
The Islamic State, ISIS, was created by the CIA, Mossad and MI6 to bust Syria.

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The Islamic State, ISIS, was created by the CIA, Mossad and MI6 to bust Syria.
The Islamic State, ISIS, was created by the CIA, Mossad and MI6 to bust Syria.
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The Islamic State, ISIS, was created by the CIA, Mossad and MI6 to bust Syria.

Professor Michel Chossudovsky, Canadian economist and director of the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal, has collected 24 truths that Western governments do not want that people know about ISIS (or Islamic State) and Al-Qaeda ... How is may follow suit in the United States aimed at creating a global police state? Through the destruction of villages, remains of ancient cultures and ancient civilizations. Barbarism in maximum dimension.


1. The United States has supported Al Qaeda and its affiliated organizations for nearly half a century since the heyday of the Soviet-Afghan war.

2. The CIA set up training camps for al-Qaeda in Pakistan. In the period of ten years from 1982 to 1992, about 35,000 jihadists from 43 Islamic countries were recruited by the CIA to fight in the Afghan jihad against the Soviet Union.

Ads, paid for with CIA funds, were placed in newspapers and newsletters around the world offering incentives and motivation to join the Jihad.

3. Since the days of the Reagan administration, Washington has supported Islamic terrorist network. Ronald Reagan called these terrorists as "freedom fighters".

The USA. they supplied arms to the Islamic brigades. Everything was for "good cause": the fight against the Soviet Union and the change of regime, which led to the demise of a secular government in Afghanistan.

We need only remember propaganda films of the era, such as Rambo III celebrated ...

4. jihadists text books published by the University of Nebraska. United States spent millions of dollars to supply books filled with violent images and militant Islamic teachings Afghan school textbooks.

5. Osama bin Laden, founder of Al Qaeda and most hated man in America, was recruited by the CIA in 1979 at the beginning of the jihadist war in Afghanistan against the Soviet Union itself. At the time, Bin Laden was 22 and was trained in guerrilla training camp sponsored by the CIA.

According to Professor Chossudovsky, Al Qaeda was behind the attacks of September 11. In fact, the terrorist attack in 2001 provided a justification for waging war on Afghanistan, arguing that Afghanistan was a state sponsor of terrorism of Al Qaeda.

The attacks of September 11, then, were instrumental in laying the foundations for the "Global War on Terrorism".

6. The Islamic State or ISIS was originally an affiliate of Al-Qaeda, created by US intelligence with the support of the British MI6, the Israeli Mossad, entity intelligence services of Pakistan and the General Intelligence Presidency Saudi Arabia (GIP or Ri'āsat Al-Istikhbarat Al-'Amah (رئاسة الاستخبارات العامة).

7. ISIS brigades have been involved in supporting the insurgency that the US and NATO have targeted the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad during the civil war in Syria.

8. NATO and the General Staff of Turkey were responsible for hiring mercenaries and Al Nusrah ISIS since the beginning of the Syrian insurgency in March 2011.

According to Israeli intelligence sources, published on the website DEBKAfile, this initiative has been to:

"A campaign to recruit thousands of Muslim volunteers in Middle East countries and the Muslim world to fight alongside Syrian rebels. The Turkish army accommodates these volunteers, train them and ensure their entry into Syria. "

9. There are members of Western special forces and Western intelligence agents within the ranks of ISIS. Members of British special forces and MI6 were involved in the training of jihadists in Syria rebels.

10. Western military experts hired by the Pentagon have trained terrorists in the use of chemical weapons.

"The United States and some European allies are using to defense contractors to train the Syrians on securing stockpiles of chemical weapons in Syria rebels, according to a senior US official and several senior diplomats told CNN."

11. The brutal beheadings carried out by terrorists of ISIS, part of the training programs sponsored by the CIA in fields of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, whose aim is to cause fear and shock.

12. Many of criminals recruited by ISIS, condemned inmates are released from prison in Saudi Arabia, an ally of the West country. Among them are Saudi citizens sentenced to death who were recruited to join the terrorist brigades.

