
Nazi Conference in Barcelona

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Nazi Conference in Barcelona
Nazi Conference in Barcelona

Nazi Conference in Barcelona

The European Library of Barcelona will host the conference of the member of a small group of right-wing armed eighties
Jose Antonio Lopez Larrea was provincial secretary in Valencia Frente Nacional de la Juventud, an organization of the extreme right who commit robberies, assaults and attacks with fatalities. Saturday will give a lecture at the Bookstore Europe
"The Spanish Transition viewd by losers," this is the title of the lecture that the right-wing, Juan Antonio Lopez Larrea, will deliver on Saturday 14 November at noon in Europe bookshop in Barcelona. This establishment, located at number twelve Seneca street of Vila de Gràcia, more than two decades working as a center for disseminating Nazi ideas of skeptics and advocates of the Third Reich and its leader, Adolf Hitler.
Little served the 455 days he spent in jail Brians And the owner of the bookstore, the historic neo-Nazi Pedro Varela, condemned by Holocaust justification and released again since March 2012. Despite the social pressure by numerous protests in recent years, these low to touch the Passeig de Gracia continue their proselytizing activities.
The event had little to avoid spreading protests and the intervention of the Prosecutor of hatred and dicriminació
This time Lopez will Larrea, former secretary of the provincial Frente Nacional de la Juventud (FNJ) to Valencia, the speaker for a private event that has had little to avoid spreading protests and the intervention of the special prosecutor and hate crimes discrimination. Lopez Larrea was a member during the first half of the eighties, this small group of extreme-right split of the youth of Fuerza Nueva (FN) party led by the late nacionalcatolicista and fascist Blas Piñar. After several police operations against JNF and the Frente de la Juventud (FJ) party resulting from this first union with another small group split from FN was prosecuted and imprisoned the Spanish Audiencia Nacional in short periods of time .
Three decades later reappear in Barcelona as we did for the last time in Valencia in January this year. Then Larrea was the convening of a concentration Islamophobic and anti-Semitic, just after the attack against the French publication Charlie Hebdo.
In January 1981, a large police operation in Valencia and Madrid ended with the arrests of 27 members of extreme-right members of the FNJ. As a result of searches at the headquarters of the organization and private residences in the capital of the state, police seized ten pistols, a machine gun, numerous ammunition, explosives, incendiary bombs and hand grenades. While in Madrid Thirteen arrests were made in Valencia were arrested fourteen people, among which Juan Antonio Lopez Larrea, provincial secretary of the organization. Police found numerous records made in the city of Valencia three pistols, two revolvers, a rifle, abundant ammunition, machetes, handcuffs and flammable material. The police attributed to Larrea and his subordinates six robberies -to create bottom of the organization-, two bars and shooting attacks against leftist militants, among other acts constituting a crime.
Less than seven months after his arrest, Larrea was released on bail on 4 August 1981. He left the Model Prison in Valencia following the same fate as the rest of the fourteen detainees who evade detention during the same period.
Nearly four years after the coup against the JNF police on 22 October 1984 began at the High Court trial against 33 party members, among whom was Lopez Larrea. All hoped the subpoena on probation and six did not appear in court, including the main leaders of the group, either during the operation were not detained by police and subsequently fled or were declared "in rebellion. " One of the escapees was president of FNJ and former leader of Fuerza Nueva, Jose de las Heras Hurtado, who in January of the same year had been declared "search and arrest" after not appearing in another trial against him and three people, accused of two murders and bombings against twelve of their social groups and libraries, some of which resulted in deaths and injuries of varying degrees.
Lopez Larrea in a ceremony accompanied by the leader of the National Alliance, Pedro Pablo Peña, the left image
However, the alleged crimes that finally led to the dock during this process is confined to the period between general elections of 1979 and 1981. The most remarkable facts imputed to them were several robberies Madrid and Valencia and launching Molotov cocktails at a bar in the latter city. The prosecutor asked for the defendants sentences of between three months and 46 years in prison, one of the highest demands directed against Larrea, which added a total of 28 years of imprisonment.
Fifteen days after the start of the macro-trial of the Audiencia Nacional, the first section of the Criminal Chamber of the court condemned 31 of the accused to a calculation of 84 years, seven months and 11 days imprisonment plus various fines and compensation. The sentence those convicted of a total of twenty crimes of robbery, one injury and one injury. However, five were acquitted of robbery and unlawful possession of weapons.
Surprisingly, the same ruling confirmed the provisional freedom enjoyed by all except one convicted, released from prison immediately. But they go beyond judges, raising the state government a proposal for eight convicts could qualify for a pardon, apart from the prosecutor requested a report on the implementation of the conditional remission penalties not exceeding one year. The ruling confirmed their integration into the FNJ but the court said that "the process have terminated his previous criminal behavior and have shown that renounce violent means."
Only twenty months had to go back to see Jose Antonio Lopez Larrea, 24-year-old back to the Audiencia Nacional. In late July 1986, Larrea and two youths of FNJ, was sentenced to seven months in prison and another two months to only a minor at the time of the facts. The authors consider the verdict an attack on a bar in Valencia, in retaliation against leftist youth, when confirming the leadership in the province of Larrea and two other convicts granted the category of "any militia "and" squad leader ".
Lopez Larrea in a conference organized by right-wing student union Student Response
The sentence considered proven that participated along with four processed more than twenty young people- the assault in a bar "believed that young people gathered opposite ideology." Went to the establishment armed with batons, punches and sticks, of which they used to break the glass and hit the clientele. Even some assailants fired shots but the judges did not consider that they had been tested themselves or that "their consent." Two young men who were wounded in the bar and the restaurant suffered serious damage.
AThe far-right of the eighties are reorganizing and promoting partnership In Memoriam Juan Ignacio Gonzalez, who named who was national secretary of the FJ. Their leader was killed on 12 December 1980 at the gates of his house, but many years after the crime still being clarified.
However, the last public appearance noticeable scale Jose Antonio Lopez Larrea was again last January in the city of Valencia. Larrea was calling for a rally in front of the mosque of the city advertised with the slogan "Stop the invasion," just a few days after the fatal attack against wording of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.
The result of the pressure of Action Against Impunity, the delegation of the Spanish government forced the organizers to change the location, time and theme of the call. However, Larrea was laid before the media as a "European patriot" and continued the ceremony announcing the -obviant prohibició- social networks Islamophobia and anti-Semitic slogans, according to the group reporting.
Finally the concentration was held on Friday 30 September at the Town Hall Square with the slogan "Jihad against Valencia" and supported España 2000 footwork and Social Republican Party (MSR). Dozens of people responded to the call and they ignored the order not carrying posters protesting against Islam Islamophobic and anti-Semitic content. The same Larrea said "we have already complied with that parody called" while they uttered chants like "jihad against the capital", "Spain cristina never Muslim" or "yihadista, terrorist." The participants used the banners that had prohibited the Government Office among which was the largest "Stop Islamic invasion."


