
US Congressmen in favour of self-determination for Catalonia

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US Congressmen in favour of self-determination for Catalonia
US Congressmen in favour of self-determination for Catalonia

US Congressmen in favour of self-determination for Catalonia

The US Congress has received a delegation from the Government of Catalonia to have direct information on the process of independence, as has been told VilaWeb. Government representatives met with members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the US Congress to explain how to approach the process towards independence and the election day 27. After the meeting, several congressmen have willingness to self-determination of Catalonia. Earlier, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Roger Albinyana, made a speech at the Peterson Institute for International Economics. In the presentation of the event, the president of this important think tank said that this meeting would be on Capitol Hill.

Tyrone Republican Dana Rohrabacher, chairman of the European subcommittee of the US Congress, defended the right to decide Catalonia. 'I see no reason why the people of Catalonia can not decide if it wants to be part of Spain, like any other people, have the right to decide, "Rohrabacher said in statements to the press.

Rohrabacher said that his committee in Congress, responsible for European and Eurasian affairs, 'examined' the issue of self-determination 'in several countries' Catalonia and has, he says, the same right that' other people '.

The Republican congressman from California, adding that 'long term' is better to allow a referendum on Scottish style. 'It is better to let people decide voluntarily and remain in the country instead of making them feel they are forced to stay because this creates resentment, creates a bad feeling and weakens the sense of unity that the country need, "he remarked when asked him what he would say to the Spanish government of Catalonia.

Acocrd have been the words of the legislature Rohrabacher Republican Mario Diaz-Balart, who has said that the right to decide and express desires as a society must prevail. The curator Carlos Curbelo also supported the views of his colleagues, according to EFE.

There have been five legislative chambers of sovereign states where the process has been treated Catalan. The Danish Parliament (Folketinget) voted on May 19 a resolution urging dialogue between Catalonia and Spain. The motion was approved with 64 votes in favor, none against and 41 abstentions. On 7 July the sovereign process was discussed in parliament of Ireland (Oireachtas) in a session which involved the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the government, Roger Albinyana and Diplocat Secretary General, Albert Royo. On August 26, Albinyana and Royo appeared before the Parliament of Uruguay to explain the process and were later received by President of the Chamber, Alexander Sanchez. And on September 2, the Director General of Foreign Affairs of the Government, Francesca Guardiola appeared in the commission of External Relations and International Affairs of the Senate of Paraguay to explain the political moment that lives Catalonia.


Re: US Congressmen in favour of self-determination for Catalonia

Yesterday Spain passed the lean, although more than three hundred and fifty years mistreats us, we should not be insensitive. Imagine how it must be the body Rajoy and his strategist, Jorge Moragas, after an interview with Raul Romeva the most famous talk show of the BBC, a letter signed by dozens of MEPs asking the Spanish Defence Minister to withdraw the threat of using the army and the exposure of the independence process in the US Congress by a delegation of the Catalan government. Hey! Could it be easy to stand by himself after the team's many victories in one day.

And all this, a few hours before a new demonstration of popular independence. What should make the heads of maintaining unity and destiny of the motherland every September Eleventh Spanish for four years? Look at it? Take the day off? Miren's Wars' from the first to the last part in continuous session? Maybe make a hunt to see what they? There should be no fooling easy to live, not live deceived. After all, they are intelligent people with eyes to see. If every year the day must have been a torture, I do not think I will live like this year after all that happened yesterday.

'I see no reason for the Catalans can decide if they want to be part of Spain, as so many other people have the right to make decisions, "said the chairman of the subcommittee on European Affairs of the US Congress Dana Rohrabacher, a man who had written the speeches of President Reagan. This he said is much more than what they told Merkel and Cameron, as explained Amadeu Altafaj, made 'minimum services'. Given that they are the main representatives of EU member states and leaders of the same political family, the statements of Merkel and Cameron are all a blessing for the Catalan process. Margallo already owes to the poor have come a nervous stomach ulcer.

