
to break the fascist barrier between Valencia and Catalonia

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to break the fascist barrier between Valencia and Catalonia
To break the fascist barrier between Valencia and Catalonia

to break the fascist barrier between Valencia and Catalonia

Ximo Puig, President of the Generalitat Valenciana, committed to "break the barrier" that has existed between Catalonia and Valencia for the past 20 years, Puig said that "what happens in Catalonia we are not indifferent and we are concerned" and committed to "continue to work together and do everything possible to harmonize relations."

Regarding the Catalan process, Puig said that "the president Mas knows that he does not think so," but showed respect for "the chosen way." In this regard, referring to the letter of Felipe González,( Gal boss), the president of Valencia called a "space of non-aggression" and criticized the errors of the Putrid Party (PP), as the resolution of the Constitutional Court: "The PP has been generating tension permanently Catalonia and the response has been increased independence. " However, Gonzalez said that "could have an important role in the Catalan question."

Ximo Puig also expressed the need for a change "profound" in Spain and, in the next general elections, "we must consider constitutional reform." The Valencian president has said that we are in an "asymmetrical and uneven" and that the country proposed by groups such as PP and C's "impossible." He also regretted that the government of the PP in Valencia the last 20 years "has drowned citizens" and made a "disgrace still affects us."