13. Israel has supported ISIS brigades and Al Nusrah of the Golan Heights, in its fight against Al-Assad government and the Shiite Hezbollah forces.

Jihadist fighters have met regularly with officials from the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) as well as with Prime Minister Netanyahu.

The high command of the IDF tacitly acknowledging: "elements of global jihad in Syria, members of ISIS and Al Nusrah, are supported by Israel."

14. ISIS soldiers within Syria, working under the command of the Western military alliance. His tacit mandate is wreaking havoc and destruction in Syria and Iraq.

A proof of this is found in a picture, in which US Senator John McCain meets with jihadi terrorist leaders in Syria.

15. ISIS militias, which are currently the alleged target of a bombing campaign the US and NATO under the leadership of the "fight against terrorism", still secretly supported by the West.

Shiite ISIS forces fighting in Iraq and members of the Iraqi army itself have repeatedly denounced the military aid provided by the United States ISIS terrorists, while at the same time fighting against them.

16. The US bombing and allies are not pointing to ISIS, but are intended to bomb the economic infrastructure of Iraq and Syria, including their factories and oil refineries.

17. The ISIS project to create a caliphate, is part of an agenda of US foreign policy, which seeks to divide Iraq into separate territories and Syria: A Sunni Islamist caliphate, a Shiite Arab Republic and the Republic of Kurdistan.

18. "Global War on Terror" comes in the face of public opinion as a "clash of civilizations", a war between the values ​​and religions, when in fact it is a war of conquest, guided by strategic objectives and economic.

19. Brigades terrorist Al-Qaeda, secretly sponsored by Western intelligence agencies, have already been deployed in Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Central African Republic, Somalia and Yemen to bring chaos to those countries and justify Western military intervention.

20. Boko Haram in Nigeria, Al Shabab in Somalia, the Islamic Fighting Group in Libya, (supported by NATO in 2011), Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and Jemaah Islamiyah in Indonesia, among others, are groups affiliated with al Qaeda that are secretly supported by Western intelligence.

21. The United States is also supporting terrorist organizations affiliated with Al-Qaeda in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region of China. Its aim is to trigger political instability in western China.

22. The domestic terrorist threat, as we have seen in the US or Europe, is a manufacturing promoted by Western governments and supported by the media in order to create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation, leading to a cancellation of civil liberties and favor the installation of a police state.

In turn, arrests, prosecutions and convictions of "Islamic terrorists" are used to support the legitimacy of the State of Homeland Security United States and the growing militarization of its security forces.

The ultimate goal is to instill in the minds of millions of Americans who the enemy is real and that the US Administration will protect the lives of its citizens.
The same is true of countries like France, the UK or Australia.

23. The "anti-terrorist" campaign against the Islamic state has contributed to the demonization of Muslims, which in the eyes of Western public opinion is increasingly associated with the jihadists, thus laying the foundation for a clash of religions and civilizations.

24. Anyone who dares to question the validity of the "Global War on Terrorism" is branded a terrorist and is subjected to anti-terrorist laws.

It is established, a first instrument to pursue any kind of ideological dissident, associating it with terrorism.

This tool then can be extended to any other kind of ideological dissent.

As we see, the Obama administration has finally imposed a diabolical consensus, with the support of its allies and the complicit role of the United Nations Security Council.

The Western press has embraced this consensus so obedient and enthusiastic; described the Islamic State as an independent entity, out of nowhere, an outside enemy that threatens the "peaceful and democratic" values ​​of the Western world.

We have created an enemy that can appear and act at any time, like a ghost to scare the population at a convenient and push to accept any kind of repressive political freedoms and any kind of militaristic action in the service of the great Western powers.

And apparently, this drama has only just begun ...


Re: The Islamic State, ISIS, was created by the CIA, Mossad and MI6 to bust Syria.

The Islamic State, ISIS, assumes responsibility for the attacks of Paris in a statement. He had previously released a video that launched the next threat to France: "You will fear to go to the market you will not live in peace.". The French authorities are seeking two fugitives jihadists more.
The eight dead terrorists detonated their bomb belts. "This Syria! God is great!" They shouted.
The eight dead terrorists were brothers and attacked with explosive belts precise objectives daying in the very moment.


