
No matter how much it can hurt

7 respuestas
No matter how much it can hurt
No matter how much it can hurt

No matter how much it can hurt

The Constitutional Court has denied the appeal filed six years ago by two young fromGirona convicted burned pictures of the kings of Spain in 2007. Jaume Roure and Enric Stern was accused of a crime of insults to Crown and the Spanish National Court imposed a fine of 2,730 euros. The incident took place during a rally royalist held in Red Square in the capital of Girona.

With this verdict the high court has decided today that the two youths were not violating any fundamental right time to impose sanctions and, therefore, the conviction by the Audiencia Nacional 's 2008 is correct.

In this regard, however, the defense lawyer Benedict Salellas, Digital Nation explained that the sentence has a dissent signed by four of the twelve judges, "who believe that the sentence was violating freedom of expression" Oak and Stern. This is, in fact, what the lawyer and the accused have always maintained.

Salellas believes that this resolution has come at a time of "questioning the monarchy," to make clear that freedom of expression is "very close" when it is related to this institution. "The ruling sets a precedent contrary to the rights and political freedoms," said the lawyer, "because they understand freedom of speech as something very small, and this is not characteristic of a democratic state."

For these events, which took place in 2007, came to the prosecutor requested a sentence of one year and three months in prison, substituted by a fine of 5,400 euros for each of the defendants. The National Court judge, Jose Maria Vazquez Honrubia, it changed them to reduce the amount payable to 2,730 euros. The defendants now appeal the case to bet on European Court of Human Rights.


Re: No matter how much it can hurt

Unionists claim the Spanish Constitution of 1978. It seems often attributed decades of peace and prosperity that we have had from 78. It is interesting hypothesis, but without much empirical support. In general it is risky to ascribe things like "peace" and "prosperity" in a legal document as the Constitution of the constitution 78. What would have been possible civil war or poverty? I do not ever explained. One thing that is easy to attribute to a constitution, however, is the quality of the institutions created. And here the shoddy state of the autonomies and permanent internal battle. There are things like our unionist and am very much more reasonable to attribute this to the constitution than the famous peace and prosperity.

One possibility is that the unionists in the background are perfectly aware of the magnitude of the mess and keep saying that wonders strategic calculation. Better this mess may think, rather than risking to break Spain. It is possible, but do not believe it. There seems to consider it a simple lesser evil.

In short, any serious unionist should recognize that the constitution is the problem and stop giving Tabarro all day with their mysterious virtues.


Re: No matter how much it can hurt

Messages PP are insults to the intelligence and some heavenly music for his acolytes and supporters. Its inability and its distorted litany tired and bored (not just me repeat, I made the Sanxia), but demonstrate his inability to act and resolve territorial conflicts democratically. They have a Spanish political map drawn on their ideas, where Catalonia is a region of Spain, Aragon and La Mancha, and any project in the opposite direction and displaces offends and respond exabrupto tics and authoritarian and dictatorial . We shut up and swallow because this is the desire of the majority of Spaniards and like most is the boss, because they have every right to crush minorities. We shut up and do as we are gradually disappearing as a people because it is their sovereign will, may not know that Catalonia have sausage of pajés.


Re: No matter how much it can hurt

Not taking into account the origin of the law in a territory at all times is cheating. During the Franco dictatorship, the right of association was nonexistent because going against the law and join a political party or a trade union was illegal, the right meeting it was also, as freedom of expression, demonstration or the right to strike precisely because they were against the law. It was under this law after they took refuge Capps undemocratic dictatorship. Now that basic individual rights are recognized, but not groups, the Catalan people is prevented to advance the process of national emancipation because it is illegal, according to the Spanish constitution. I might need to recall the origins of the current Spanish institutional system: a monarchy named a dictator and said the constitution was made at a disadvantage by the parties of democratic tradition, under the watchful eye of the military " Fathers of the Constitution ", also, in some fundamental articles.


Re: No matter how much it can hurt

abel Pantoja tendría que haber regresado este miércoles día 5 de agosto a la cárcel de Alcalá de Guadaíra tras finalizar su segundo permiso penitenciario, aunque no lo ha hecho ya que ingresó la noche del martes en el hospital sevillano Infanta Luisa para tratar sus problemas con el azúcar. La intérprete ha sido hospitalizada para ser sometida a algunas pruebas relacionadas con la diabetes que padece. Todo apunta a que la tonadillera premanecerá en el centro médico al menos hasta el jueves y que un día después volverá a la cárcel.

Hasta el hospital la han acompañado su sobrina Anabel - a la que se ha visto en las inmediaciones con el gesto muy serio- y sus hermanos Agustín y Bernardo, que aseguró que la cantante 'está mejor', sin querer especificar más al respecto. Dos policiales nacionales custodian la habitación en la que se encuentra la tonadillera.

Dado que la cantante tenía que haber regresado a la cárcel este miércoles a las 11:00 horas, el juzgado de vigilancia penitenciaria 11 de Sevilla ha pedido al centro sanitario las pruebas médicas que le están realizando. Este ingreso se produce sólo un día después de que se supiera que Julián Muñoz, su expareja, ha obtenido el tercer grado debido a sus problemas de salud.

Julián Muñoz consigue el tercer grado penitenciario por padecer una grave enfermedad

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