
Alicante finally recognized the memory of Miguel Grau

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Alicante finally recognized the memory of Miguel Grau
Alicante finally recognized the memory of Miguel Grau

Alicante finally recognized the memory of Miguel Grau

The council announced that it will dedicate a street to Miguel Grau militant of Moviment Comunista del Pais Valencià killed in 1977 when hanging posters calling for diada was merdered by the francoist terrorists.

The memory of Miguel Grau will finally be restituted in Alicante. The city council has approved granting the militant Communist Movement of Valencia's murder in 1977, the Gold Medal of the city posthumously. Also will name his name a street in the city.

Miguel Grau was killed in 1977 when pasted posters calling for it would be the first legal Day on 9 October. The six October Grau received a blow with a stone thrown from a balcony and died ten days later at the hospital as a result of wounds received for that impact. His killer, M. Baker, was convicted of manslaughter but the government of the UCD pardoned to criminal currently working solicitor in court.

Burial Grau constituted a demonstration of mourning thousands of people accompanying the coffin, which was seized by police.

The death of Miguel Grau shook policy Valencia, making it a symbol of the Valencian and left. In its report the group Al Tall composed the song ' to Miguel Grau '.