

Se registró el 12/06/2012
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lorenalberfer83 12/06/12 14:07
Ha respondido al tema Timo con el alquiler y cuentas Western Union
Os quiero contar mi caso q se esta produciendo ahora mismo. De hecho os reproduzco la conversación q estoy teniendo por skype con esa persona. Os dejo su email para que si os pasa tengais cuidado: [email protected] Skype name: juliane-of-god dice q tiene 29 años y q es una chica. primero me pregunta cosas sobre mi y luego: [13:06:34] Petra Juliane: yes [13:06:55] Petra Juliane: there is a simple terms and condition attached to my flat viewing and if its okay with you then i canshow you the flat [13:07:00] Petra Juliane: but if not.. i cant show you the flat [13:07:01] Petra Juliane: ok? [13:07:34] lorenalberfer83: ok [13:07:43] lorenalberfer83: what is it? [13:10:43] Petra Juliane: due to my recent experience in the hand of an Finland girl who shows interested in my flat and ask me for a viewing which i gladly offer her an invitation to come to my flat. Unknown to me... this girl came to rob me... she took away alot of valuable things in my flat and also my jewelry with all my savings and went away without any trace. I informed the Authority but they couldn't do anything to get my things back till now. Due to my previous bad experience about flat viewing so i decide that before i can show the flat to anyone then i will be sure that the person is capable to pay for the flat and that the person is buoyant and serious about the flat and not just some thief who needed money and wants to rob me of my savings or my body. below i explain for you how you will provide me the needed proof. THIS IS HOW TO GET ME THE PROOF below i explain for you how you will provide me the proof without any risk.. You will need to ask your Parent or Friend in your country to help you secure the money for the Security deposit and 1month rent to your name and forward me the proof. You will need to ask your Friend or Parent to go to the nearest post office close to them and when they gets there... they will ask of the western union agency and the agency will give them a slip to fill and inside the slip... this is what your Parent or Friend will write inside it: SENDER'S NAME:YOUR PARENT OR FRIEND'S NAME RECEIVER OF MONEY NAME: YOUR NAME SENDER'S ADDRESS: YOUR PARENT OR FRIEND"S ADDRESS RECEIVER'S ADDRESS: LONDON AMOUNT: SECURITY DEPOSIT WITH 1 MONTH RENT once this is done..the agency will give your friend or Parent a receipt and you will need to send it to me so i can verify it. I shall contact the agency here to confirm if any money was secured to your name by your parent or friend that you were suppose to come and pick up and use to pay me on the day of viewing and once the agency confirmed it to me that the receipt is valid then i will be able to show you the flat Thursday 5pm... Since your name is the Receive's name then you are the one that will pick up the money once you have seen my flat and pay me in cash after you have viewed my flat and you decided to rent it About the transfer charge...i shall refund the transfer charge back to you when you come for viewing or you can deduct it from the rent if you wish...ok I waits for your containing the receipt tomorrow morning if you are truely serious about my flat and to assure me that you are capable to pay for the flat. NB: I advise you to ask your parent to act fast about this cause without the proof then i will not be able show you the flat.... [13:28:14] lorenal: Sorry but I don't understand why I have to do this before I rent the flat, I only want to see it, with you of course, I am not goig to steal anything, you come with me, I see the flat, and if both of us are agree we make the deal, but this thing about western union it's the first time somebody ask me and I don't know how it works [13:28:36] lorenalbe: I will give you a month in advance for sure but first I have to see the flat and we have to make the deal [13:28:58] Petra Juliane: am sorry dear [13:29:06] Petra Juliane: but the condition cant be changed [13:30:18] lorena: This is the first time that somebody ask for something like this, isn't it enough a month in advance?? How can I steal anything if you are with me??? [13:31:27] Petra Juliane: if you truly want the room then contact your parents to do it for you [13:31:35] lorenalb: sorry but i don´t trust in you and it´s no a rip-off [13:31:37] Petra Juliane: since it will only take them 20mins to do it [13:33:04] lorenalb: [13:31] lorena: <<< sorry but i don´t trust in you and it´s no a rip-off [13:33:28] lorenalbe: i´m interestes in rent a flat but no unknowed people rob me [13:33:36] lorenalbe: i don´t have any detail about you [13:34:36] lorenalbe: because i don´t understand, you have the money or the paper said i have that money? [13:34:43] Petra Juliane: if you want... i can send you a copy of my passport so you can have details about me but if you cant accept the condition then i cant show you the flat or meet with you [13:34:50] lorenalbe: i can give you other details [13:34:51] Petra Juliane: our family lawyer advised me against it [13:34:53] Petra Juliane: ok? [13:39:39] lorenalbe: sorry, but i don´t know how is working wester union and i don´t want to fall in a rip-off [13:39:46] lorenalber: it´s really cheaper flat [13:40:37] Petra Juliane: its alright maybe you should find another flat if you cant do it [13:40:39] Petra Juliane: ok? [13:42:07] lorenalbe: i have to think about that and pick up information about that, if im interested in that again i let you know [13:42:15] lorenalber: thanks Petra Juliane
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