Re: Nazi Conference in Barcelona

Los verdaderos golpistas están sentados en el parlament catalán, 72 para ser mas exactos.


Re: Nazi Conference in Barcelona

A large team of the Autonomous Police of Catalonia at the morning controlled the area where is the Bookstore Europe. Undercover agents and a dozen vans of riot police Mobile Brigade (Brim) and the Department of Operational Resources (rice) from Barcelonès, was deployed to the south of Vila de Gràcia to protect this center dissemination of ideas deniers and defending the Nazi Third Reich.

At noon on this past Saturday the bookstore, owned by convicted Holocaust justification, Pedro Varela, had scheduled a conference titled "The Spanish Transition view by the losers." The organization had little diffusion not jeopardize the holding of the event because of a hypothetical intervention of the Special Prosecutor hate crimes and discrimination, which ultimately has not occurred or the usual protests antifascists against such acts. The speaker was Juan Antonio Lopez Larrea, former secretary of the provincial Frente Nacional de Valencia Joventud (FNJ), an organization of the extreme right who commit robberies, assaults and attacks with fatalities during the eighties. Finally, the right-wing act has been carried out between tight security, using the legal framework under which such activities to be held in a local privately owned.

The fascists who wanted to approach this morning in Europe have done Bookstore across the street where they could access Minerva through the Diagonal. On the same street, two crossings of the lower part of Passeig de Gracia, had six vans Brim plainclothes agents of the Mossos d'Esquadra that facilitated the arrival at the premises located at 12th Street Seneca. This road has been cut all morning pedestrian traffic in the section between the streets of San Miguel Riera and Minerva. Three vans ARRO plug and access over the Brim with a digital panoramic camera installed on the roof of the vehicle, recording images of the peripheral zone.

From quarter to twelve in the morning, the protesters called for Unity Against Fascism and Racism (UCFR) and Platform Antifascist started to get on top of Passeig de Gracia. Past midnight, sixty antifascists ripped shouting chants such as "fascists out of our neighborhoods" and have cut off traffic in front of the police cordon located a few meters from the place where the act of extreme right began. People have concentrated castigated the intimidating presence of the police, which had agents armed with a submachine gun ammunition, as well as protection of the conference.

The banners bearing the slogans Lluis fascist "Europe Bookstore embarrassment Barcelona" with a swastika scratched and 'always with you, always fascist "with the faces of Carlos Palomino and Lucrecia Perez, killed by members of the extreme right a month November now for 23 and eight years respectively. It has also deployed a banner signed by UCFR that read "for coexistence in diversity." Shouting "you fascists are the terrorists" and "close, close, Bookshop Europe 'concentration has been extended until past half past one o'clock when it has been called off while police maintained the device.