
Paris remembers seventy-five years of arrest Lluís Companys

10 respuestas
Paris remembers seventy-five years of arrest Lluís Companys
Paris remembers seventy-five years of arrest Lluís Companys

Paris remembers seventy-five years of arrest Lluís Companys

An act of the Government Office and the Dignity Commission also calls for papers confiscated by the Nazis in 1940 at the headquarters of the Government in Paris

On June 16, 1940, two days after the entry of the Nazis in Paris were closed two offices that the Government of Catalonia was in the French capital. The documentation was confiscated reach the Spanish embassy Franco and served as the track president Lluís Companys. A month later the Gestapo arrested in Britain, was deported to Spain and shot at Montjuïc. A ceremony at the Museum of General Leclerc and the Liberation of Paris recalls today seventy-fifth anniversary of the only European president killed while internationally denounced the refusal of Spain to return the documents confiscated by the Nazis Catalan Paris.

The history of these 'papers Paris' was hitherto unknown force. When the government of the Generalitat had moved to Paris after the advance of fascist troops in Catalonia, it took part of the documentation. After one year, the threat of Nazi occupation of France pushed former President Josep Tarradellas hide in Saint Martin-le-Beau some of the documents, which in 1980 became part of the Fund Tarradellas File Poblet. The rest of the documentation is that it had been confiscated by the Gestapo after the capture of Paris, in June 1940. The Nazi occupiers then delivered to the Francoist authorities, who in turn deposited the first service Military History Madrid and, from 1993, in the Archives of Avila.

The Dignity Commission, organizer of today's event along with the Government Delegation in France and Diplocat did not know the whereabouts of papers from Paris earlier this year, and in April sent a letter to Spanish Defense Minister Pedro Moreno, asking him to return to the government 'as an act of justice and democratic restoration of an act of violence against a Nazi institution and a tribute to Catalan president Companys, whom the army Spain has a debt as his murder conviction. "


Re: Paris remembers seventy-five years of arrest Lluís Companys

Pues si ya ves...España tiene el triste honor de ser el primer país europeo... en haber fusilado a un presidente elegido democráticamente.

Y encima con el apoyo del ejercito nazi...


Re: Paris remembers seventy-five years of arrest Lluís Companys

In any other European country would resolve the case Compananys in five minunutes.We hope that the event in Paris to help highlight the truth in the conference today at the Museum of General Leclerc and Liberation which serve to commemorate the seventy-five years of the arrest of President Lluís Companys in the French capital, and to denounce internationally Spain to return the documents confiscated 'papers Avila', documents seized from the office of the Government of Catalonia in Paris when the Nazis occupied the city. It is a fact that has great importance and Europe can not understand events by violence ensuing the Nazi occupation have not been restored. . The Catalan Government in Paris was perfectly legal and legitimate government in exile. The action of the Nazis was totally illegal, against a democratic government. In addition, this year seventy-five years of the execution of president Companys, also arrested in Paris.

It's unnacceptable that there is a country with such an attitude when there is a general consensus in Europe that the events related to the violence of World War II must be repaired.


Re: Paris remembers seventy-five years of arrest Lluís Companys

Venga ya!! Menudo personaje veneras. Fue un golpista hijo de pu. Que se levantó contra la República.


Re: Paris remembers seventy-five years of arrest Lluís Companys

Contra la República no, contra los antirrepublicanos del bienio negro. Y no les pongo el epíteto que le has puesto tú por respeto a los foreros (a algunos).

El silencio es hermoso cuando no es impuesto.


Re: Paris remembers seventy-five years of arrest Lluís Companys

Películas Rusas Subtituladas

Además, para cada pelicula hay descripción interesante y imágenes.

La lista de las mejores peliculas :

1.Иван Васильевич меняет профессию (1973)
2.Операция «Ы» и другие приключения Шурика (1965)
3.Бриллиантовая рука (1968)
4.В бой идут одни «старики» (1973)
5.Джентльмены удачи (1971)
6.Шерлок Холмс и доктор Ватсон
7.…А зори здесь тихие (1972)
8.Кавказская пленница, или Новые приключения Шурика (1966)
9.Собачье сердце (1988)
10.Офицеры (1971)

Cómo ves, todas las peliculas son del periodo sovetico.

Esa es la verdad. Antes hacían películas muy buenas. Tambien te recomiendo ver estas peliculas:
•Москва слезам не верит (1979),
•Белый Бим Черное ухо (1976),
•Девчата (1961),
•Любовь и голуби (1984)
• Тот самый Мюнхгаузен (1979)
•12 стульев (1971),
•Обыкновенное чудо (1978),
•Берегись автомобиля (1966).


Re: Paris remembers seventy-five years of arrest Lluís Companys

Yaaaaa antirrepublicanos.... jo jo jo

Venga ahora justifica que es mejor recortar pensiones y subir el IVA a reducir el gasto militar en Grecia.

Lo que hay que oír..


Re: Paris remembers seventy-five years of arrest Lluís Companys

Yo ni venero ni he venerado...a nadie. Sólo me limito a trasmitir lo que sucedió sin juzgar al personaje.

Un president de la generalitat fusilado por un español con la ayuda nazi...que pasa...que no te gusta mi titular...o que?


Cataluña introdujo la Inquisición en la península ibérica.

Cataluña tiene ese triste honor, el de matar a los primeros judíos.
Otro titular de esos.


Re: Paris remembers seventy-five years of arrest Lluís Companys

¿Companys subió el IVA?, creo que todavía no se había inventado.

El silencio es hermoso cuando no es impuesto.

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