
Farmas USA

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Farmas USA
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Farmas USA
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Re: Farmas USA

Muy buena esta interpretacion del Precio Objetivo de Wedbush sobre NVAX.

La new de Webbush ( )

De un forero usano. Para quien le interese.


So how exactly did Wedbush come up with their $10/share price target?

They gave us three key inputs:

(1) A Revenue model derivation,

(2) A year 2022 Future Value, and

(3) A discount factor of 25% applied over a 7-year period.

For starters, let's peg their 2015 Present Value estimate. I was informed by Management that only 20 of the potential 24M shares from the Company's Stock Option Plan have been issued. So today, the Company's fully-diluted outstanding shares are 258M, not the 262M I used in a previous illustration. So Wedbush is saying that NVAX will have a PV (Year 2015) of $2.58B.

But to get that number, they are saying that NVAX will not realize normalized "run-rate" revenues until the Year 2022. They multiplied that revenue times a factor to get a Future Value. Then they took that FV and discounted it at an enormous 25%/year for seven years to arrive at their PV estimate of $2.58B.

Wedbush came up with a FV in the year 2022 of $12.302B. (This number divided by 258M shares is the $47.68 Jack alluded to in a previous post.) So what would happen if we made two simple adjustments to THEIR model? The two adjustments I have in mind are: (1) Use the Year 2020 for the revenue run-rate (I believe Year 2022 for this purpose is unreasonable), and (2) Apply a 20% discount factor. (I believe the 25% factor applied by Wedbush is WAY over the top and suggests a risk level that is not appropriate here.)

By making these two small adjustments to THEIR model, it causes the Year 2015 PV to rise to $4.944B from $2.58B. That increases their target price from $10/share in 2015 to $19.16/share. Wedbush knows of course that some of their key assumptions are way to conservative. But they also know its too early in the game to come out with a $20 price target. I believe they won't come out with that target until June, 2015.





Re: Farmas USA

Ana sucede más eso cuando hacemos un seguimiento exhaustivo del AF y caemos en el mismo estado mental de la primera fase del luto donde-Es verdad pero no me lo creo" y vemos la acción caer y caer pero nos congelamos frente a,la pantalla, el AF nos ha ilusionado tanto,..... a muchos le pasó lo mismo el 11 /S, personalmente he tenido 2 veces esa ex experiencia con 2 a las que tambien les hice mxo AF
Lee aquí La creencia limitante"


Re: Farmas USA

Y no nombran a HEB! Que poca vergüenza!


Re: Farmas USA


Conclusión del artículo de SA: no tiene pies ni cabeza pero con suerte nos dará oportunidad de entrada. Al loro hoy.

«Después de nada, o después de todo/ supe que todo no era más que nada.»

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