persona, de la organización que sea, que cometa delito o similar, se la castigue con todo el peso de la ley, sin favoritismos. Lo que tiene la Iglesia que no tienen otras organizaciones, es que llega en el primer y en el tercer mundo a los sitios donde más necesidad hay. Eso de manera general y a un coste muy bajo, respetando la idiosincrasia local. Y esto no lo hace casi nadie
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