
Participaciones del usuario Juan1980 - Bancos

Juan1980 13/10/21 22:48
Ha respondido al tema PAYPAL no protege nunca al comprador.
De hecho ninguna de estas nuevas compañías "tecnológicas" protege adecuadamente a los usuarios.Éste es un ejemplo relacionado con Airbnb. Un tipo en Londres alquila su vivienda, y le roban unos altavoces valorados en 600 libras y la llave de su piso, lo que implica un gasto adicional de otras 400 libras al tener que cambiar la cerradura. 1.000 libras menos.Airbnb fraudster checked out with my keys and £600 speakersThe site rejected my request to pay for new locks and refused to discuss it further said the fraud was an ‘incredibly rare incident’. Photograph: Thiago Prudencio/SOPA Images/Rex/ShutterstockCan you please ask Airbnb how it allowed a fraudster to stay in my house and steal my speakers and keys? I rent out my home in east London whenever I go back to Ireland to visit family. In July I accepted a request from a woman called Clare who had a verified profile and past reviews, and all seemed well. The keys were left in the lockbox as usual, the guests checked themselves in – and then threw a house party. When I returned I found my £600 speakers were gone along with the house keys. I had to spend £400 replacing the locks.Airbnb rejected my request for reimbursement and refused to discuss it further. However, after I tracked down Clare, it emerged that her account had been taken over fraudulently, and that Airbnb had been made aware of this fact on the day of the booking by her credit card company, Barclaycard.Airbnb has shown zero regard for the safety of my property, has refused to help and has rejected any requests when I ask for a callback. The company appears to believe it has no liability in this matter. What do you think?BK, LondonIf our postbag is representative, Airbnb has a bit of a habit of denying liability when things go wrong. However, I have some sympathy for the firm in this case, given that it was only alerted by Barclaycard to the fraudulent payment on the same day that your “guests” arrived. It would have taken staff some time to link this to your reservation.I asked the company to take another look at your case and it has agreed to refund your losses, although it says it was not aware that the guest’s account had been hacked at the time of check-in.An Airbnb spokesperson says: “This was an incredibly rare incident and as soon as we were aware, we assisted the guest to recover their account, and are supporting the host. We ask users to report any concerns to us immediately. In the unlikely event of an issue, our community support team is on hand 24/7 to help.”Using Airbnb in the way you do will always be something of a leap of faith, given that any online operation is open to being hacked. Personally I’d find a friend to hand over and collect the keys at the beginning and end of each stay – they will be able to spot any unexpected guests, and can quickly alert you if your keys go astray.
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Juan1980 12/10/21 12:58
Ha respondido al tema PAYPAL no protege nunca al comprador.
Nunca entenderé por qué alguien se empeña en usar Paypal para pagar cosas que no necesita de vendedores internacionales, metiéndose en follones para nada...Por eso Paypal vale en bolsa 300.000 millones de dólares y el Banco Santander 58.000 millones de euros.Porque Paypal sangra a sus usuarios a comisiones y en cuanto surge un problema se quita de enmedio.. si te he visto no me acuerdo.
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Juan1980 08/10/21 11:16
Ha respondido al tema Wizink supera el 10% de morosidad antes de iniciarse la oleada de impagos
Eso es lo que le dicen los bancos a los depositantes para no remunerar sus ahorros. Si esa estrategia fuera tan fácil, por qué pagarían algunos bancos por captar nóminas?Cuando el del banco te diga que el BCE le presta el dinero gratis, como si cayera del cielo, le puedes señalar esos carteles que tienen en las oficinas donde anuncian préstamos personales para comprar coches, que empiezan a partir del 5%, y ésa es la promoción... 5%.
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Juan1980 29/09/21 22:26
Ha respondido al tema ING El banco no banco con el servicio que no es servicio. Es suplicio
ING siempre fue una mierda. Contaban ese cuento de ausencia de comisiones etc y sin embargo cualquier operativa bancaria normal tenía un coste elevado, e invertir en bolsa con ellos no os quiero ni contar. Proponían unas comisiones ruinosas.Cuando di de baja la cuenta de este "banco" como apenas hay oficinas tuve que hacer como una hora de cola.. un desastre.ING nunca más.
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Juan1980 29/09/21 22:25
Ha respondido al tema Porque cobran comision a mi madre cuenta BBVA?
BBVA está intentando por todos los medios cobrarle a todos los clientes. De hecho van cambiando las condiciones cada pocos meses para cobrar más y más. Y ni siquiera las notifican por ningún medio fehaciente a los clientes, con lo cual asumo que debe tratarse de una ilegalidad manifiesta.Por supuesto el Banco de España está de adorno.. como siempre
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