Re: The Islamic State, ISIS, was created by the CIA, Mossad and MI6 to bust Syria.

Also Edward Snowden, a former employee of the intelligence agency of the US government, NSA , three months ago revealed that the intelligence services of the US, UK and Israel worked together, through the Mossad (Agency Israeli security), for the creation of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (EIIL or also known as ISIS).


Re: The Islamic State, ISIS, was created by the CIA, Mossad and MI6 to bust Syria.

After Gaddafi was overthrown, the Libyan arsenals were looted, and large quantities of weapons sent to Syria by Libyan rebels. The weapons, including anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles were smuggled to Syria through Turkey, a NATO ally. The Times of London reported on the arrival of the consignment on 14 September 2012. (Further confirmation is found in an article in the NYT.) Pulitzer Prize winner, journalist Seymour Hersh published an article in April 2014 which sets free agreement between the CIA, Turkey and Syria to create what is known as a "rat line" to Syria's rebels. The "rat line" was the secret network used to funnel weapons and ammunition from Libya, through southern Turkey and along the Syrian border. Funding was provided by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.


Re: The Islamic State, ISIS, was created by the CIA, Mossad and MI6 to bust Syria.

La verdad es que no consigo entender nada de lo que escribes.



Re: The Islamic State, ISIS, was created by the CIA, Mossad and MI6 to bust Syria.

In June 2014, ISIS made his dramatic entrance, across the Syrian border into Iraq, capturing Mosul, Baiji and almost reaching Baghdad. Internet was suddenly flooded with material on the shootings, death marches scale, and mass graves. And of course, all captured Iraqi soldier was executed.

Massive amounts of US military equipment were seized during the operation. ISIS took truckloads of Humvees, helicopters, tanks and artillery. They themselves were photographed, filmed and promoted what they were doing in social networks, and yet for some reason, Washington not even tried to stop them.

US military doctrine clearly requires the destruction of equipment and supplies when the allied forces can not prevent falling into the hands of the military enemy, but that did not happen here. Isis was allowed to take this equipment out of Iraq and Syria unhindered. The US military had the means to attack these convoys, but did not lift a finger, although it had been launching drone attacks in Pakistan this week.


Re: The Islamic State, ISIS, was created by the CIA, Mossad and MI6 to bust Syria.

Officially, arming and funding the mujahideen was a response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979, by the US government. However, in his memoir titled From the Shadows, Robert Gates, CIA director under Ronald Reagan and George Bush, and Secretary of Defense under the governments of both George W. Bush and Barack Obama, revealed that EE. UU. actually undercover operation began about six months earlier with the express intention of drawing the Soviets into a quagmire.

The strategy worked. The Soviets invaded, then the ten years of war that followed are considered by many historians as one of the main causes of the fall of the USSR.

This example not only sets a precedent, but also what we are seeing happen in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria at this time is actually the continuation of an old story. ISIS is ideological and organizational descendant of these extremist elements of the government of the United States took thirty years.

USA then created a breeding ground for extremists with the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Had it not been for the power vacuum left by the removal and execution of Saddam, there would be Al-Qaeda in Iraq, also known as ISIS. And had it not been for the attempt by Washington to overthrow Assad in arming, funding and training obscure militant groups in Syria, there is no way that ISIS had been able to rob Iraq in June 2014.


Re: The Islamic State, ISIS, was created by the CIA, Mossad and MI6 to bust Syria.

How can terrorists of ISIS sell oil on the international market so closely watched by Washington?
In March 2014 the Libyan Benghazi separatists failed to sell the oil that had fallen into their hands. Navy of the United States intercepted the tanker Morning Glory and forced him to return to Libya.
That is, if ISIS is financed by selling oil on the international market is that Washington allows it and because they have contacts with internationally recognized oil companies.


Re: The Islamic State, ISIS, was created by the CIA, Mossad and MI6 to bust Syria.

El camino se acaba y el tonto sigue.