
Comprar vivienda con Solvia

2 respuestas
Comprar vivienda con Solvia
Comprar vivienda con Solvia

Comprar vivienda con Solvia


Quierio sabe que gastos debe pagar con solvia?
si un piso costa 64 000 cuanto son gastos y documentos que debe pagar.
Son riesgos comprar con esta agencia? porfavor necesito ajuda si algo hablar ingles  sera mejor para explicarme  mejor.

tb en espanol. 

gracias anticipado


Re: Comprar vivienda con Solvia


It would be best if you seek professional advice. It is dangerous to "go on an adventure" when conveyancing and real estate are concerned.

You may start by contacting your nearest notary office, which you can find here:

Re: Comprar vivienda con Solvia


thank u for your advice, I know  is dangerous to buy an apt without  a support and advice from a professional person. but is not easy to find an honest  lawyer  in Alicante need to check his her references i know is very dangerous to go there to buy an apt without protection and support.All real estate agents are waiting to get more money and profit form inexperienced buyers..

thank u again for your honest opinion.