
It is confirmed that the case of alleged jihadists in Barcelona's Raval was an lie

21 respuestas
It is confirmed that the case of alleged jihadists in Barcelona's Raval was an lie
It is confirmed that the case of alleged jihadists in Barcelona's Raval was an lie
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Re: It is confirmed that the case of alleged jihadists in Barcelona's Raval was an lie

ERC, ICV and CUP-AE ask prosecutors to reopen the case of 11 Raval. David Fernandez, CUP-AE requires the Catalan government to grant third grade the last of prisoners
Abdelrrahim (left) and Ayub (right) this morning before the Parliament of Catalonia

The Ayub recently celebrated its 70th anniversary. This morning for the first time walked the corridors of the Parliament of Catalonia. I was surprised and grateful for having been present at the press conference by David Fernandez (CUP-AE), with the support of fellow (ICV) and Oriol Amoros (ERC). This affable and polite old was dressed in a long robe and accompanied by Abdelrrahim member of the Pakistani community in the Raval neighborhood of Barcelona.

Seven years ago the Ayub saw his life was cut short by police and judicial nightmare. Despite being a man well loved and known in the neighborhood, and ran the bakery Pakistani Street Hospital, Ayub was handcuffed, taken to the Audiencia Nacional and later imprisoned, along with ten other people. Judges Ismael Moreno and Javier Gómez Bermúdez was basing its decision on the words of a protected witness whose identity was never known, without any evidences. Now, thanks to a journalistic research funded by the foundation has transcended the finger in this case -the protected witness lied F1.

"It should be the prosecutor who officially opened criminal proceedings against F1, as stated in the cités accused and convicted of perjury," said the lawyer Benet Salellas

The appearance has been made in the press room of the Parliament, known as the hall of the lectern. Has taken the first word lawyer Benedict Salellas that since 20 January 2008 -l'endemà detencions- defended the innocence of the detainees. "It should be the prosecutor who officially opened criminal proceedings against F1, as stated in the cités accused and convicted of perjury. This would open the door to a review of the case to the Supreme Court, "he said Salellas. "Otherwise what we will not do is keep our arms crossed, urged European authorities to force a judicial review of the case," he said then. It also made reference to the responsibility they have throughout the procedure Spanish Interior Minister Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba and other politicians. Probably made direct reference to the role played by the then Interior Minister Joan Saura, in relation to the case textually said: "Better to excess by default." When word reached the turn of the deputy of ICV, David companionship, well aware of the role played in that episode Saura, said looking into the eyes of Ayub: "I ask you for forgiveness for your suffering, I also want to apologize to the Pakistani community, "in a clear act of constraint.

David Fernandez when the Ayub said goodbye at the door of the chamber expressed the conviction that the Catalan Government should order the release of the third degree penitenciari- -in application of Maroof Ahmed Mirza, the last eleven is still imprisoned in the prison of Brians. Meanwhile, the Minister of Interior Jordi Jané, said "could reopen the case if it is demonstrated that the key witness is false."


Helado de sandia al estilo cantones


- See more at:月30日開催-香港ビジネスセミナー-相談会in山形


Re: Helado de sandia al estilo cantones

Sabiendo que lo que manejamos con soltura los habituales del foro es el chino mandarin,ya son ganas de tocar los cojones poner una receta en chino cantonés.


Re: Helado de sandia al estilo cantones

No si la receta está en chino mandarín.
Lo que pasa es que el helado es al estilo cantonés.


Re: Helado de sandia al estilo cantones

fijate en el cuarto simbolo de la tercera linea del primer parrafo, y el el septimo de la primera fila del segundo. Cantones, cantones.
Que me acuerdo yo muy bien de cuando nos lo enseñaron en el instituto.
tu asi,asi.


Re: Helado de sandia al estilo cantones

Tio, que pasa, no dais ni un respiro. Alguna falta de ortografía se me cuela.

Si bien debo darte la razón en lo del cuarto simbolo de la tercera línea del primera parrafo, no es cierto que el septimo signo de la primera fila del segundo este mal. Se puede utilizar en ambas lenguas.

Pero lo importante, prueba a hacer el helado que lo explican muy bien y es muy sencillo y sabroso.


Re: Helado de sandia al estilo cantones

Este foro se está volviendo jodidamente elitista.
¿Qué pasa, no están bien los sorbetes Hacendado?