
Flanders calls for a ministry of foreign affairs himself, separated from the Belgian

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Flanders calls for a ministry of foreign affairs himself, separated from the Belgian
Flanders calls for a ministry of foreign affairs himself, separated from the Belgian

Flanders calls for a ministry of foreign affairs himself, separated from the Belgian

This weekend flamingos have celebrated their day. During the main event, Prime Minister Geert Bourgeois announced that Flanders wants to have its own foreign minister, other Belgian.

Bourgeois reviewed the areas in which Flanders has competition after the last reform of the Belgian state and concluded that foreign policy was necessary to exercise them fully. He gave the example of foreign trade competence of the Flemish government, the dialogue on minority and cultural affairs, many of whom said that Flanders had a position closer to the Netherlands than to Wallonia.

Bourgeois stated that 2019 would be a new date from which it would propose new reforms of the Belgian state, decidedly confederal nature in which both states coexist, Flemish and Walloon, a minimum common structure.