
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3.167 / 3.346

Analisis de los movimientos: KKR

KFN is a large financial holdings company now back under ownership of KKR. Which means, they (KKR) can sell-off any part of that company they want to WMIH. I would be willing to bet the Golden Egg, that is exactly what they are going to do. If they sell a sub to WMIH and make sure it is done via the SPAC code, then WMIH can keep its 2 employees and the BOD can just oversee the company, leaving the management that KFN had in place (business as usual) then use the newly acquired assets as a catalyst/asset class for help with the next LBO (Leveraged Buyout). No real requirement for WMIH to have a CEO, if the Board is overseeing the management that is left in place of the newly acquired entity.

I have a strange feeling we are about to find out "one of the many reasons" why KKR took KFN back off the public market and into the fold of the parent. I mean, it is a win-win for KKR, especially if they plan on grabbing up "control of WMIH" in the future anyway. We are now basically a vehicle to grow through acquisitions and create value to KKR. This is why they came on board, they can use WMIH as their own SPAC and then when the 3 year IRS Rule 382 NOL Tax restriction is gone and there are no longer "any restrictions on WMIH's stock ownership to impact the NOL's" then KKR uses capital to acquire enough WMIH (with WMIH board approval) and put them back under the KKR targeted management umbrella. Of course, they will continue to use them to build in whatever sector they will be using WMIH for. Most likely Mortgage Insurance. I put some posts up on this under-utilized-government-mandated industry awhile back. It ripe for WMIH and its new "Strategic Investment Partner" KKR, we are the "little shell that could."
When Catz says WMIH and WMILT are two separate entities "on paper", he fails to bring up the point that the Interim CEO of WMIH (Charles Smith) is also sitting on the WMILT, Chairman of the board Mike Willingham is also sitting on the WMILT. Hedge Fund representatives who most likely have large amounts of shares in WMIH are also sitting on the WMILT. This goes on and on. I will just let the argument stand under the guise that someone would believe that WMIH and WMILT have built a "chinese wall" between themselves so, one part of the brain, does not know about the what the other side is doing or what is being discussed in each board room. WMB and WMI entities got themselves into trouble and had all their assets seized because the FDIC determined that they (Boards) were also "one in the same." The Hedge Funds were sued in BK court by the EC, because their so-called "chinese wall" had a series of big bazooka style holes in it. It would be preposterous to think that the two sides of the brain are not communicating with each other.

Maybe giving the H holders RON's has something to do with taxes or the bankruptcy courts directions. Not sure, but we will find out in the future. Hopefully they (H holders) will be able to monetize the RON's and get their funds.

Now on to WMIH. I will not be bringing up WMILT anymore, because IMO they are not anything to P's, K's and Q's at this point. The "golden egg" is our vehicle called WMIH.
So focusing the conversation back to WMIH is what I will be doing. I strongly believe there is an entity/sub in KFN that KKR wants WMIH to buy, then build up and make $$$ with, so they are building both corporations shareholder value. We may or may not someday be holding KKR stock in return for our "golden eggs" but, we do have the right tools to make these eggs multiply and KKR/Blackstone know this.

WMIH needs to do an acquisition or the capital they raised from KKR would have been unnecessary including the unnecessary expenses WMIH took on to get KKR on board.. I just have a strange feeling it is this month. Here's how you will know...The supposed "chinese wall" will have bazooka holes in again and the share price will make a gradual move to the upside over a course of 5 trading days. Once she starts moving to the upside on nice volume, then you know something is coming down the pike. I believe the share drop of yesterday was one of 3 things. A large shareholder getting out because of end of the month, bills to pay, or other investment they wanted to make and needed the stagnant WMIH capital to do it.

It could have been a manipulated move to grab up the 10% stop losses or it was shorts covering. Most likely it was the first one. However, we are on the OTCQB...FOR NOW!
What is nice, is the stock rebounded after they got out and closed right at even. "Loose lips sinks ships"...We will know, because the stock will tell us, until then, we wait.



Re: Pago PIERS (WAHUQ) 1 de Mayo

Yo tenía unos PIERS (adquiridos a través de Selfbank) y aún no figura nada en mi cuenta de valores...
Alguien está en la misma situación ( o una situación parecida)?

Un saludo


Re: Analisis de los movimientos: KKR

tic tac... no ha sentado nada bien a la acción el pastizal en rentabilidad que tiene que pagar a las wahuq : )



Re: Analisis de los movimientos: KKR

Me parece que no tienes ni puñetera idea Don Listo... estas confundiendo WMILT con WMIH.
El que quiera posicionarse tiene oportunidades de compra como esta antes de la primera operación.
Sigue soltando paridas... :) :) que el valor tampoco iba a llegar a superar los $3 ¿verdad? :) :)


Re: Analisis de los movimientos: KKR

No te piques mr simpson por que tu acción baje en picado, cuando decías lo contrario, sigue posteando tu solo para ti mismo bye bye


Re: Analisis de los movimientos: KKR

Y cuanto van a cobrar al final y cuando?
A mi me pasa lo mismo que a antonio_f con las wahuq que tenia con selfbank


PIERS (Certificados Selfbank & WMI Trust)

Yo calculo que antes del 1 de agosto PIERS recibiran $$$$ lo importante es saber si os aparecen en cartera o teneis los certificados de Selfbank que lo demuestren al igual que yo tengo los mios de Escrows Preferentes.
Si no los teneis debeis consultar con Selfbank dirigiendoos a:

Esther Matallanas (Directora Operaciones)

Calle Aragoneses 2, 1 Planta
28108 Alcobendas (Madrid)

Tel: 902 888 888

Ellos deberian tener las respuestas sobre certificados pero hasta que no se pague no recibireis nada. Si os dan largas cosa que no espero tendreis que hablar con
WMI Trust

Mucha suerte!


Follow the $$$$$$$

No se trata de picarme pero es que solo apareces y sueltas la imbecilidad de turno cuando el stock cae...
Cuando sube te callas como una meretriz... yo solo sigo al dinero. Tu solo eres uno que va de Divo
pero que nunca se moja. Así es dificil valorarte.

Este es nuestro ejecutivo de WMIH que va a saber sacar tajada a los NOL´s mediante el SPAV (Special Acquisition Vehicle): ¿Crees que este señor se dedica a perder su tiempo?

Tagar Olson, Member and Head of KKR's Financial Services team stated, "As a firm that invests across a wide range of asset classes, we think KKR is well-positioned to serve as a long-term aligned capital partner to the Company. We are looking forward to being a strategic investor in WMI as the Company grows and diversifies its platform in the coming years. We believe there is a compelling opportunity to help build shareholder value as a significant investor alongside WMI's existing shareholders."

Su perfil:
TAGAR C. OLSON (New York) is a Member and Head of KKR's Financial Services industry team within KKR's Private Equity platform. Mr. Olson joined KKR in 2002 and has played a significant role in the investments in Alliant Insurance Services, Santander Consumer USA, First Data Corporation, KKR Debt Investors, Legg Mason, Visant, Capmark, KSL Holdings, KSL Recreation, Masonite, and Yellow Pages Group. Currently, he is on the board of directors of Alliant Insurance Services, Santander Consumer USA, First Data and Visant. Prior to joining KKR, Mr. Olson was with Evercore Partners Inc., where he was involved in a number of private equity transactions and mergers and acquisitions. He holds a B.S. and B.A.S., summa cum laude, from the University of Pennsylvania.

He buscado Evercore Partners EVR
Si conseguimos nuestra capitalización de $2 Billones,sus numeros parecen interesantes para nosotros. Alliant podria ser otra candidata de fusión.