
Farmas USA

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Farmas USA
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Farmas USA
6.700 / 17.016

Re: Farmas USA

off-topic M.CIANI
Entra el viernes en GORO a 3.65 y se ha salido hoy de BHI con un +39%


Re: Farmas USA

Amarin Announces Presentation of MARINE and ANCHOR Analyses at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions Showing Vascepa(R) Significantly Reduced Remnant-Like Particle Cholesterol in Hypertriglyceridemic Patients

Analyses Extend Findings on Vascepa Treatment Effects, Including Effects on Top of Statin Therapy


BEDMINSTER, NJ and DUBLIN, IE -- (Marketwired) -- 11/17/14 -- Amarin Corporation Plc (NASDAQ: AMRN), a biopharmaceutical company focused on the commercialization and development of therapeutics to improve cardiovascular health, announced today the presentation of new data and related analyses from the MARINE and ANCHOR phase 3 studies. The data show that use of Vascepa® (icosapent ethyl) capsules significantly reduced remnant-like particle cholesterol (RLP-C) levels -- a cardiovascular risk factor -- including significant placebo-adjusted reductions in RLP-C in studied patient populations with triglyceride (TG) levels ≥ 200 mg/dL and ≥ 500 mg/dL, including patients that received statin therapy. The data were presented today by Dr. Christie M. Ballantyne as part of a moderated poster session at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions in Chicago.

Remnant-like particle cholesterol is an important emerging risk factor for cardiovascular disease and represents the cholesterol content of a subset of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins (TRL) called remnants. In the fasting state this subset of TRLs is comprised of very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) and intermediate-density lipoproteins (IDL), and in the non-fasting state includes these two types of lipoproteins together with chylomicron remnants.1-3 Elevated plasma TG levels are a marker of elevated remnant cholesterol and are associated with increased risk for cardiovascular disease.4-6 

"As we have seen in multiple studies to date, RLP-C is a significant predictor of cardiovascular disease, and is known to be atherogenic," said Christie M. Ballantyne, M.D., Baylor College of Medicine and the Methodist DeBakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston, Texas, and principal investigator of the ANCHOR trial. "These analyses of data from the MARINE and ANCHOR studies show significant reductions in RLP-C in patients treated with Vascepa compared to placebo, particularly in those patients with higher triglyceride levels and those being treated concomitantly with statin therapy."

MARINE and ANCHOR were each 12-week, double-blind phase 3 studies that randomized patients to Vascepa or placebo. MARINE randomized 229 patients with TG ≥ 500 and ≤ 2000 mg/dL, while ANCHOR randomized 702 patients at high risk for cardiovascular disease with TG ≥ 200 and &#60 500 mg/dL despite low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) control while on statin therapy. In the MARINE study, stable statin therapy was permitted but not required. In the ANCHOR study, patients were required to be at high risk for cardiovascular disease as defined by the NCEP ATP III guidelines and on stable statin dose (atorvastatin, rosuvastatin, or simvastatin).

These analyses assessed the median difference in percent change from baseline to study end in RLP-C levels compared with placebo. RLP-C levels were measured with an immunoseparation assay in 218 and 252 patients in MARINE and ANCHOR, respectively. Compared with placebo, Vascepa (4 g/day) significantly reduced median RLP-C levels by 29.8% (P=0.0041) and by 25.8% (P=0.0001) in the MARINE and ANCHOR studies, respectively. Compared with placebo, Vascepa (4 g/day) significantly reduced RLP-C in statin-treated patients in the MARINE study, significantly reduced RLP-C in patients receiving moderate- to high-intensity statins in the ANCHOR study, and significantly reduced RLP-C in subgroups with higher baseline TG levels in both studies. RLP-C reductions were seen to a greater extent in subgroups with higher baseline TG levels in both studies.




Re: Farmas USA

CYTX +6.36 %, para devolver la ilusión a las farmas


Farmas USA

No se si alguien tendrá alguna experiencia en algún caso parecido pero bueno os cuento...

El caso es que tengo un pequeño paquete de acciones de Allergan(AGN) la cual ha sido comprado por Actavis (ACT) comprometiéndose a las siguientes condiciones según la página web de Actavis:

"DUBLIN and IRVINE, Calif., Nov. 17, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Actavis plc (NYSE: ACT) and Allergan, Inc. (NYSE: AGN) today announced that they have entered into a definitive agreement under which Actavis will acquire Allergan for a combination of $129.22 in cash and 0.3683 Actavis shares for each share of Allergan common stock.  Based on the closing price of Actavis shares on November 14, 2014, the transaction is valued at approximately $66 billion, or $219 per Allergan share."

Mi pregunta es: ¿Llegaran a cotizar a 219$? ¿Espero o vendor ahora? Ahora mismo cotizan entorno a los 212$ y me fastidiaria perder 7$ en caso de saber que acabaran cotizando a 219$.

Gracias de antemano.


Re: Farmas USA

Gracias framus, es que ha llegado a tocar casi los 214$ y ahora mismo esta moviéndose algo por encima de los 209,5$, vamos que me estaba empezando a pensar que igual habían roto el acuerdo o algo porque me parece un movimiento algo brusco ya que estando detrás Bill Ackman(Allergan) y Daniel Loeb(Actavis) cualquier cosa es posible cuando estos tienen grandes posiciones en las mismas.

Espero que no siga bajando mucho para que me entren ganas de vender...

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