Certainly if you have bad piece loom is white hope someone like Felipe González and their comings and goings ... If Spain than we should convince says fascists and has a past laden with backpacks so as Gonzalez, already Searchable a white handkerchief to say goodbye now sail. Although the episode of Felipe González between El País and La Vanguardia worth it to have it trimmed and well kept reminding him here a few years when everything seems distant.

And of course someone can tell me that ex-President Felipe (Gal boss); not the king modernizing missing person is not white hope that this position is occupied by Pablo Iglesias. But is that each catheter is published below can! This owes much to the nervous, the political fashion a year ago he had come to win, leaving the entire ideological program the way. Maybe these nerves -in see that fashion passant- be explained yesterday in Ruby made one of the most ethnically speeches made in a long time in Catalonia.

'Those people whose parents and grandparents Andalusian frontier must teach your nails and go out to vote for Rajoy Mas' said progressive. It is understood that those who have parents and grandparents Dutch Galician must vote yes for Together? And those who have parents and grandparents Menorcan Breton, what to do? Vote CUP? It would be grateful that Mr. Iglesias hung on web-those that can go together with some who say they are heirs of PSUC- a double entry table with family origins and applications of S-27. It would be easier to know what everyone should vote.

I do not know what else to say. Or I do not understand them or do nothing as bad as or can know. It is surprising that indicate that some data that can be extracted from studies of the CEO and the CIS. In response the reasons that have favorable to independence, the question of identity is a minimum percentage, insignificant and marginal. In contrast, among supporters of union with Spain, the issue is why most weight. And should this be seeking statements Felipe González and Pablo Iglesias: appeal to identity and electoral interests of state. We know that one thing is said to be progressive and again be it.


Re: US Congressmen in favour of self-determination for Catalonia

Estoooo, me parece un poco ridículo / friki que escribas inglés en un foro español, pero me imagino que lo haces por un tema de rechazo a escribir en castellano... No pasa nada cada cual tiene sus rarezas.

Eso sí, ya que esribes en Inglés, no cometas errores gramaticales u ortográficos, algunas frases parecen hechas con google translator.. Más que nada porque se pasa de ser un poco ridículo, a ser patético.

PS: Please let me know If you want / need me to translate this post into English,


Re: US Congressmen in favour of self-determination for Catalonia

NO pierdas el tiempo, se limita a copiar y pegar, creo que en realidad es un "dron" pagado por los separatistas,,je,je.


Re: US Congressmen in favour of self-determination for Catalonia

En ocasiones se escriben cosas muy interesantes en inglés.
Y siempre son más perdonables los errores gramaticales que los de quienes presumen de españoles y llevan la banderita en la muñeca pero continuamente están dando patadas a su idioma.

El silencio es hermoso cuando no es impuesto.


Hispano fobias

Lo de Juanmart es indefendible. Un absurdo. Usa un traductor para esto y solo se dedica al eso. Nunca responde. Va a su bola.

Bueno, pero vas tú.... y lo defiendes usando argumentos variopintos y de paso haciendo puyas a troche y moche. Ahora, te metes con los españoles presumidos, que no se a Qué viene..

En fin, haces aún más absurdeces. Es que le entras a todo aunque sea un tema estúpido.

Ay, hijo mío, con cariño:

Cajero M.


Re: Hispano fobias

Bueno yo no he defendido lo que dice Juanmart, al menos en esta ocasión. Aunque, a decir verdad, tampoco me parece mal este contenido suyo.

Lo que no me parece aceptable es dar por supuesto que alguien que aporta un escrito en otro idioma lo haga por rechazo al castellano. En este foro he visto muchos textos en inglés y otros idiomas y nunca he visto reacciones tan absurdas.

P.D. Por cierto, no sería la primera vez que digo aquí que no me parece adecuado escribir en inglés casi de continuo. Pero eso nada tiene que ver con la conclusión torticera de quien hizo ese comentario.

El silencio es hermoso cuando no es impuesto.

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